(602) 449-4300

About the Provider

Description: In Paradise Valley School District, we know our families value education, and we thank you for your continued support of teaching and learning. Every day, including the first day, is important if we are to reach our goal of helping each child be successful.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CDC-12731
  • Capacity: 185
  • Age Range: Three to Five; School-Age
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Current License Issue Date: 2021-08-01
  • Current License Expiration Date: 2024-07-31
  • District Office: ADHS Division of Licensing Services
  • District Office Phone: (602) 364-2539 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Survey Date Date Corrected Rule/Statute Title
2021-03-31 2021-04-02 article 3 R9-5-304.B.1-9.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and Surveyors' observations, after a review of 20 children's Emergency, Information, and Immunization Record cards, it was determined the following were lacking: Child #1: parent/guardian's dated signature on back of card. Child #2: 2nd parent/guardian's name, address and phone number.
2021-03-31 2021-04-02 article 3 R9-5-306.A.1.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and Surveyors' observations, after a review of 19 children's attendance records, it was determined the following was lacking: Child #3: no times of arrival on 3/29 and 3/30/2021. Child #4: no times of arrival for the month of March; no times of departure on 3/9, 3/10, 3/23, 2/39 and 3/30/2021. Child #5: no time of arrival and signature on 3/8/2021. Child #6: signed in and out with only initials and not first initial and full last name, a required. Child #7: signed in with initials only on 3/12 and 3/23/2021; signed in with initials only on 3/4, 3/9, 3/12, 3/23/2021. Child #8: signed in with initials only on 3/1, 3/2, 3/4, 3/8-3/11, 3/22-3/31/2021; signed in with initials only on 3/9, 3/22, 3/24, 3/26, 3/31/2021.
2021-03-31 2021-04-02 Article 5 R9-5-516.B.3.a-f.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and Surveyor #2's observation, and a review of medication forms the following were lacking: There was no written authorization for Child #9's two medications.
2021-03-31 2021-04-02 Article 5 R9-5-516.B.4.d.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and Surveyor #2's observation, one medication for Child #9 lacked written authorization from a health care provider.
2021-03-31 2021-04-02 Article 6 R9-5-605.B.6.
Findings: Based on Surveyor #2's observation, there was an uncovered outlet on the north wall in the Pre-K room.
2020-01-14 2020-01-17 article 3 R9-5-306.A.1.
Findings: Based on surveyor's review and an interview with the director, it was found that in room 126 child 1 was not signed out 1/10 and child 2 was not signed out 1/13. In room 115A, child 3 was signed out on 1/6 but lacked a departure time and was not signed in. On 1/10 child 3 was signed out but not signed in.
2020-01-14 2020-01-17 Article 4 R9-5-403.C.
Findings: Based on surveyor's review and an interview with the director, it was found that staff 1 began employment 8/14/19 and had new staff training that was not signed or dated by the director. Reference: R9-5-402.A.
2020-01-14 2020-01-17 Article 6 R9-5-605.B.6.
Findings: Based on surveyor's observation, it was found that there was an uncovered outlet near the art supply counter and several uncovered outlets on the power strip.
2020-01-14 2020-01-17 Article 6 R9-5-605.B.9.
Findings: Based on surveyor's observation, it was found that there was a fan on a counter top accessible to children. The fan was not mounted.
2019-01-31 2019-02-08 article 3 R9-5-306.B.1.
Findings: Based on surveyor's observation, it was found that the children in room 115A and 115B were able to move freely from one room to the other with no accounting for which room the children were signed into. There is also a PreK Stem room that the children rotate to from room 115 A and 115B. There was no system in place for marking children from room to room. One roster in room 115A had 9 children marked as present and one roster had 5 children marked as present, but there were actually 7 children present.
2019-01-31 2019-02-08 article 3 R9-5-306.A.1.
Findings: Based on surveyor's review and an interview with the director, it was found that in room 115B child 2 was already signed out for 5:11pm prior to that time occurring. Child 3 was not signed out on 1/28. Child 4 was not signed out on 1/15. Child 5 was not signed out on 1/16. Child 6 was not signed in on 1/9, 1/10, 1/14 and 1/15 with only a time of departure stated. In room 115A, child 7 was not signed out 1/30 and child 8 was not signed out 1/22.
2019-01-31 2019-02-08 article 3 R9-5-304.B.1-9.
Findings: Based on surveyor's review and an interview with the director, it was found that in room 115B child 1 was lacking a last name and any health care provider information.
2019-01-31 2019-02-08 article 3 R9-5-301.F.1.2.
Findings: Based on surveyor's review and an interview with the director, it was found that staff 1 began employment 7/26/18. Staff 1 had documentation signed by a doctor and dated 6/8/18 that she had been seen at the office. The TB test was dated as 5/26/17 as the date it was read. There was only one date, no date the test was administered and it was over a year prior to the date of hire. There was confusion about the documentation being dated for 6/8/18. Staff 1 will be contacting the doctor to get correct documentation. Reference: R9-5-402.A.
2019-01-31 2019-02-08 Article 5 R9-5-516.B.b.
Findings: Based on surveyor's observation, it was found that child 9 had an epipen that was not in it's original box from the pharmacy. The authorization form stated that there were 2 epipens prescribed to the child but there was only one at the facility.
2019-01-31 2019-02-08 Article 5 R9-5-516.B.3.a-f.
Findings: Based on surveyor's review and an interview with the director, it was found that child 9 had an epipen that was lacking a prescription number on the authorization form.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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