Parents agonize over the decision to leave their child in another person's care when they go to work. Thousands of choices for child care abound from preschools to institutional day care facilities. A more intimate option is a home daycare, also called family daycare. These take place inside homes rather than businesses, and more closely resemble play groups of other young children from the surrounding neighborhood. Unlike commercial centers or preschools, home child care offers a smaller child to "teacher" ratio, enabling each child to receive the highest level of care possible without his parents. has a listing of over 114,723 home daycares, with about 10 new providers added to our database daily. Feel free to use the Home Daycare Search box on the page to find the perfect child care solution for you!
When researching whether to place a child with a home daycare, the parents should check their state's guidelines governing the licensing of family daycare providers. Not all states require the providers to hold a license, and some states only require a license for providers caring for six or more children. Looking into the state's regulations and then following up by researching the credentials of the home child care provider will ensure the safety of the child.
Parents should also know that many family daycare providers participate in state subsidies program which can make paying for the cost easier for those short on funds. Find out more information about covering the costs of preschool or early child care by reading both articles: Child Care Assistance Programs and Appy for Child Care Assistance.
We offer a family and friendly environment so that your children feel happy while they are in our care. We accept different types of programs and also Private payment. Snaks, Lunch and Dinner provided...
Researching the licensing guidelines in your state and learning state regulations as they apply to home daycare businesses aren't the only preparation you'll need before starting an in-home daycare. Y...
CONSIDER THE BENEFITS Are you looking for a simple, inexpensive, creative, and educationally rich activity for young children? Sensory bins help children develop a wide variety of important...
Creating an outdoor play space for children is an important part of starting an in-home daycare business, but it's equally important for small business owners to understand common playground risks in ...