Love to Learn Child Development Center, Inc. - Oklahoma City OK Child Care Center

(405) 682-5683

About the Provider

Description: Love to Learn Child Development Center, Inc. is a Child Care Center in OKLAHOMA CITY OK, with a maximum capacity of 60 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 0 - 11 Months, 12 - 23 Months, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years, 6 Years and Older. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Rated 2 Stars.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: K830052747
  • Capacity: 60
  • Age Range: 0 - 11 Months, 12 - 23 Months, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years, 6 Years and Older
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Daytime Hours
  • Transportation: Children's Schools, Field Trips
  • District Office: Oklahoma Dept of Human Services - Child Care Services
  • District Office Phone: (405) 543-8709 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Paige Patten

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type/Purpose Corrections
2021-07-15 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The Director stated the facility had internet issues and that has been resolved. The director stated she has submitted the paper work to CECPD and waiting for a response. The director will set reminders and complete paper work in a timely manner.
Correction Date: 2021-07-15
Description: 340:110-3-284.1(b)(C) - has a current bronze or higher level certificate per OAC 340 Appendix EE - Oklahoma Director's Credential;

Expired ODC 8-20-20.

2021-07-15 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The facility had internet issues and that have been resolved. The Director has submitted paper work to CECPD and is waiting for a response. The director will set reminders and complete the paper in a timely manner.
Correction Date: 2021-07-15
Description: 340:110-3-284(b)(3) - Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder. Prior to or within 12 months of employment, teaching personnel obtain and maintain a current Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder (OPDL) certificate, per OAC 340 Appendix FF Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder.

5 personnel have expired PDL's

2021-07-15 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The facility has had internet issues that have been resolved. The director has submitted paper work to the CECPD and is waiting for a response. The Director will set reminders and complete paper work in a timely manner.
Correction Date: 2021-07-15
Description: 340:110-3-284.2(b)(1) - Required master teachers. At least one master teacher is required for every 60 children of the licensed capacity. Only the required number of master teachers are required to meet all of the master teacher requirements. However, all master teachers meet cardio-pulmonary (CPR) and first aid certification requirements in (6) of this subsection.

Does not have a quailed master teacher to meet requirements. They need 1 Master teacher.

2021-07-15 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: The Director will complete a equipment inventory by the associated date.
Correction Date: 2021-07-29
Description: 340:110-3-302(a)(3)(B) - conducts an equipment inventory at least every 12 months. Documentation is maintained per OAC 340:110-3-281.2(c).

Did not complete an equipment inventory for the year.

2020-03-05 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Corrected Director enrolled in a food handlers course. Director will complete the food handlers course by the associated date.
Correction Date: 2020-03-06
Description: 340:110-3-284.3(c)(2) - Position specific professional development. Prior to or within three months of assuming primary responsibilities for food preparation, food service personnel obtain food service training from an approved source listed on the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR) website. However, this is not required when only limited food service is provided per OAC 340:110-3-299(a).

Personnel who are responsible for food preparation did not complete food handler course from an approved source prior to or within 3 months of preparing food.

2020-03-05 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Annual equipment inventory will be completed by the associated date. I will make sure that the equipment inventory will be completed each year it is due by putting in a reminder on my calendar.
Correction Date: 2020-03-13
Description: 340:110-3-302(a)(3)(B) - conducts an equipment inventory at least every 12 months. Documentation is maintained per OAC 340:110-3-281.2(c).

Annual equipment inventory was not completed for the year.

2019-11-26 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: I will purchase a thermometer for the refrigerator used for children by the associated date. All refrigerators used for children will have thermometers in them at all times.
Correction Date: 2019-11-26
Description: 340:110-3-299(j)(3)(A) - Thermometers are located in a designated location, chosen by the program, in each refrigerator and freezer used for children's food so personnel can easily ensure accurate temperatures.

Thermometer was not in in refrigerator used for children.

2019-11-26 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: New employees will complete ELCCT within 90 calendar days of their hire date. New hire will complete ELCCT by the associated date.
Correction Date: 2020-01-26
Description: 340:110-3-284(d)(5) - Entry Level Child Care Training (ELCCT) or equivalent. Prior to, or within 90 calendar days of employment, teaching personnel hired after August 1, 2003, complete an approved entry-level training listed on the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR) website, such as ELCCT. However, this training is not required when previously received, unless the individual has not been employed at a licensed program within the last five years.

A new employee did not complete ELCCT prior to or within 90 calendar days of employment.

2019-11-26 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: New employees will complete CPR/FA within 90 calendar days of their hire date. New hire will complete CPR/FA by the associated date.
Correction Date: 2020-01-26
Description: 340:110-3-284.2(b)(6)(A) - on or after November 1, 2016, obtain the certification within three months; or

A new employee did not complete CPR/FA within 3 months of employment.

2019-07-17 Follow Up
Partial Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2019-07-16 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Corrected during the monitoring visit a staff member arrived and the classroom was in compliance with ratios. I will do my best with schedules to make sure all classrooms have enough staff.
Correction Date: 2019-07-16
Description: 340:110-3-286(a) - Ratios. Ratios mean the number of teaching personnel required to be physically present with a child or group of children per Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 340 Appendix GG - Ratios and Group Sizes. Only teaching personnel count in ratios, unless the requirements specifically state otherwise. The program is required to maintain ratios at all times.

24 six and up children with 1 teacher.

2019-06-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Director will submit all paper work to bids by the associated date. I will make sure all forms are filled out correctly and make a phone call to bids to make sure no mistakes are made before allowing new employees to start employment.
Correction Date: 2019-06-28
Description: 340:110-3-282(a)(1) - Required individuals. Background investigations are required, per Section 401 et seq. of Title 10 of the Oklahoma Statutes (10 O.S. 401 et seq.), Oklahoma Child Care Facilities Licensing Act (Licensing Act), unless an exception per (3) of this subsection applies for:

Two new employees working with children did not have in process or complete criminal history review results.

2019-06-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: I will check and make sure all items are in the first aid kit by the associated date. I will check all first aid kits to make sure all items are included.
Correction Date: 2019-06-28
Description: 340:110-3-279(d) - First aid kits.

First Aid kit were missing items: Bandage Tape, Blunt-Tipped Scissors

2019-06-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: I will complete all annual drills by the associated date. I will put a reminder in my calendar when the annual drills are due.
Correction Date: 2019-07-19
Description: 340:110-3-279(g)(1)(C)(ii) - Annual. Annual drills include:

Lock - Down Drill, Relocating, sheltering in place, and evacuation drill were not completed within 12 months.

2019-06-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: I will complete emergency plans and procedures review by the associated date. I will put a reminder in my calendar when they are due.
Correction Date: 2019-07-03
Description: 340:110-3-279(g)(3) - Emergency plans and procedures reviews. The director updates, as necessary, and reviews emergency plans and procedures:

Did not complete emergency plans and procedures review within 12 months.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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