Child Care Resource Library

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Funding Sources for New Childcare Businesses

Starting a childcare business can be the realization of a long-held dream, but a lack of sufficient funding can be an insurmountable obstacle for hopeful business owners.

Forms Childcare Providers Should Keep On File

Working as a childcare provider is a fun and rewarding career, but comes with more responsibilities than simply keeping kids safe and healthy. For caregivers who value their professional reputations, paperwork and proper documentation are an unavoidable responsibility.

Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Daycare Provider

Great daycare providers tend to fill their available slots in fairly short order, which is why it’s so important for parents to start their search early and be prepared in advance. Interviewing a daycare provider provides you with an ideal opportunity to evaluate the establishment and staff, but can be a bit overwhelming, especially for parents with limited daycare experience. Approaching each interview with a premade list of questions ensures that you are prepared for the occasion, and lowers the chances of you forgetting to ask about the issues which are important to you. While it’s likely you’ll want to add your own unique concerns to this list, these are some of the questions you should make a point of asking when interviewing a daycare provider.