Will Rogers Head Start - Ardmore OK Child Care Center

(580) 223-2482

About the Provider

Description: WILL ROGERS HEAD START is a Child Care Center in ARDMORE OK, with a maximum capacity of 140 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 3 Years, 4 Years, 5 Years. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Rated 1 Star.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: K830021847
  • Capacity: 140
  • Age Range: 3 Years, 4 Years, 5 Years
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Transportation: Children's Schools
  • District Office: Oklahoma Dept of Human Services - Child Care Services
  • District Office Phone: (580) 235-3688 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Brandi Lee

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type/Purpose Corrections
2020-10-29 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Personnel will update and provide the necessary items to CECPD, reapply and keep current.
Correction Date: 2020-11-29
Description: 340:110-3-284(b)(3) - Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder. Prior to or within 12 months of employment, teaching personnel obtain and maintain a current Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder (OPDL) certificate, per OAC 340 Appendix FF Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder.

Two personnel with expired PDL dates 10/14/20 and 9/10/20. And one personnel with hire date of 8/1/16 does not have current PDL or listed on OPDR.

2020-10-29 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will update list to current personnel and maintain.
Correction Date: 2020-11-05
Description: 340:110-3-284.1(b)(2)(B)(vii) - registering the program as a direct care organization and maintaining information on the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR); and

4 Personnel listed on OPDR are no longer working for Will Rogers Head Start: J.W./D.R./T. H./H.H.

2019-09-24 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Cleaning products will be removed today and kept inaccessible.
Correction Date: 2019-09-24
Description: 340:110-3-303(a)(2) - Hazardous items are inaccessible, including those in personal belongings, such as diaper bags, backpacks, and purses. However, hazardous items used for a supervised, planned, learning activity may be accessible during the activity, such as water play, arts and crafts, gardening, and woodworking. Higher risk activity requirements may apply per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:110-3-290.

3 cleaning products under the sink in Ms. Hardee's classroom.

2019-09-24 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Personnel will provide necessary documentation and keep PDL current.
Correction Date: 2019-10-24
Description: 340:110-3-284(b)(3) - Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder. Prior to or within 12 months of employment, teaching personnel obtain and maintain a current Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder (OPDL) certificate, per OAC 340 Appendix FF Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder.

One personnel has an expired PDL 8/22/19.

2019-03-07 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program has implemented a new sign in sheet for parents and drivers, that now the monitor will walk the bus and sign off and then the driver will also walk the bus and sign off before leaving a location. THe monitor involved in incident is currently on leave and BIG FIve is conducting its own investigation of the incident to determine if personnel should be terminated and will inform Licensing of the outcome.
Correction Date: 2019-03-07
Description: 340:110-3-287(a) - Supervision. Supervision means the function of observing, overseeing, and guiding a child or group of children, including an awareness of, and responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child, and being near enough to intervene when needed. The program is required to maintain supervision at all times.

Program self reported on 3/6/19 that a Will Rogers employee unknowingly left a child on the SORTS bus with SORTS driver from 7:45am to 9:02am when SORTS driver returned the child to school.

2018-09-20 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will complete orientation within the next week and a professional development plan within the next two weeks.
Correction Date: 2018-10-08
Description: 340:110-3-284(d)(1) - Professional development verification. Verification of professional development is maintained per OAC 340:110-3-281.3(b).

3 personnel hired at the beginning of the school year (8/14/2018) without record or documentation of completed Orientation and Professional development plan.

2018-03-22 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will complete forms and make accessible to licensing.
Correction Date: 2018-04-20
Description: 340:110-3-284(d)(1) - Professional development verification. Verification of professional development is maintained per OAC 340:110-3-281.3(b).

One personnel hired 8/10/17 does not have orientation form completed or a professional development plan. This personnel does not have verification of CPR/FA completion.

2018-03-22 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Provider will remove products to an inaccessible area.
Correction Date: 2018-03-22
Description: 340:110-3-303(a)(1) - The facility is free of hazards.

One classroom had cleaning products accessible to children: window cleaner and Santi-cloths on counter by sink and Ajax under the sink.

2017-09-15 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will post on Head Start parent boards in both hallways and update as needed.
Correction Date: 2017-09-22
Description: 340:110-3-281.1(c)(4) - Personnel in charge. The program posts the director's full name and at least one additional personnel responsible for the program in the event the director is not present at the facility. When the individuals listed are not present, the appointed personnel in charge is temporarily posted.

No posting of who is in charge of the Head Start Program, only who is in charge of each classroom.

2017-09-15 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will complete necessary requirements to obtain a current PDL and keep current.
Correction Date: 2017-11-15
Description: 340:110-3-284(b)(3) - Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder. Prior to or within 12 months of employment, teaching personnel obtain and maintain a current Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder (OPDL) certificate, per OAC 340 Appendix FF Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder.

One personnel hired on 7/1/2013 has no PDL certificate.

2017-09-15 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will obtain the necessary documentation to increase PDL levels to 4 or higher for at least 3 teachers.
Correction Date: 2017-11-15
Description: 340:110-3-284.2(b) - Master teachers. The program employs or uses at least the minimum number of required individuals or volunteers who meet these position specific requirements.

Currently program has 5 teachers with educational qualification but do not have a PDL level of 4 or higher that fully qualities them to meet master teachers requirements. Program has no fully qualified master teachers as the only teacher showing as fully qualified is considered the director at this time.

2017-09-15 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will keep cabinet locked and discuss with janitorial staff of keeping hazards inaccessible to children.
Correction Date: 2017-09-15
Description: 340:110-3-303(a)(2) - Hazardous items are inaccessible, including those in personal belongings, such as diaper bags, backpacks, and purses. However, hazardous items used for a supervised, planned, learning activity may be accessible during the activity, such as water play, arts and crafts, gardening, and woodworking. Higher risk activity requirements may apply per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:110-3-290.

Cleaning closet in the boys restroom was unlocked and several cleaning products accessible to children.

2017-04-12 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will report any change to director to licensing
Correction Date: 2017-04-12
Description: 340:110-3-280(a)(1)(B) - a change of director;

Director, K. Mathis states she resigned from this position last year and is no longer responsible for the Will Rogers Head Start.

2017-04-12 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will obtain updated documentation from insurance agent
Correction Date: 2017-04-14
Description: 340:110-3-281.2(c)(3)(A) - Program liability insurance policy. DHS form, completed every 12 months, and a certificate of liability insurance from the insurance agent is available, unless an exception is posted per OAC 340:110-3-278(b). 5

Program liability insurance policy available expired 1/20/17.

2017-04-12 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Program will post updated personnel in charge document
Correction Date: 2017-04-14
Description: 340:110-3-281.1(c)(4) - Personnel in charge. The program posts the director's full name and at least one additional personnel responsible for the program in the event the director is not present at the facility. When the individuals listed are not present, the appointed personnel in charge is temporarily posted.

Program needs to update personnel in charge and post in prominent location.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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