Judy Buckler - Mechanicsville MD Registered Family Child Care Home

Allen Road , Mechanicsville MD 20659
(301) 848-0884

About the Provider

Description: Judy Buckler is a Registered Family Child Care Home in Mechanicsville MD, with a maximum capacity of 8 children. The home-based daycare service helps with children in the age range of 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 158005
  • Capacity: 8
  • Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Lettie Marshall Dent Elementary
  • District Office: Region 10 - Southern Maryland Office
  • District Office Phone: (301) 475-3770 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2024-01-22 Mandatory Review 13A.15.05.01E Corrected
Findings: The provider's hot water temperature is registering at 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Please adjust your water heater and forward a photo to the OCC displaying that the hot water temperature is not exceeding 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
2023-02-07 Full 13A.15.03.03A Corrected
Findings: The provider does not have a child discipline policy as part of her parent contract/handbook. Please create a child discipline policy and notify the OCC once each parent has received and acknowledged this addition to the written agreement.
2023-02-07 Full 13A.15.03.03B Corrected
Findings: The provider was unaware that the written record of each day's attendance shall be by verified by the children's parents. Going forward please have the parents verify their child's attendance by providing their initials or signature. This regulation was discussed with the provider during the inspection.
2023-02-07 Full 13A.15.03.04C Corrected
Findings: ST and HL are both one year in age and do not have evidence of receiving a lead blood test. Please have the parents of ST and HL provide you with their child's blood lead test results and forward a copy to the OCC. ST's immunization record does not include her MMR and Varicella vaccinations. Please have the parent of ST provide you with a current immunization record with all the necessary vaccinations and forward a copy to the OCC.
2023-02-07 Full 13A.15.05.06D Corrected
Findings: The OCC highly recommends obtaining a written statement from ST and HL's parents and any other parents of future infants which requests that their children continue to rest/sleep in a Pack 'N Play at one year of age. This regulation was discussed with the provider during the inspection.
2023-02-07 Full 13A.15.05.06F Corrected
Findings: The Licensing Speciaist observed a blanket in a Pack 'N Play and the provider confirmed that the 1 year old child uses it while he sleeps/rests. Soft bedding items including blankets shall not be utilized while an infant is in a Pack 'N Play. Please forward a written statement to the OCC explaining that you understand and will comply with this regulation.
2023-02-07 Full 13A.15.09.01B(6) Corrected
Findings: The provider has not given the parents of the children in care a written screen time policy that addresses the use of passive and interactive technology during child care hours. Please create a written screen time policy and notify the OCC when it has been received by each parent.
2023-02-07 Full 13A.15.10.01A(3) Corrected
Findings: The provider did not practice a fire drill with the children during the month of January. The provider has not practiced a drill twice per year for other emergency and disaster situations. Please forward a written statement explaining that you understand and will comply with this regulation.
2023-02-07 Full 13A.15.10.01A(4) Corrected
Findings: The provider has not kept up with updating her written emergency and disaster plan each year. The provider signed and dated her written and disaster plan during the inspection and has agreed to review and updated it annually.
2022-02-25 Mandatory Review 13A.15.03.02A Corrected
Findings: During a review of children's records, it was revealed that children HL and SC do not have a Health Assessment Part I or Part II. Please have the respective parents complete Part I and have them take Part II to the child's physician to complete Part II. Show the completed documents to OCC for the correction of this non-compliance.
2022-02-25 Mandatory Review 13A.15.03.02B Corrected
Findings: Children KAN, LT and AL are all missing their 12 month and 24 month old blood lead testing. Please inform the respective parents so that they can arrange blood lead testing with their child's physician. AL is already 4 years old, so it is no longer necessary for him to be tested. Provide written proof of notifying the respective parents for the correction or provide OCC with the blood lead test results for the correction of this non-compliance.
2022-02-25 Mandatory Review 13A.15.03.04A(1) Corrected
Findings: Upon review of emergency forms, it was found that HL did not have an emergency form at all. However, he is a sibling of another child in care, so the Provider wrote HL's name and date of birth on his sibling's form. Provider stated that all of their other information is the same. Therefore, this non-compliance was corrected on site.
2022-02-25 Mandatory Review 13A.15.05.04B(1) Corrected
Findings: Two electrical sockets were found to be not in use and were not capped. When this was brought to the Provider's attention, she was able to cap them during the inspection. Therefore, this non-compliance was corrected on site.
2022-02-25 Mandatory Review 13A.15.05.05C Corrected
Findings: Upon inspection, the gate to the pool was closed and had a pad lock in it. However, the pad lock was not secured and in the locked position. During the inspection, Provider secured the pad lock on the pool gate. Therefore, this non-compliance was corrected on site.
2022-02-25 Mandatory Review 13A.15.05.06A Corrected
Findings: Only one small Pack'n'play was set up within the home. This sleep source had a sheet on it, but it is not snugly fitting. Provider admitted that she handmade the sheets for her full size pack'n'plays. None of them are snugly fitting. Please ensure that each approved sleep source has snugly fitting sheets. Provider may send pictures to OCC showing that the sheets are properly and snugly fitting.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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ChildcareCenter.us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

Providers in ZIP Code 20659