Boys & Girls Club @ Clarence Fraim - Wilmington DE Licensed Child Care Center

(302) 655-4591

About the Provider

Description: BOYS & GIRLS CLUB @ CLARENCE FRAIM is a Licensed Child Care Center in WILMINGTON DE, with a maximum capacity of 230 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 5 years through 12 years.. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Regulated Services: School-Age Care Only; Financial Arrangements: Child Care Food Program;Nonprofit;Purchase of Care; Reported Injuries & Deaths: 2018: 3 facility injuries. No facility deaths reported.
2017: 2 facility injuries. No facility deaths reported.; Stars Rating: Five Stars;

Program and Licensing Details

  • Capacity: 230
  • Age Range: 5 years through 12 years.
  • State Rating: 5
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Type of Care: School-Age Care Only
  • District Office: State of Delaware, Office of Child Care Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 1-800-822-2236 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: [email protected]

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulation Code Status
2020-01-15 Non Compliance 30T - Personnel Files Corrected
Corrective Action: Obtain complete staff files. Obtain abuse/neglect review, orientation, two references, declaration and drug/alcohol statement, adult health appraisal with TB assessments, and service letters for seven staff members. Document attempts to obtain service letters for all employees. Obtain a service letter for one other staff member.
2020-01-15 Non Compliance 40T - Child Files Corrected
Corrective Action: Obtain a complete child file for one child. Obtain the immunization record or notarized religious exemption form for one child.
2020-01-15 Non Compliance 67T - Transportation Corrected
Corrective Action: Place a fire extinguisher in one van and the poison control number in all vans.
2020-01-15 Non Compliance 38T - Parents Right to Know Corrected
Corrective Action: Have current families sign the parent's right-to-know log.
2020-01-15 Non Compliance 45T - Hazardous Materials Corrected
Corrective Action: Forward radon testing for OCCL.
2020-01-15 Non Compliance 49T - Indoor Space Corrected
Corrective Action: Cover bathroom trash can.
2019-01-17 Non Compliance 19N - Child files Corrected
Corrective Action: Obtain complete child files. Obtain a health appraisal for one child. Document dates of enrollment for 11 children.
2019-01-17 Non Compliance 53N - Transportation Corrected
Corrective Action: One van needs a complete first aid kit. Another van needs scissors and a thermometer.
2019-01-17 Non Compliance 20N - Personnel files Corrected
Corrective Action: Obtain complete staff files. Obtain fingerprint letter or receipt and place in file of one staff member. Place eligibility letters in staff files. Obtain TB assessment for one staff member. Send service letter to previous employer for one staff member. If no service letters are received, one more reference letter is needed as she currently has three.
2019-01-17 Non Compliance 29N - Staff communication Corrected
Corrective Action: Document staff communication during shift changes.
2019-01-17 Non Compliance 49N - Emergency planning Corrected
Corrective Action: Post evacuation plan in the gym.
2018-07-11 Non Compliance 61N - Child accident and injury Corrected
Corrective Action: An accident/ injury report was not completed after a child was smacked in the face by another child. Retrain staff on how/when to complete an accident/injury report
2018-07-11 Non Compliance 22N - General qualifications Corrected
Corrective Action: A staff member was left alone with children before his fingerprinting results were determined. Ensure staff are determined eligible before they are left alone with children.
2018-07-03 Non Compliance 20N - Personnel files Corrected
Corrective Action: Obtain a second reference for one staff member. If no service letter is received, two additional references are required.
2018-07-03 Non Compliance 30N - Ratios, group size, and supervision Corrected
Corrective Action: Multiple children stated they hit, and observed others hitting, one another on the face and that the staff member assigned to supervise the children, Staff #1, was observed sleeping on a couch during this time. Center staff are to provide direct visual supervision to all children at all times. Retrain Staff #1 on appropriate supervision and forward documentation to OCCL.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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