Donna L Leonard - Akron PA Family Child Care

S 9th St , AKRON PA 17501
(717) 859-1550

About the Provider

Description: Donna L Leonard is a Family Child Care in AKRON PA, with a maximum capacity of 6 children. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CER-00168040
  • Capacity: 6
  • State Rating: 1
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • District Office: Early Learning Resource Center for Region 10
  • District Office Phone: (717) 854-2273 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Date Reason Description Status
2020-11-17 Renewal 3290.131(d)(5) - Immunization record Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Files for child #1 and #2 did not contain adequate documentation of the child's immunized status of all vaccines recommended by the ACIP.

Correction Required: A health report shall include a review of the child's immunized status according to recommendations of the ACIP.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Adequate documentation will be obtained from parents. Moving forward provider will make sure all adequate immunization documentation is on file at all times.
2020-11-17 Renewal 3290.181(d) - Dated signature affixed Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Emergency contact form for child #2 did not contain a dated signature.

Correction Required: Following review, a parent shall attest to the accuracy of information in the emergency contact information and the financial agreement at each review by affixing a dated signature to the record.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Emergency contact form will be signed and dated by parent. Moving forward all forms will be double checked at enrollment or at every 6 month update to make sure they are completed fully.
2020-11-17 Renewal 3290.32(a)/3290.192(3) - Comply with CPSL/CPSL information Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: File for staff person #1 contained a mandated reporter training dated 5/15/15. This training expired 60 months from the training date and no updated training was found on file.

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). A facility person's record shall include a copy of requests for the criminal history record and child abuse registry clearance information, a copy of the disclosure statement and a copy of the completed clearance information required under the CPSL.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Updated training will be obtained and placed on file. Moving forward this training will be re-completed every 60 months or earlier.
2019-10-29 Renewal 3290.32(a) - Comply with CPSL Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: It was observed that household member #1 did not have accurately signed disclosure statement or full and complete State Police Clearance on file.

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services).

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
A properly signed disclosure statement will be on file for provider and all household members at all times and all complete clearances with all pages will be maintained on file at all times.
2018-10-15 Renewal 3290.151(a) - Within 3 months, then 12 months Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Current health assessment for staff person #1 was not on file at facility.

Correction Required: A facility person providing direct care who comes into contact with the children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment on file at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Copy of health assessment will be obtained and placed on file. Current and subsequent health assessments will be on file at all times.
2018-10-15 Renewal 3290.22(a) - Availability Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: It was observed that a copy of the applicable regulations under which the facility is certified was not posed at a conspicuous location at facility.

Correction Required: The facility's current certificate of registration and a copy of the applicable regulations under which the facility is certified shall be posted in a conspicuous location used by parents, with instructions for contacting the appropriate regional day care office posted at the same location

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
A copy of the regulations will be obtained and will be placed by the sign in sheet. These will remain in this location, available to parents, at all times.
2018-10-15 Renewal 3290.32(a) - Comply with CPSL Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Disclosure statement was not on file for household member #2.

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services).

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Disclosure statement was signed immediately and placed on file. There will always be a signed disclosure statement on file for anyone living in the household age 18 or older.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

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