Description: The Barnyard School of Mansfield recognizes each child as an individual. Each child has his or her own unique personality, learning style, developmental pace and family background. The Barnyard School of Mansfield will respectfully provide educationally appropriate and creative experiences which are responsive to different learning styles. We foster challenging play which actively involves the child, enabling them to learn by doing. Children are encouraged to make choices, therefore allowing each to gain a feeling of empowerment. What the child experiences in child care will exert a profound effect on how he or she grows physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually as these are the formative years.
Despite the high quality of our center, we emphasize that the primary responsibility for the child lies with the parent. The center does not replace the parent nor should it be thought of as a babysitting service. It is simply a combined effort of concerned adults to provide as healthy, safe and stimulating an atmosphere as possible, regarding the children placed in their care. We strive for open and respectful communication as well as involvement among parents, family members, and teaching staff.
The Barnyard School of Mansfield respects each family regardless of race, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation or disablity.
With this philosophy in mind, we welcome you to the Barnyard School of Mansfield.
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