17 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Home Daycare

It’s hard to imagine anything being more important than knowing that the little ones you treasure most in the world are in good hands.
Finding the right daycare is seldom easy and should never be taken lightly. Don’t skimp or assume. Exercise due diligence, be thorough in your research, and pay attention to any red flags (and even your gut instincts).
Don’t let yourself feel guilty about having high standards and strict expectations. When deciding who you trust to care for your children, it’s far better to be too picky than too lax. Nothing should come before your child’s happiness and wellbeing.
But what’s the first step parents should take? Well, you need to know exactly who you’ll be putting in charge of your children, and part of that process is the in-person interview. Arrange to sit down and have a chat with the staff.
Okay, so you’ve set a date for the interview. What should you actually ask them? Lots of things. More than likely you’ve thought of a few dealbreakers already, but here are some more ideas to make sure you know everything you need to know in order to make an informed decision on whether this home daycare provider is qualified to help you.
18. Make sure your provider teaches facts and reason and not indoctrinate and lie to children using ancient myths and superstition. Religion is easy. Little mental work is required. It largely based on authority–either the written authority of the Bible, or more often, the authority of religious figures and parents. Little investigation is needed. You just buy it. Children are indoctrinated when their minds are still like wet clay.
With science, it takes years of study. Parents don’t teach it usually. And schools do a lousy job of teaching it. Most people don’t even understand how the scientific method works. Science takes a lot of mental work. You have to be able to push aside your biases and preconceived notions. That’s not easy. By the time a kid has their first lesson in science, often by a teacher who doesn’t understand it herself, they have already been indoctrinated into their religion.
Science usually requires math–which the schools also do a lousy job of teaching. Science involves a lot of uncertainty, and requires the ability to withhold judgement until testing confirms a given proposition, and people lack patience, and want instant gratification, and they want conclusive answers now–not later after the evidence has been collected and tested and peer-reviewed.
So religion asks only for our credulity and obedience–which is easier for us to provide. Science asks us to work, think, do math, suspend judgement, push aside our biases, and be patient–all which are much harder for people.
While working in child care centers I experienced most caregivers/teachers do not have sufficient knowledge in science and mathematics. That says they are not capable of recognizing teachable moments that promote science and mathematics education. For instance,they think a child use an object in a way other than it’s primary use is inappropriate and must be stopped. Once I gave my 8-16 month olds who were sitting around me an empty formula can closed with the lid. They banged it holding with both hands and enjoyed the sound, rolled it on the table and watched it move and lot more. I explained my partner teacher how many new connections are created in little brains and how beneficial it is in child’s future learning maths and science. The next day when I went to the class the empty can was missing and I was assigned ironically to a different class to be trained under a teacher who shows children a picture of a circle drawn in a squire paper to teach circle. I think they couldn’t stand my assertive comments about their poor teaching methods and created a situation made me resigned. But the school boost they are so religious and excellent.
Daycare information is required for children and temporary disabled adults.
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It does make sense to leave your child at a reputable daycare center to ease up your worries as a parent. I heard that my colleague is scared of becoming a father since he might not have enough time for his child. I think this information could give him peace of mind while working on his daily job.
Thanks for also talking about how going for surprise visits can also help gauge a daycare center. I’d like to find one because I plan to help my sister find one for her child. It would be best to get that sorted out before she starts on her new job.