One Step Ahead Child Care & Preschool Inc. - Newark DE Licensed Child Care Center

(302) 292-1162
4 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: ONE STEP AHEAD CHILD CARE & PRESCHOOL INC. is a Licensed Child Care Center in NEWARK DE, with a maximum capacity of 84 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 1 year through 12 years.. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Initial Licensed Date: 12/28/00; Stars Rating: Two Stars; On Enforcement: PROBATION WARNING; Financial Arrangements: Child Care Food Program;Purchase of Care; Reported Injuries & Deaths: 2017: 2 facility injuries and 1 facility death reported. The death was not a result of the licensee’s actions.;

Program and Licensing Details

  • Capacity: 84
  • Age Range: 1 year through 12 years.
  • State Rating: 4
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2000-12-28
  • District Office: State of Delaware, Office of Child Care Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 1-800-822-2236 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: [email protected]

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulation Code Status
2019-12-10 Non Compliance 23U - Center Policies-Parent/Guardian Handbook Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure parent handbook has all required policies.
2019-12-10 Non Compliance 58U - Sanitation Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure each classroom has labeled soap/water and sanitizer/disinfectant.
2019-12-10 Non Compliance 40U - Child Files Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure children files are complete.Seven children need development plans.
2019-12-10 Non Compliance 50U - Kitchen and Food Preparation Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure refrigerator in the young two's classroom is set at or below 40F. Ensure refrigerators in the school-age classroom and PreK classroom are clean.
2019-12-10 Non Compliance 61U - Diapering and Soiled Clothing Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure there is a non-porous surface diaper mat for the older two's classroom. Obtain disposable covers for the classrooms.
2019-12-10 Non Compliance 18U - General Human Resources and Personnel Policies Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure staff handbook has all required policies.
2019-12-10 Non Compliance 30U - Personnel Files Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure staff files are complete. One staff needs a completed health appraisal. One staff needs two references and release of employment and service letters.
2019-12-10 Non Compliance 22U - Breast Feeding Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure center has a breastfeeding policy.
2019-12-10 Non Compliance 51U - Toilet Facilities Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure ventilation in both bathrooms on the lower level work.
2018-12-11 Non Compliance 49N - Emergency planning Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure you have emergency water.
2018-12-11 Non Compliance 19N - Child files Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure all children files are complete. Immunizations for one child is needed.
2018-12-11 Non Compliance 20N - Personnel files Corrected
Corrective Action: Ensure all staff files are complete. CPR and First Aid needed for one staff. PD needed for two staff members. Two reference letters needed for one staff member.
2018-07-06 Non Compliance 20N - Personnel files Corrected
Corrective Action: One staff needs to complete the child abuse and neglect acknowledgment. A declaration/drug and alcohol statement is needed for two staff. Two references are needed for one staff member.
2017-12-20 Non Compliance 36N - General safety practices Corrected
Corrective Action: Trash cans need to be covered unless they are paper only. This was corrected at the visit.
2017-12-20 Non Compliance 47N - Diapering Corrected
Corrective Action: Disposable cover is needed for the diaper mat in the young two-year-old classroom. This was corrected at the visit.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


John doe 2021-03-18 03:43:06

My family member goes to this school "One Step Ahead Child Care & Preschool Inc. - Newark DE Licensed Child Care Center" and continues to always be bullied the administrators of this school are NOT doing enough to enforce or reprimand the student for bullying other students. This is a terrible school and there is a high tolerance of allowing bullying to take place.

44 out of 90 think this review is helpful
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Samantha Caison 2021-02-18 12:12:58

Excellent facility very professional.

44 out of 93 think this review is helpful
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Milan's Mom 2019-11-04 20:49:24
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

My child has been going to this daycare since she was 3 years old. I've never had any issues. Childcare cost is fair compared to surrounding schools. I'm not a parent who receives Purchase of care and I never have for my child. Yes, tuition is due every Monday and sometimes I may not have it. Her dad normally pays it bi-weekly. We as her parents make it our duty to keep the director Ms. Dawn informed on when payment will be made and she is VERY UNDERSTANDING! As for the last review in regards to the "money hungry" aspect? I can't relate. This facility has been great for my child. If you're looking for a childcare center that's not too expensive, has great hours, friendly staff, I would choose One Step Ahead!

73 out of 134 think this review is helpful
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!!!! 2019-01-23 15:36:14
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

They are money hungry they dont work with families tht get paid biweekly and cant get poc. They want to slap late fees on. We made our payments every 2 weeks and because shes money hungry suspended my child because she couldn't get her payment every week. And she doesn't work with anyone. I paid just so my son can go to daycare and play he didnt learn anything. His teacher was amazing though she had such a sincer heart i hope she can find an establishment tht will take great care of her. Or start her own business. I pray they prosper or she goes back to business management school to learn how to run an establishment!

69 out of 140 think this review is helpful
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