Vision Early Childhood Center - Mars PA Child Care Center

194 CROWE AVE PO BOX 1078, MARS PA 16046
(724) 625-3488

About the Provider

Description: We believe that preparing a child for adulthood is larger than teaching basic academic knowledge.

For us, it is a belief that our children need to be enriched with basic truths that will strengthen them and provide a solid foundation to face the challenges of our modern world. We teach the truth that each and every person is a child of God and how this plays out in our day to day lives. We do this through structured learning, Christian focus, and of course playing and doing what children teach us daily—to have fun with life.

We’re committed to providing a loving and positive environment to instill these Christ-centered values by ministering to the whole child—spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, and physically. We’re a family-oriented childcare center and pride ourselves that our care goes well beyond the child and into each child’s family as well. When here, your child becomes one of our children and as we are guided to embrace their lives, our lives in turn are blessed and enriched by their presence.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CER-00182236
  • Capacity: 121
  • State Rating: 1
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Schools Served: Mars Area - Serviced by school bus
  • District Office: Early Learning Resource Center for Region 3
  • District Office Phone: (724) 285-9431 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Date Reason Description Status
2020-07-15 Renewal 3270.102(e) - Infant/toddler - no material less than 1 inch Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: On the outdoor toddler/preschool and preschool play spaces where 2 year olds were observed receiving care, there was mulch that was less than 1 inch in diameter in both play spaces that was accessible to the 2 year olds in the play spaces.

Correction Required: Pea gravel and other materials with a diameter of less than 1 inch may not be used in spaces where infants or toddlers receive care.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The two year olds will not be permitted on the playgrounds that contain mulch. The 2 year olds will play on the Nursery playground until an alternate plan is put into place. Going forward, pea gravel and other material with a diameter of less than 1 inch may not be used in spaces where the infants or toddlers receive care.
2020-07-15 Renewal 3270.131(e)(1) - Exemption documentation from parent/guardian Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for child #1, a 4 year old, had an immunization record that lacked verification of the Influenza vaccination being administered within the last year in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP.

Correction Required: The facility shall require the parent to provide updated written verification from a physician, physician's assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department of ongoing vaccines administered to an infant, toddler or preschool child in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The parent of child #1 signed an exemption from the influenza vaccination form which was placed in the child's files. If the child does decide to get a influenza shot, the updated records will be placed in the file. In the future, parents will provide an updated written verification form the physician, physician's assistant, CRNP, the Dept. of Health or local department of ongoing vaccines administered to the child as recommended by the ACIP. If the child will not receive the influenza shot, an exemption will be placed in the child's files.
2020-07-15 Renewal 3270.151(a) - 12 months prior to service and every 24 months thereafter Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for staff person #5 lacked a current health assessment updated within the last 24 months. The file for staff person #2 had a health assessment that exceeded 24 months between assessments.

Correction Required: A facility person providing direct care who comes into contact with the children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment conducted within 12 months prior to providing initial service in a child care setting and every 24 months thereafter. A health assessment is valid for 24 months following the date of signature, if the person does not contract a communicable disease or develop a medical problem.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Staff person #5 is currently out on leave and will not return to the facility until an updated health assessment is received. Staff person #2 had a health assessment within the 24 months but lacked the staff health assessment form. In the future, a facility person providing direct contact who comes into contact with the children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment conducted within 12 month prior to providing initial service in child care and every 24 months after.
2020-07-15 Renewal 3270.151(c)(3)/3270.151(c)(5) - Exam communicable disease/Physician/CRNP assessment Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for staff person #2 had a health assessment that lacked an examination for communicable diseases and the results of that examination and the physician's or CRNP's assessment of the person's suitability to provide child care.

Correction Required: An adult health assessment must include an examination for communicable diseases and the results of that examination. An adult health assessment must include the physician's or CRNP's assessment of the person's suitability to provide child care.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The file for staff person #2 had the physician fill out the staff health assessment form which included the examination for a communicable disease and the results of that examination. From now on, an adult health assessment will include an examination for communicable diseases and the result of that examination. An adult health assessment will include the physician's or CRNP's assessment of the person's suitability to provide child care.
2020-07-15 Renewal 3270.31(e)(4)(ii) - Fire safety - 1 yr. Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for staff person #5 lacked current fire safety training completed within the last year.

Correction Required: Staff persons shall participate, at least annually, in firesafety training conducted by a fire protection professional. Staff persons and volunteers shall receive training in maintenance of smoke detectors, the duties of facility persons during a fire drill and during a fire and the use of the facility's fire extinguishers, not including discharge of the fire suppressant agent.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The staff person #5 completed the online fire safety training. In the future, a staff person will participate in fire safety training conducted by a fire protection professional annually.
2020-07-15 Renewal 3270.32(a)/3270.192(2)(iii) - Comply with CPSL/Exp, educ., training at facility Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff person #1 had mandated reporter trainings dated 5-29-15 and 8-4-20, staff person #2 had trainings dated 5-28-15 and 6-23-20, staff person #3 had trainings dated 2-16-15 and 6-29-20, and staff person #4 had trainings dated 6-28-15 and 6-29-20 that were over 5 years between completed mandated reporter trainings.

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). A facility person's record shall include verification of child care experience, education and training following the outset of service at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Staff member #1, #2, #3 and #4 completed the mandated reporter training as soon as it was possible. In the future, a facility person's records shall include verification of child care experience, education and training following the outset of service at the facility. The mandated reporter training will be completed every 5 years by the staff.
2020-07-15 Renewal 3270.32(a)/3270.192(4) - Comply with CPSL/CPSL information Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for staff person #1 had a state police clearance dated 9-21-15 and lacked a current state police clearance updated within the last 60 months. The file for staff person #2 had a child abuse clearance dated 8-13-15 and lacked a current child abuse clearance updated within the last 60 months. The file for staff person #5 lacked an NSOR verification certificate by 7-1-20 as required by the CPSL for all staff hired prior to 9-30-19 and requires a current NSOR verification certificate. The file for staff person #3 had child abuse clearances dated 1-7-15 and 1-14-20 and FBI clearances dated 12-16-14 and 1-1-20 that were over 60 months between clearances.

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). A facility person's record shall include a copy of requests for the criminal history record and child abuse registry clearance information, a copy of the disclosure statement and a copy of the completed clearance information required under the CPSL. Staff Person #1, Staff Person #2, and Staff Person #5 may not work in a child care position at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The staff person #1 completed the state police clearance the following day. Staff person #2 had completed the Child Abuse Clearance and was able to provide a copy the following morning. Staff person #5 completed the NSOR and was sent the same day. The file for staff #3 had been corrected. In the future, a staff person's record will include a copy of requests for the criminal history and child abuse closure, a copy of disclosure statement, and completed clearances information under the CPSL. Staff person #1 and #2 were able to work the following day. Staff member #5 will not work in a child care position until the NSOR results are received.
2020-07-15 Renewal 3270.76 - Building Surfaces Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the large preschool room, the corner trim on the wall near the desk was coming apart from the wall.

Correction Required: Floors, walls, ceilings and other surfaces, including the facility's outdoor play space surfaces shall be kept clean, in good repair and free from visible hazards.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The corner of the trim near the desk was repaired. In the future, floor, walls, ceilings and other surfaces, including the facility's outdoor play surfaces will be kept clean, in good repair and free from visible hazards.
2020-07-15 Renewal 3270.77(a) - No peeling paint or plaster Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: On the outdoor preschool play space, there was peeling paint in multiple areas along the top of the white wooden fence near the office. On the outdoor toddler/preschool play space, there was peeling paint in multiple areas along the white wooden fence in the corner near the back door of the Kindergarten room. In the large preschool room, there was a hole in the wall with damaged plaster in the back of the room in the computer area.

Correction Required: Peeled or damaged paint or damaged plaster is not permitted on indoor or outdoor surfaces in the child care facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The peeling paint on top of the fence outside and on the back playground was painted that afternoon. The hole in the plaster was also patched and repaired the same day. In the future, peeling and or damaged paint or plaster will not be permitted on indoor or outdoor surfaces in the child care facility.
2019-08-21 Renewal 3270.102(a) - Clean and good repair Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the large preschool room and the Kindergarten room, there were 2 wooden blocks on the shelf in each room that were splintering with rough edges.

Correction Required: Toys, play equipment and other indoor and outdoor equipment used by the children shall be clean, in good repair and free from rough edges, sharp corners, pinch and crush points, splinters and exposed bolts.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The wooden blocks in the preschool and Kindergarten room were removed from the room at the time of inspection. From now on, toys used by the children shall be clean, in good repair and free from rough edges. Staff members will check the toys periodically to remove unsafe toys.
2019-08-21 Renewal 3270.131(a) - Within 60 days Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for child #3, with a start date of 1-24-19, had an initial health assessment dated 4-8-19 that was over 60 days after the child's first day of attendance at the facility.

Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent of an enrolled child, including a child, a foster child and a relative of an operator or a facility person, to provide an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The file for child #3 was updated with a health assessment. In the future, each child will provide an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility.
2019-08-21 Renewal 3270.131(d)(8) - Age appropriate screenings complete Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for child #1 had a health assessment that lacked a statement that age-appropriate screenings recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics were conducted since the time of the previous health report.

Correction Required: A health report shall include a statement that age-appropriate screenings recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics were conducted since the time of the previous health report required by this section.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The parent sent in a new health report with the statement checked that the child has had the age appropriate screenings recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The child's physician checked the box and initialed beside the box. In the future, the health report will include a statement that age appropriate screenings was conducted at the time of the health report. In the future, the facility will require written verification from a physician of ongoing vaccines given to the child in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP.
2019-08-21 Renewal 3270.131(e)(1) - Exemption documentation from parent/guardian Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for child #1, a 2 year old, child #2, a 3 year old, and child #3, a 4 year old, had an immunization record that lacked verification of the Influenza vaccination being administered within the last year in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP. The file for child #2, a 3 year old, had an immunization record that lacked documentation of the 2nd dose of the Hepatitis A vaccination by age 23 months in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP. The file for child #3, a 4 year old, had an immunization record that lacked documentation of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd doses of the Hepatitis B vaccination by age 18 months, the 1st dose of the Varicella vaccination by age 15 months, and the 2nd dose of the Hepatitis A vaccination by age 23 months in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP.

Correction Required: The facility shall require the parent to provide updated written verification from a physician, physician's assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department of ongoing vaccines administered to an infant, toddler or preschool child in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Child #1 and Child #3 files were updated with an exemption from the influenza vaccination which was signed by the parent. Child #2's files were updated with a current immunization record which included the 2nd dose of Hepatitis A and the Influenza vaccination. Child #3 had a physical a couple days before the inspection. The parent handed in the new physical form with the updated vaccination record. In the future, the facility will require the parent to provide updated written verification from a physician of ongoing vaccines administered to the child as recommended by the ACIP.
2019-08-21 Renewal 3270.151(a) - 12 months prior to service and every 24 months thereafter Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for staff person #1 and staff person #2 had an initial health assessment that was dated after their start date.

Correction Required: A facility person providing direct care who comes into contact with the children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment conducted within 12 months prior to providing initial service in a child care setting and every 24 months thereafter. A health assessment is valid for 24 months following the date of signature, if the person does not contract a communicable disease or develop a medical problem.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The files for staff person #1 and #2 have been updated to include a health assessment. In the future, a staff member will have an initial health assessment prior to employment.
2019-08-21 Renewal 3270.151(c)(2) - Mantoux TB Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for staff person #1 and staff person #2 had a tuberculosis screening by the Mantoux method that was dated after their start date.

Correction Required: An adult health assessment must include tuberculosis screening by the Mantoux method at initial employment. Subsequent tuberculosis screening is not required unless directed by a physician, physician's assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Staff person #1 and #2 files are updated to including the tuberculosis screening. For now on, staff members health assessment will include the tuberculosis screening for initial employment.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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