(208) 468-4999
2 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: ABCS & 123S CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER is a Child Care Center in NAMPA ID. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 1 month 2 weeks to 12 years. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Financial Assistance: Multi-child discount.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 371556
  • Age Range: 1 month 2 weeks to 12 years
  • Rate Range
    0 - 12 Months : 35.00 Daily PT, 155.00 Weekly FT
    13-30 Months (1-2.5 years) : 33.00 Daily PT, 150.00 Weekly FT
    31-60 Months (2.5-5 years) : 32.00 Daily PT, 145.00 Weekly FT
    5 - 6 Years : 28.00 Daily PT, 125.00 Weekly FT
    6 - 12 Years : 22.00 Daily PT, 110.00 Weekly FT
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Languages Supported: English, Spanish
  • Type of Care: Full-Time, Part-Time
  • Schools Served: CENTENNIAL, GREENHURST, Iowa, Ronald Reagan Elementary
  • District Office: Idaho Dept of Health and Welfare - Daycare Licensing Program
  • District Office Phone: 1-800-926-2588 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


Mikki 2018-01-04 19:55:57
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

If you are part of a blended family I would avoid this place like the plague. Becky, the owner has been nothing but rude and unprofessional. My fiance has requested the contract and policies multiple times she first told us they were sent to the lawyers. As a father he has a right to them. He pays the majority of the bill. We have requested a bill several times and have yet to receive it. So we haven't sent a check yet, we live 2 hours away. The first month that the kids attended we paid our part and she sat on the check for over a month, until we questioned her why she hadn't cashed it yet. She called my fiance and was very rude, we calmly said we have no problem paying but we had yet to see the full bill. The few times we have been there it was dirty and kids were running around and screaming. I just don't recommend this place at all especially for blended family's. Becky is very untrustworthy.

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JoAnn 2016-01-30 17:52:36
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

This childcare center is awful! I don't think that the teachers are truly qualified. My grandsons attend this facility, and I am quite disappointed with they care they and their mother have received. I taught two year old children at the CSI Child Cate Center for two years, and I'm a licensed grade school teacher now. These so called teachers really don't have a clue as to his to treat a child and their parent. My youngest grandson. Was pretty much potty trained when he started here, then he completely regressed! Child care should have improved upon what progress he had been making, not made him go never want to go potty! They only tell his mother all the bad things he does, never anything positive to say. They make her feel like a terrible mother, and that her child is the worst child ever! They don't follow through on her requests, and act like she is a problem and they are tired of her and her child! That is NOT ok!!!!! They should be encouraging and supportive. His behavior has gotten worse than ever since he started going to this daycare facility. I hope she finds s new one soon!

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