Description: LACEY'S PLACE is a Three Star Center License in LENOIR NC, with a maximum capacity of 12 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 0 through 5. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.
Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.
Date | Type | Violations | Rule |
2024-03-05 | Unannounced Inspection | Yes | |
2024-03-05 | Violation | 856 | 10A NCAC 09 .0604(p) |
The indoor and/or outdoor premises was not checked once a day, prior to initial use, ensuring debris, and broken equipment was removed and disposed of. On the playground, three pieces of blue rubber was found on the ground next to the playhouse and was accessible to children. A plastic Little Tykes picnic table had a cracked along the bench seat with sharp edges and was accessible to children. | |||
2023-06-14 | Unannounced Inspection | No | |
2023-03-14 | Unannounced Inspection | Yes | |
2023-03-14 | Violation | 114 | GS 110-102 |
A summary of the NC Child Care Law was not given to a parent of every child enrolled in the center. Two (2) children's files did not have a signed statement from the parent/guardian acknowledging receipt of the summary of NC Child Care Law. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 812 | 10A NCAC 09 .0604(c) |
Electrical outlets and power strips, not in use, which were located in space used by children did not have safety outlets or were not covered with safety plugs unless located behind furniture or equipment that cannot be moved by a child. In space #1, one (1) electrical outlet to the right of the sink did not have safety cover. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 840 | .2820(b) |
All corrosive agents, pesticides, bleaches, detergents, cleansers, polishes, any product which is under pressure in an aerosol dispenser, and any substance which may be hazardous to a child if ingested, inhaled, or handled were not stored in a locked room or cabinet. In space #1, one (1) box of alcohol swabs and a cold compress pack were stored in the unlocked cabinet above the freezer. These items had multiple warnings in addition to keep out of reach of children. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 1048 | .1102(c) |
All staff did not successfully complete certification in First Aid appropriate to the age of children in care. Verification of staff completion of First Aid training from an approved training organization was not in the staff file. The lead teacher and teacher had First Aid certification that expired January 31, 2023. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 1049 | .1102(d) |
All staff did not successfully complete certification in CPR training appropriate to the age of the children in care. Verification of staff completion of the CPR course from an approved training organization was not in the staff file. The lead teacher and teacher had CPR certification that expired January 31, 2023. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 1052 | .1103(a) |
Staff required to receive on-going training had not completed the required number of hours according to their education and experience. The lead teacher received .5 hours of on-going training and needed ten (10) hours. The teacher received one- and one-half (1.5) hours of on-going training and needed eight (8) hours. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 1203 | 10A NCAC 09 .0514(b) |
Operational policies were not discussed with parents on or before the child's first day and/or they were not notified in writing of all changes. Four (4) children's files did not contain acknowledgement of the receipt of the operational policies. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 1207 | 10A NCAC 09 .0515(a) |
Parent participation plan was not discussed with parents on or before the child's first day of attendance and/or a copy was not given to them or posted in the center. The parent participation plan was not posted in the center. The parent participation plan was not discussed with parents on or before the child's first day of attendance. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 1811 | .0604(u);.0302(d)(8) |
Shelter-in-place or lockdown drills were not practiced every three months and/or drill record was incomplete. A shelter-in-place or lockdown drill was conducted on September 29, 2022, and again on January 3, 2023. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 1851 | .0604(j) |
The operator did not notify the parent of each child enrolled in writing of the smoking and tobacco restriction. Two (2) children's files did not contain written notification of the smoking and tobacco restriction. | |||
2023-03-14 | Violation | 1908 | .0608(b)(1-6) |
A child's file did not have a statement with parent signature acknowledging receipt and explanation of the Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma policy and/or the acknowledgement did not have all the required information. Two (2) children's files did not have a statement with parent signature acknowledging receipt and explanation of the Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma policy. |
If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.
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My child has been attending Lacys Place for about two years now. He does wonderful there. Miss. Beth is a wonderful instructor, she truly cares about her children and wants them to learn, but also to feel secure and safe. She goes above and beyond to accomplish what the children need.