Ahmaddoust, Shahnaz - Laurel MD Registered Family Child Care Home

Midsummer Flame Terrace , Laurel MD 20723
(240) 460-8786
2 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Ahmaddoust, Shahnaz is a Registered Family Child Care Home in Laurel MD, with a maximum capacity of 8 children. The home-based daycare service helps with children in the age range of 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 130728
  • Capacity: 8
  • Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Gorman Crossing Elementary
  • District Office: Region 4 - Prince George's County
  • District Office Phone: (301) 333-6940 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2023-07-10 Mandatory Review 13A.15.03.04A(3) Corrected
Findings: LS did not observe the date and time of expected attendance for 1 child in care.
2023-01-27 Monitoring
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2022-06-24 Full 13A.15.03.03E Corrected
Findings: LS did not observe evidence that each child's parent was provided or advised how to obtain information concerning consumer education on child care and how to file a complaint. Provider must submit evidence by July 8, 2022 that each parent has been informed.
2022-06-24 Full 13A.15.05.04B(3) Corrected
Findings: LS did not observe child proof devices placed in drawers and cabinets in the kitchen. Provider must install child proof devices and submit evidence of the correction by July 8, 2022.
2021-11-17 Monitoring
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2021-09-09 Mandatory Review
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2021-06-28 Monitoring
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2021-04-28 Complaint 13A.15.03.03B Corrected
Findings: LS received emergency cards for 6 children enrolled in care. LS only received 5 attendance records for April. LS observed no evidence of attendance being maintained for at least 1 child enrolled in care.
2021-04-28 Complaint 13A.15.03.03F Corrected
Findings: LS observed the fire drill log that showed January 3rd, January 2nd and January 2nd as dates fire drills were conducted. Upon questioning the provider, the provider changed the dates to reflect January 3rd, February 2nd, and March 2nd.
2021-04-28 Complaint 13A.15.05.01A Corrected
Findings: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Child Care, in conjunction with the MD Health Department, has created guidelines which provider's are to follow to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 to children in care. One of the guidelines includes temperature checks at arrival, with documentation of the temperature. LS observed no evidence of temperatures being logged for all children on a daily basis.
2021-04-28 Complaint 13A.15.05.04B(2) Corrected
Findings: LS observed no gate or barrier at the bottom of the stairway leading to the main level, which is approved for entry and exit only.
2021-04-28 Complaint 13A.15.05.06F Corrected
Findings: LS observed a thick blanket in a portable crib with an infant.
2021-04-28 Complaint 13A.15.07.01 Corrected
Findings: LS arrived to the provider's basement childcare entrance and was let into the basement by a 4 year old child in care. At that time LS observed a 20 month old infant in a portable crib with milk in a sippy cup with removable straw that appeared to have cereal mixed in it, 2 4 year old children and a 3 year old child in the main area of the basement. LS also observed a 15 month old infant strapped in a chair and a 6 year old at a table in the back kitchen room. LS observed no evidence of an adult on the basement level. LS remained with the children for 15 minutes before hearing voices upstairs and taking the 15 month old infant upstairs with her. LS observed 2 adults talking and eating on the main level the home. It was discovered these 2 adults were the provider and her mother.
2021-04-28 Complaint 13A.15.07.07A Corrected
Findings: LS arrived to the provider's basement childcare entrance and was let into the basement by a 4 year old child in care. At that time LS observed a 20 month old infant in a portable crib with milk in a sippy cup with removable straw that appeared to have cereal mixed in it, 2 4 year old children and a 3 year old child in the main area of the basement. LS also observed a 15 month old infant strapped in a chair and a 6 year old at a table in the back kitchen room. LS observed no evidence of an adult on the basement level. LS remained with the children for 15 minutes before hearing voices upstairs and taking the 15 month old infant upstairs with her. LS observed 2 adults talking and eating on the main level the home. It was discovered these 2 adults were the provider and her mother.
2021-04-28 Complaint 13A.15.08.01B(3) Corrected
Findings: LS arrived to the provider's basement childcare entrance and was let into the basement by a 4 year old child in care. At that time LS observed a 20 month old infant in a portable crib with milk in a sippy cup with removable straw that appeared to have cereal mixed in it, 2 4 year old children and a 3 year old child in the main area of the basement. LS also observed a 15 month old infant strapped in a chair and a 6 year old at a table in the back kitchen room. LS observed no evidence of an adult on the basement level. LS remained with the children for 15 minutes before hearing voices upstairs and taking the 15 month old infant upstairs with her. LS observed 2 adults talking and eating on the main level the home. It was discovered these 2 adults were the provider and her mother.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Moe Yamani May 03, 2022
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

Please be careful about this daycare and daycare provider (Shahnaz). We put my 4 months daughter in this facility for over 3 months, But I wish I had not put my daughter here. We learned that she is intimidating, yelling and cursing babies. We have strong pieces of evidence that she is using clearly very bad words and scares the kids. She is impatient with kids, especially infants. My daughter was crying for hours and she did not care. This happened multiple times. Shahnaz sent my daughter home many times with diaper rashes and wet. She does not care about babies. Please be aware of this daycare.

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Former client Feb 13, 2018
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

She does not like crying babies(even though they are teething). She also makes you feel like you are a sub par parent.She was wonderful at first until I asked if my child stayed in the playpen all day. I'm not sure how often he was shown solid attention with her toddler program going on.

51 out of 96 think this review is helpful
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ChildcareCenter.us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

Providers in ZIP Code 20723