Description: The ENLA mission is to create and sustain a positive academic and social-emotional environment, which enables all young people in our care to develop the skills necessary to thrive globally, but serve locally.
Imagine an alternative to traditional infant, day and after school care that not only met your child care needs, but also provided an activity based learning environment that mirrors those used at colleges, universities and vocational centers around the nation. The staff is professional care givers with the credentials to not only enhance your child's early social and motor skills, but to also teach them advanced studies in the arts and sciences found at institutions of higher learning. A collegiate-based curriculum tailored specifically for children, taught in a fun, nurturing care giving environment.
ENLA is that alternative, comprehensive educational facility exclusively for infants to 5 years. The Academy dedicates its efforts and resources toward ensuring top-rated care giving services coupled with a high-quality activity based learning environment tailored for children in these age groups. The Academy will respond to the needs of its parents and students with excellent care-giving and instruction, an advanced curriculum, flexible programs, local community involvement and business partnerships.
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this is an excellent daycare center. My son went here at the age of 5 months and is currently enrolled in the center. they have the best care to me. I was kind of nervous to putting my little baby in school. this was the first and last school i looked into