What Are the Duties of a Volunteer at Daycare Center?

You can study essays on child development or read literature on parenting as much as you like, but the theory is never equal to practice. If you have the opportunity and time to volunteer in the daycare center, you have the chance to change the lives of children for the better. Of course, this type of activity requires dedication and lots of hard work, but it rewards people who enjoy socializing with children and guiding them as they grow up and learn. Volunteers in daycare centers usually have a wide range of responsibilities. This includes helping the head of the center, the caretaker, or the teacher. Today, we are going to take a closer look at the main duties of a volunteer.

Who Can Become a Volunteer at Daycare Centers?

In most cases, a volunteer must be over 18 years old. The perfect candidate for this position will be a sociable and friendly person who has a basic knowledge of upbringing. You must keep in mind that this voluntary position requires lots of physical activity. Here are some of the core expectations for a candidate:

  • The experience and ability to interact with children from zero to five years old;
  • Awareness of age-compliant activities for children of the specific age group;
  • Developed soft skills;
  • Excellent communication skills with the ability to listen to others;
  • An ability to make sure that everyone is engaged in the activities. Devote your time to all the children, not neglecting anyone;
  • Awareness of how to work safely, protect children and families;
  • An understanding of the importance of confidentiality for yourself and others;
  • An ability to resolve conflicts among children of different age groups.

Responsibilities of a Volunteer at a Daycare Center

Generally, volunteers assist in all aspects of the working process of a daycare center. People without any education or training can do basic tasks, while those with experience in teaching can be involved in lessons. Now, let’s review all the duties in more detail.

Basic Childcare

The basic child-care is the main function of a daycare center volunteer. A considerable part of the volunteer’s time is devoted to watching children and ensuring their safety and well-being during their activities. Most volunteers need to know the fundamentals of first aid and CPR and be able to help administrators in case of an emergency. Volunteers’ work usually requires the ability to listen to children, provide them with comfort when necessary, and resolve minor arguments and conflicts. Often, volunteers help with the preparation and serving of food as well as cleaning up afterward.

Organizing Educational and Entertaining Events

Positive emotions and bright holidays with animators and a variety of entertainment is a great opportunity to have fun with children. These can be both themed festivals and educational quests dedicated to historical and memorable events. What’s more, you can simply organize a quiz or lesson in a gaming form for the kids. Keep in mind that this requires prior agreement with the daycare center’s management and approval of your program. You should also keep in mind that your activities must be appropriate for a particular age group.

Back Office Support

In addition to helping with children, assistance from volunteers is often required for administrative tasks such as working with computers, documentation or answering phone calls. Remember that working in a daycare center is also a whole range of paperwork and reporting. In some cases, you may be able to help significantly with accounting, scheduling, daily notes, and possibly communication with parents. Volunteers must remain confidential about families and other workers or volunteers. Talk to the daycare center administration and ask what kind of help they need. Perhaps they do not have the funding or ability to develop a website or do a redesign.


Games are an important activity for children. With the game, kids learn to communicate with each other, share, tell, and control their feelings and emotions. Moreover, during the game, they develop the skills of verbal and non-verbal communication. Education in the form of a game also promotes fine motor skills and self-confidence. Volunteers should take into account the age of children and choose appropriate activities. It is logical that you will not be able to play smart educational games and dance Macarena with infants. However, for children under five years old, there is a wide range of activities such as arts and crafts, reading, writing, singing, dancing, playing games, and arranging theatrical performances.

Creating the Environment

Without a doubt, children are the most important aspect of volunteer work in daycare centers. However, creating and maintaining a safe, friendly, and favorable environment is another important aspect of their work. Volunteers must be attentive to ensure that all toys and equipment are safe, clean, and in good working condition. They must also report issues to administrators or maintenance staff. Volunteers generally store supplies and assist in cleaning classrooms or playgrounds. Helping children to collect toys is an inevitable daily task.

2 thoughts on “What Are the Duties of a Volunteer at Daycare Center?

  1. Thanks for explaining that I should also look for back office support when planning to find the right children’s daycare center. I want to look for a good one soon because I’m planning to help a friend take better care of her child. She has a part-time job now so there will be times when she wouldn’t be able to focus on parenting.

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