Apply for Childcare Assistance Programs

One of the biggest challenges parents face is finding affordable child care. It is usually incredibly expensive, often forcing parents to make some very difficult choices. Even for those who can afford it, quality daycare centers often have long waiting lists, so good care can be hard to come by.

If you find yourself in need of child care assistance and you qualify for government subsidy programs, you need to know how to apply and get the help you need.

Federally, Head Start and Early Head Start are programs that exist to help children under the age of five prepare for school. To enroll, you should contact the staff at your local Head Start office. They will give you all of the necessary information required, including what paperwork you need to complete the application. To find an office located in your community, call 1-866-763-6481, or visit Head Start Programs.

Your child care assistance options at the state level may vary, depending on where you live. If you need to apply for state-subsidized aid, you should contact the state government agency in charge of administering the assistance program. In many cases, this is the Department of Human Services or a similar agency. To find the proper entity in your state, visit the National Child Care Information Center website.

In addition to federal and state aid, you may also qualify for local assistance through your town, city or county government. To find out more, visit a local social worker and ask about opportunities for affordable child care. You should also check the websites of your local municipalities, which almost always have information on the programs you need. allows parents looking for quality, subsidized childcare locations to search a complete directory of providers at no cost. The site features reviews from other parents, as well as contact information for local referral resources so parents can find places to get additional information in their respective counties.

26 thoughts on “Apply for Childcare Assistance Programs

  1. Hello I have two younger children and am in need for child care assistance for the summer so that I can go to work.

  2. Hello I would like more information on after school program assistance for a 7 yr old and I also have a 2 yr old, I am a single mother with single income, and guidance would be appreciated.

  3. Hello. I would like more information on childcare assistance in florida that will cover a 7 month old. Thanks!

  4. Hey,
    Thanks so much for this post. Childcare assistance programs are such a great resource for people who need the extra help. I’m so glad that there is a place providing help and information.

  5. I am needing help with finding either a daycare or baby sitter to help with before and after school with my daughter.. I leave my house Monday thru friday at 5am for work and get home at 5pm mon-thur and 3pm on Fridays. We live in new Brockton if anybody knows any place that can help please let me know. Also we live in new Brockton alabama

  6. I would like information on child care assistance for my 8 year old and my 3 year old Im a single mother and I dont make a lot of money

  7. Hi. I need your help. I have a two year old son, Gabriel who needs to be in daycare. He doesn’t talk yet and needs to be with children for interaction.
    I am waiting on Care4kids to get back to me. Please contact me at 12034145831

  8. Hello, I am in desperate need in getting child care assistance. I am a mother of one baby girl who is 15 months old and I need to start working in the mornings again and I just really want to get her into daycare. somewhere clean, very careful with children and a place that will take good care of her while I’m working. I just a worried first time momma that’s scared to let her baby go to daycare without me there but I have to do it eventually right! Hah please please help me.

  9. Hello,
    I would like more information. I am a single mom that need help with child care for my 14 month son. My email is Can you please send me all the information i need to qualify. Thank you so much

  10. I’m interested in applying can you tell me more about the child care assistance? I got a 1 n half year old

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