Description: We promise to devote our time and effort to ensuring that children are safe, happy, and cared for in a positive environment. We are committed to meeting the developmental needs of children through developmentally appropriate experiences and activities with caring and nurturing staff while providing supervision and guidance that helps children develop their leadership and social skills.
Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.
Date | Type/Purpose | Corrections |
2021-03-29 | Follow Up Partial Inspection |
Description: No non-compliances observed | ||
2021-03-25 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: The LCSI office will be contacted to provide an acceptable plan of correction. Correction Date: 2021-04-02 |
340:110-3-277(a) - Other business. No other business or activity unrelated to child care is conducted at the facility during the hours of operation, unless shared facility requirements are met.
There is another program (Boys and Girls Club) using the LCSI licensed space at the same time as the LCSI. There is a shared space agreement, but it is not being followed. |
2021-03-25 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: The LCSI office will be contacted to provide an acceptable plan of correction. Correction Date: 2021-04-02 |
340:110-3-298(b)(1) - Meals and snacks. Meals and snacks are required to meet the current Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340 Appendix LL - Meal and Snack Patterns, with the exception of infants per (f) of this Section.
Snack served today was a choice of granola bar or animal crackers. Children received one component, and there was not a second component available to serve. |
2021-03-25 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: The LCSI office will be contacted to provide an acceptable plan of correction. Correction Date: 2021-04-02 |
340:110-3-284.2(b)(1) - Required master teachers. At least one master teacher is required for every 60 children of the licensed capacity. Only the required number of master teachers are required to meet all of the master teacher requirements. However, all master teachers meet cardio-pulmonary (CPR) and first aid certification requirements in (6) of this subsection.
The program does not have a second master teacher named. |
2021-03-25 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: The LCSI office will be contacted to provide an acceptable plan of correction. Correction Date: 2021-04-02 |
340:110-3-289(h) - Outdoor play. Daily outdoor play is ensured:
For the last two weeks children have not been able to have daily outdoor play. |
2021-03-25 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: The LCSI office will be contacted to provide an acceptable plan of correction. Correction Date: 2021-04-02 |
340:110-3-298(d) - Weekly menus. Menus of program provided meals and snacks are closely followed with reasonable substitutions permitted. Menus are posted per OAC 340:110-3-281.1(c) and (e).
Weekly menu is not being followed due to the listed items not being available to serve. |
2021-03-25 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: The LCSI office will be contacted to provide an acceptable plan of correction. Correction Date: 2021-03-25 |
340:110-3-287(a) - Supervision. Supervision means the function of observing, overseeing, and guiding a child or group of children, including an awareness of, and responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child, and being near enough to intervene when needed. The program is required to maintain supervision at all times.
Staff person present is not able to adequately supervise the children due to performing multiple duties such as answering the door, signing children out, and talking to parents. |
2020-01-29 | STARS Partial Inspection |
Description: No non-compliances observed | ||
2019-11-05 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: Staff no longer associated to the program will be removed from the direct care organization. The direct care organization page will be maintained current at all times. Correction Date: 2019-11-08 |
340:110-3-284.1(b)(2)(B)(vii) - registering the program as a direct care organization and maintaining information on the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR); and
A staff no longer employed at the program is still associated on the direct care organization. Employment for this staff ended 8/19/19. |
2019-11-05 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: The staff member listed as a probationary master teacher will be associated with the direct care organization. Correction Date: 2019-11-08 |
340:110-3-284.2(b)(3)(A)(ii) - are listed on the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR). No specific level is required; however, OPDL timeframes and certificates are met, per OAC 340:110-3-284(b).
The probationary master teacher that was named 9/9/19 is not associated to the direct care organization. |
2019-11-05 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: Staff present at the program will ensure they are opening the door to let parents and children into the program. Children will not be sent to open the door. Correction Date: 2019-11-05 |
340:110-3-284(c)(2)(C) - demonstrate good judgment as evidenced by prudent and responsible behavior that reasonably ensures the health and safety of children;
When licensing arrived to the program the staff on site were allowing children to leave the classroom to open the door to let parents and children into the program. The outside door is locked and parents and children must be let inside. |
2019-05-21 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Description: No non-compliances observed | ||
2019-01-16 | STARS Partial Inspection |
Description: No non-compliances observed | ||
2018-11-27 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: The director will ensure that any substitutions that are made will be posted. Correction Date: 2018-11-27 |
340:110-3-281.1(c)(8) - Weekly menu. The menu, including dates and substitutions, is posted. Additional posted menus are duplicates, including substitutions.
The menu did not reflect the snack that was served. Substitution was made, and was not posted. |
2018-04-25 | Periodic Full Inspection |
Plan: Director will complete a current physical environment checklist, this checklist will be updated annually. Correction Date: 2018-05-02 |
340:110-3-281.2(c)(9)(A) - Physical environment checklist. DHS form, or other checklists regarding the same information as the form, is completed at least every 12 months.
A current physical environment checklist is not available on site today. |
If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.
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