Nana's House Childcare and Learning Center - Midwest City OK Child Care Center

6205 SE 15th St , Midwest City OK 73110
(405) 455-6774

About the Provider


Nana's House, Childcare and Learning Center is located in a new facility opened in 2016. Serving all age groups for part-time, full-time and drop in childcare and Learning.Nana's house is a two star DHS approved facility that accepts private pay and subsidy. Come check out new daycare and meet the staff! 6205 SE 15th St. Midwest City, OK (right across from rose state). OPEN SUNDAYS. Monday through Sunday, 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Give us a call, we would be happy to answer any questions you have or schedule a tour of the facility!

Additional Information: Rated 2 Stars.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: K830052944
  • Capacity: 45
  • Age Range: 0 - 11 Months, 12 - 23 Months, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years, 5 Years, 6 Years and Older
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations 2 Star, DHS Approved
  • Rate Range 30-170
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Weekend Hours, Evening Hours, Daytime Hours
  • Transportation: Children's Homes, Children's Schools, Field Trips
  • District Office: Oklahoma Dept of Human Services - Child Care Services
  • District Office Phone: (405)912-2000 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Jana Bentley

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type/Purpose Corrections
2019-01-15 Follow Up
Partial Inspection

No non-compliances observed

2018-12-31 Complaint
Partial Inspection

No non-compliances observed

2018-12-19 Periodic
Full Inspection

No non-compliances observed

2018-11-29 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The director will change out the lesson plans in all of the classrooms. The director will ensure that all posted lesson plans are current each week.
Correction Date: 2018-12-03
Description: 340:110-3-281.1(i)(6) - Weekly lesson plans. The program posts lesson plans with the dates and required content per OAC 340:110-3-289(d). Classrooms may only share this item when the lesson plan is applicable to each classroom.

Posted lesson plans in all classrooms are not current, the lesson plans posted are for the week of 10/1/2018.

2018-11-08 Follow Up
Partial Inspection

No non-compliances observed

2018-10-28 Follow Up
Partial Inspection

No non-compliances observed

2018-10-27 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The owner stated he will have two staff open on Saturday and Sunday mornings in order to meet staff/child ratios. If parents do not inform staff that weekend care is needed, for either Saturday or Sunday, those children will not be accepted into care. A third staff person will be present to prepare and serve lunch as well as lunch cleanup. If additional children show up who would cause staff/child ratios to not be met, those children will be turned away. Staff will be instructed to contact either the owner or director (if one is not already present) if there are concerns related to staff child ratios. The required group sizes will not be exceeded. Owner or director will ensure that all staff are familiar with staff/child ratio and group size requirements.,
Correction Date: 2018-10-28
Description: 340:110-3-286 - Ratios and group sizes

The group size exceeded for children ages infant and older; the 25 children in care were in one large group with one staff person present.

2018-10-27 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The owner stated he will have two staff open on Saturday and Sunday mornings in order to meet staff/child ratios. If parents do not inform staff that weekend care is needed, for either Saturday or Sunday, those children will not be accepted into care. A third staff person will be present to prepare and serve lunch as well as lunch cleanup. If additional children show up who would cause staff/child ratios to not be met, those children will be turned away. Staff will be instructed to contact either the owner or director (if one is not already present) if there are concerns related to staff child ratios. The required group sizes will not be exceeded. Owner or director will ensure that all staff are familiar with staff/child ratio and group size requirements.,
Correction Date: 2018-10-28
Description: 340:110-3-286(a) - Ratios. Ratios mean the number of teaching personnel required to be physically present with a child or group of children per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340 Appendix GG - Ratios and Group Sizes. Only teaching personnel count in ratios, unless the requirements specifically state otherwise. The program is required to maintain ratios at all times.

25 children were present with one staff person in one classroom. The children were ages infant and older, with seven children under age two. A second staff person was in the building but was in the kitchen and bathroom area.

2018-10-27 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The owner stated he will have two staff open on Saturday and Sunday mornings in order to meet staff/child ratios. If parents do not inform staff that weekend care is needed, for either Saturday or Sunday, those children will not be accepted into care. A third staff person will be present to prepare and serve lunch as well as lunch cleanup. If additional children show up who would cause staff/child ratios to not be met, those children will be turned away. Staff will be instructed to contact either the owner or director (if one is not already present) if there are concerns related to staff child ratios. The required group sizes will not be exceeded. Owner or director will ensure that all staff are familiar with staff/child ratios and group size requirements, as well as the allowed capacity for each classroom and the room capacities will be posted. Classroom capacity will not be exceeded.
Correction Date: 2018-10-28
Description: 340:110-3-286(a)(1)(D)(ii)(II) - classroom capacity requirements per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340:110-3-301(b) apply.

The room where the 25 children were present exceeded capacity; the room The room has a capacity of 18 children.

2018-10-27 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The owner stated he will have two staff open on Saturday and Sunday mornings in order to meet staff/child ratios. If parents do not inform staff that weekend care is needed, for either Saturday or Sunday, those children will not be accepted into care. A third staff person will be present to prepare and serve lunch as well as lunch cleanup. If additional children show up who would cause staff/child ratios to not be met, those children will be turned away. Staff will be instructed to contact either the owner or director (if one is not already present) if there are concerns related to staff child ratios. The required group sizes will not be exceeded. Owner or director will ensure that all staff are familiar with staff/child ratio and group size requirements., The additional staff present, staff/child ratios being met, and appropriate classroom capacity will help to ensure that supervision of all children is adequate. Children for each group will be adequately supervised.
Correction Date: 2018-10-28
Description: 340:110-3-287(a) - Supervision. Supervision means the function of observing, overseeing, and guiding a child or group of children, including an awareness of, and responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child, and being near enough to intervene when needed. The program is required to maintain supervision at all times.

Supervision for the group of 25 children was not adequate; children were pushing and shoving, climbing. The one staff person was holding an infant and was not able to tend to the needs of all of the children.

2018-10-27 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The door will be repaired today to be stable and secure.
Correction Date: 2018-10-27
Description: 340:110-3-300(z) - Maintenance of facility. The facility has a structurally sound interior and exterior in good repair, such as:

The door between the two classrooms on the west side of the building is unhinged from the frame and not secure.

2018-10-27 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The broken crib will be removed from the center today. Cribs will be checked regularly to ensure safe condition.
Correction Date: 2018-10-27
Description: 340:110-3-302(a)(2)(C) - maintained in a safe condition that prevents hazards, such as splinters, loose parts, protrusions, and sharp edges;

A wooden crib in the infant room is broken; one end of the bed is not attached to the side panels.

2018-10-27 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The two cribs in question will be removed from the premises and not used. Any crib used will meet current requirements.
Correction Date: 2018-10-27
Description: 340:110-3-302(b)(3)(A) - meet the current Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) full-size and non-full-size crib standards. Documentation is maintained per OAC 340:110-3-281.2(c); and

Certificates of compliance for two cribs was not available; the two cribs appear to have been manufactured well before 2011.

2018-10-27 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: While licensing was present, the owner brought multiple gallons of milk to the center. Staff will ensure that milk is kept stocked and served to all children.
Correction Date: 2018-10-27
Description: 340:110-3-298(b)(1) - Meals and snacks. Meals and snacks are required to meet the current Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340 Appendix LL - Meal and Snack Patterns, with the exception of infants per (f) of this Section.

Milk was not served with lunch to all children. Licensing observed several children having lunch with no sign of milk present. Some children stated they had water or juice because there wasn't enough milk for all of the children.

2018-10-23 Complaint
Partial Inspection

No non-compliances observed

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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