Riversong Christian Learning Center - California MD Licensed Child Care Center

45020 Patuxent Beach Road , California MD 20619
(301) 862-9203
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Riversong Christian Learning Center offers quality childcare and daycare for children from six weeks to five years of age. We also offer before- and after-care for ages five to twelve years. We are aware that quality childcare is difficult to find, and we purpose to maintain a standard of excellence through scheduled and unannounced inspection by the Maryland State Department of Education, extensive background checks and medical screenings of all employees, specialized training and quarterly evaluation of our program. The staff of the Riversong Christian Learning Center extends a welcome to you and your family. We look forward to getting to know you and providing your child with a safe, Christ-centered, educational environment while you are at work.

Additional Information:

Direction to Riversong: (Maryland route 4) 300 yards( East of Maryland 235)

Riversong is on the left our sign is at the entrance of the parking lot.(on the left)

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 154257
  • Capacity: 84
  • Age Range: 6 weeks through 17 months, 18 months through 23 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 15 years
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations ACSI
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Type of Care: Before and After School, Full-Time
  • Transportation: Field Trips, To/From School
  • Schools Served: Hollywood Elementary (Saint Mary's)
  • District Office: Region 10 - Southern Maryland Office
  • District Office Phone: (301) 475-3770 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2021-11-17 Mandatory Review 13A.16.03.02A Corrected
Findings: Fifteen children's files were reviewed at the mandatory inspection due to files not being reviewed at the virtual full inspection. All infant/toddler records were reviewed. Some of the children's records were in need of updated immunizations. Two emergency cards were not completed fully and three emergency cards are in need of the annual update. Please have the parents obtain the immunization documentation from the physician and add to the children's files. To update the emergency cards, please have the parents update the information if needed then initial and date the bottom of the top half of the card.
2021-11-17 Mandatory Review 13A.16.03.04E Corrected
Findings: Out of the fifteen files reviewed, eleven of the children are missing either one or both of their lead blood tests. All children born after 1/1/2015 must have a lead blood test done at 12 and 24 months. Please have the parents obtain the documentation from the physician and add to the children's files.
2021-11-17 Mandatory Review 13A.16.06.04A(1) Corrected
Findings: The following staff do not have a completed medical on file: IB, HB, AG, AG and AH. The medical is to be done prior to employment. Please ensure all staff have a completed medical form and forward to the licensing specialist once obtained from the physician.
2021-11-17 Mandatory Review 13A.16.09.04A(4)(a) Corrected
Findings: The parents supply the crib sheets for their child. Most of the crib sheets are too big for the smaller child care cribs; therefore, the sheet gathers and bunches on top of the mattress. The center needs to ensure that all crib sheets fit snugly to prevent any suffocation injuries. The sheets can either be clipped under the mattress to make them fit snugly or the parents can provide crib sheets made to fit the child care cribs.
2021-11-17 Mandatory Review 13A.16.09.04F Corrected
Findings: One infant was observed using a large plush blanket while napping in the crib. There should be no soft bedding items used with infants while napping in a crib. The staff person stated the parent provided the blanket. The parent can be requested to bring a lighter, smaller blanket such as a receiving blanket if needed. The temperature in the infant room does not necessitate the need for a blanket or covering while napping.
2021-11-17 Mandatory Review 13A.16.12.01A(4) Corrected
Findings: Whole milk is being served in the 2 year old class where children are both 2 and 3 years old. Any child age 2 and up should be served 1% or nonfat milk. The center does have both types of milk on site and is serving the 1% milk to all children in the preschool and school age classrooms. The center needs to provide the 1% milk for all classrooms with the exception of children under two in the infant/toddler classroom.
2021-09-27 Complaint 13A.16.03.06C(3) Corrected
Findings: The alleged incident was not reported to the licensing specialist within 24 hours; the child went to urgent care and was diagnosed with a concussion. The incident report was signed by the parent and observed at the inspection. The child was picked up early that day after the incident occurred. The child had a red mark on his forehead and the center encouraged the parent to get the child seen. The child was seen by medical professionals and diagnosed with a concussion after a CT scan. This should have been reported within 24 hours of the incident. The center understands that anytime an injury occurs while a child is in care and medical treatment is sought, they must notify the licensing specialist.
2021-07-27 Complaint 13A.16.07.01 Corrected
Findings: The center self-reported an incident in which a staff person, AW, was witnessed picking up an infant by one arm and placing him harshly on the carpet which also left a mark on the child's arm. The video was viewed by the licensing specialist and pictures of the marks on the child's arm were obtained. After viewing the video, the center terminated the staff person. The video shows the child playing with the gate at the kitchen area in the infant room. The staff person emerges from the kitchen area and picks up the child by one arm. The child's feet leave the ground and he spins around as she puts him on the carpet. The child is observed to be crying in the video after being handled by the staff person. That staff person then leaves the room with another infant and another staff person picks up the crying child. The other staff person is seen taking pictures of the child's arm. It was reported that AW was observed picking up the infants by their two arms in the video prior to the incident and not under the arms. The handling of the child was not necessary as AW could have simply closed and secured the gate to the kitchen area. Red marks were left on the child's arm.
2020-12-07 Full
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2020-11-24 Complaint 13A.16.11.06A Corrected
Findings: The complaint alleges an employee brought alcohol on site to drink throughout the day. On 11/19/2020, it was brought to the director's attention that a staff person had alcohol in their cup in the classroom. This person had told another staff person she had Malibu rum in her cup. The staff person began work at 7 AM and the director was notified at 10:20 AM. The staff person was immediately written up, brought out of the classroom and terminated. She told the director someone told her the alcohol would help with the cough she was experiencing and she only had a little bit in her cup. After gathering her things, the staff person clocked out at 10:50 AM. The director stated the staff person was terminated for negligence and not following the staff handbook. The director feels it was unacceptable to bring alcohol into the building and drink while supervising children.
2020-10-15 Complaint 13A.16.08.01A(2)(b) Corrected
Findings: The center self-reported an incident in which a 3 year old child was left outside alone for approximately 5 minutes. KP was on the playground with 9 children (8 assigned children and 1 child transitioning to her classroom). The 9th child was not accounted for on her paper attendance record. TO came to the playground to help KP bring the children inside. KP lined the children up and did a count. She counted 8 children and thought she had everyone because the 9th child was visiting the classroom due to moving to the classroom soon. KP was at the front of the line and TO was at the end of the line. TO was not aware of how many children were in the group as she stated KP did not tell her. TO stated she did not see the attendance clipboard or walkie talkie in KP's hands. TO says she is a floater at the center and breaks staff persons. The child returned to the classroom after approximately 5 minutes on his own. Both KP and TO stated the child was not frightened or distressed and said he was hiding under the picnic table on the playground. The infant staff person, LR, stated she saw a child in the parking lot and on the sidewalk when bringing the infants up to the building.
2020-01-28 Complaint 13A.16.08.03C Corrected
Findings: The complaint alleges the center had 23 preschool children in the three year old room on the morning of January 27th at 8:30 a.m. with 2 staff persons. The director confirms the preschool classroom was overcapacity for approximately 15-20 minutes that morning due to 3 staff persons being out (2 off scheduled and 1 out sick). Once the director returned from her bus run, she fixed the capacity and ratio in the classroom.
2020-01-28 Complaint 13A.16.08.03A Corrected
Findings: The complaint alleges the center had 23 preschool children in the three year old room on the morning of January 27th at 8:30 a.m. with only 2 staff persons. The center confirms this allegation. There were 3 staff out (1 unexpected) and the director was on the bus run. Once she returned from the bus run, the ratios were fixed and maintained in compliance according to the director.
2019-12-16 Mandatory Review 13A.16.07.06C Corrected
Findings: There are 3 staff who have not submitted a notarized release of information to the office. One release form was received today. Please submit the original notarized release forms for the 2 other staff as soon as possible. Staff should not be left alone with children until all clearances (release form, criminal background checks) have been completed.
2019-12-16 Mandatory Review 13A.16.06.12B Corrected
Findings: One aide has not completed the aide orientation course which was due by 8/27/2019. Please have her complete the course as soon as possible and forward a copy of the training certificate to the licensing specialist once completed. Another aide must complete the course by 2/15/2020.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Morgan 2010-06-30 11:38:51

My daughter has been going to Riversong for 2 weeks now. Prior to enrolling her here I heard nothing but positive feedback on the Center. She is 7 months old and the stimulation I was giving her at home was not enough. The songs, daily devotions and sign language they are teaching her is stimiulaing. I'm even learning sign language!

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