Primrose School Of Gilbert At Santan - Gilbert AZ CHILD CARE CENTER

(480) 255-4375

About the Provider

Description: PRIMROSE SCHOOL OF GILBERT AT SANTAN is a CHILD CARE CENTER in GILBERT AZ, with a maximum capacity of 219 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant; Ones; Twos; Three to Five; School-Age. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CDC-17506
  • Capacity: 219
  • Age Range: Infant; Ones; Twos; Three to Five; School-Age
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Current License Issue Date: Apr 01, 2022
  • Current License Expiration Date: Mar 31, 2025
  • District Office: ADHS Division of Licensing Services
  • District Office Phone: (602) 364-2539 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Survey Date Date Corrected Rule/Statute Title
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 article 3 R9-5-304.B.1-9.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyor's observations, it was determined that 3 out of 30 enrolled children's Emergency, Information, and Immunization record cards lacked the following required information: Child #1: The name and contact telephone number of the child's heath care provider. Child #2 and child #3: Date of enrollment.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 article 3 R9-5-309.C.1.2.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyor's observations, it was determined that the licensee lacked a current fire inspection report.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 article 5 R9-5-501.A.12
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, toilet seats were very loose/moveable in the following toilet rooms: Boys' Preschool/Pre-K 2; Girls' Preschool 2/Pre-K 2; Boys' Pre-K 1; Toddler 1.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 Article 5 R9-5-501.C.1.
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, at 8:25 a.m., there was an enrolled preschool-age child (Preschool 2) alone and unsupervised in the girls' toilet room between the Preschool 2 classroom and the Pre-K 2 classroom (Door was closed).
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 article 5 R9-5-501.C.9.a-c.
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, enrolled children's personal products lacked full labeling in the following classrooms: Pathways: * 2 diaper wipe containers were labeled with a first name only and 1 diaper wipe container was labeled with a first name and last initial only. Early Preschool 2: * 2 diaper wipe containers were labeled with a first name only. Toddler 2: * 1 diaper wipe container was labeled with a first name only. Toddler 1: * 3 diaper wipe containers were labeled with a first name only.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 article 5 R9-5-503.A.3.4.
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, the Pathways classroom diaper changing area lacked a soiled clothing container.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 Article 5 R9-5-512.F.9.
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, in the boys' toilet room between Preschool and Pre-K 2, one toilet tank was cracked.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 Article 5 R9-5-516.B.4.a.
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, medication for child #2 was not labeled with the child's name; the medication container lacked a box with a prescription label.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 Article 5 R9-5-516.G.
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, the medication for child #1 was an old medication that had expired on 02-24-2020. This medication had not been returned to the child's parent.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 Article 6 R9-5-603.C.2.
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, the following hazard was accessible to enrolled children in the Preschool outdoor activity area: * There was chipped/missing Stucco at the base of the west wall (north end). There was exposed rough metal and chicken wire where the Stucco was missing.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 Article 6 R9-5-603.H.
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, the Splash pad outdoor activity area lacked a shaded area.
2021-03-11 2021-03-19 Article 6 R9-5-605.B.16.
Findings: Based on the Surveyor's observations, fire extinguishers throughout the facility had not been serviced in the past 12 months; the last service date on the tags was 02/2020.
2020-03-03 2020-03-03 Article 1 ARS 36-883.02.C.1-3.
Findings: Based on Surveyor's observation and a review of staff #5's file, it was determined that the criminal history affidavit form was incomplete. Question #2 was not answered.
2020-03-03 2020-03-03 article 3 R9-5-306.B.1.
Findings: Based on Surveyor's observation, 6 children were present in Room B1 (a 1 year old room) but the roster had the names of 9 children listed as present.
2020-03-03 2020-03-03 article 4 R9-5-401.3.
Findings: Based on a review of the file for staff #5 (a toddler teacher), the file lacked documentation of the staff's level of education and it could not be determined if the staff met the minimum qualifications of a teacher caregiver.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Providers in ZIP Code 85297