Explorers In Learning - Phoenix AZ CHILD CARE CENTER

(602) 953-1200

About the Provider

Description: Explorers in Learning is a preschool and childcare center located in Phoenix, Arizona that is committed to providing an educational environment that will stimulate and develop a child’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical being. One of the most difficult decisions a parent can make is selecting a childcare center that is right for their child. The Explorers in Learning quality care and early learning program is centered on the needs of your child.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CDC-10484
  • Capacity: 203
  • Age Range: Infant; Ones; Twos; Three to Five; School-Age
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Current License Issue Date: 2021-07-01
  • Current License Expiration Date: 2024-06-30
  • District Office: ADHS Division of Licensing Services
  • District Office Phone: (602) 364-2539 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Survey Date Date Corrected Rule/Statute Title
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 Article 1 ARS 36-883.02.C.1-3.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyors' observations, the file reviewed for Staff #6 lacked a current Criminal History Affidavit.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 Article 2 R9-5-203.E.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyors' observations, it was determined that the file reviewed for Staff #2 and Staff #4 lacked the required DCS central registry documentation.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 Article 3 R9-5-301.B.2.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyors' observations, Staff #6 was observed alone with children. Staff #6 lacked documentation of education qualifying them as a teacher caregiver.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 article 3 R9-5-304.B.1-9.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyors' observations, 6 out of 28 Emergency, Information, and Immunization record cards reviewed lacked the following required information: Child #1, Child #3 and Child #5: Date of Enrollment. Child #2: Health care provider's contact telephone number. Child #4: 2nd emergency contact name and contact telephone number. Child #6: Date of enrollment, a parent's signature, and written record of the child's susceptibility to illness, physical conditions, and any individual requirements for health maintenance.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 article 4 R9-5-401.3.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyors' observations, Staff #6 was a teacher-caregiver in the preschool classroom alone with a group of enrolled children. The file reviewed for Staff #6 lacked documentation of a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 Article 4 R9-5-403.A.1-17.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyors' observations, it was determined that the file reviewed for Staff #1, Staff #2, Staff #3, and Staff #4 lacked a new employee orientation checklist.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 Article 5 R9-5-501.A.2.
Findings: Based on the Surveyors' observations, in the transition classroom and toddler b classroom, the drinking water was inaccessible to enrolled children.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 article 5 R9-5-501.A.12
Findings: Based on the Surveyors' observations, the following hazards were accessible to enrolled children: 2's classroom: *There was a wire rack tipped up against the wall near the back door. Transition classroom: *There was a hole in the wall underneath the diaper sink.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 article 5 R9-5-501.C.9.a-c.
Findings: Based on the Surveyors' observations, in the Toddler 1 B classroom, there was a wipe container and a creamy diaper rash ointment labeled with a 1st name and last intial only.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 Article 5 R9-5-502.A.5.
Findings: Based on the Surveyors' observations, in the Infant A room, there was one infant in tummy time on the floor and there was no staff member within reach of the infant. (One staff member was in a chair feeding another infant and the 2nd staff member was performing other duties.)
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 article 5 R9-5-502.C.1.m.n.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyors' observations, in the Infant A room, there were no current dietary instructions posted for the enrolled infants who were present.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 article 5 R9-5-503.A.2.a-c.
Findings: Based on the Surveyors' observations, in the Infant A room and Infant B room, the diaper changing sink's water temperature measured 120F rather than between 86-110 F as required.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 article 5 R9-5-503.A.3.4.
Findings: Based on the Surveyors' observations, in the transition classroom, the soiled clothing container lacked a waterproof liner. In the 2's classroom, the diaper changing area lacked a soiled clothing container.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 article 5 R9-5-509.C.18.b.
Findings: Based on facility documentation and the Surveyors' observations, the weekly menu lacked the specific foods to be served. The menu stated fruit but did not list the specific fruit for the breakfast bars.
2021-05-20 2021-06-08 Article 5 R9-5-511.A.5.
Findings: Based on the Surveyors' observations, in the 2's classroom, there were 5 cots that were torn with fraying edges.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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ChildcareCenter.us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

Providers in ZIP Code 85050