Kids Unlimited Learning Academy - Springdale AR Early Intervention Day Treatment (EIDT)

(479) 750-1500

About the Provider

Description: Kids Unlimited Learning Academy is a Early Intervention Day Treatment (EIDT) in SPRINGDALE AR, with a maximum capacity of 140 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant/Toddler; Preschool; . The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: 1 Stars Better Beginnings;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 31426
  • Capacity: 140
  • Age Range: Infant/Toddler; Preschool;
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: 900 E 13th Ct, Bentonville 72712
  • District Office Phone: (479) 273-9011 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Tina Bell ([email protected])

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Visit/Complaint Date Type Details
2023-06-14 Facility Visit Subparts 1 and 2An EIDT must appropriately supervise all beneficiaries based on each beneficiary’s needs.
2023-05-17 Facility Visit Subparts 1 and 2An EIDT must appropriately supervise all beneficiaries based on each beneficiary’s needs.
2023-03-23 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2023-02-26 Facility Visit Subparts 1 and 2An EIDT must appropriately supervise all beneficiaries based on each beneficiary’s needs.
2022-06-17 Facility Complaint 300.302.1.1 - Subparts 1 and 2An EIDT must appropriately supervise all beneficiaries based on each beneficiary’s needs.
2021-10-05 Facility Visit 1000.1001.2.All equipment shall be sturdy, clean, and safe.
1100.1101.11.f.A first aid supply shall be kept out of reach of the children. A first aid kit containing medications shall be locked. This kit shall include the following: Thermometer;
1100.1101.11.g.A first aid supply shall be kept out of reach of the children. A first aid kit containing medications shall be locked. This kit shall include the following: Scissors;
1100.1101.11.i.A first aid supply shall be kept out of reach of the children. A first aid kit containing medications shall be locked. This kit shall include the following: Tweezers.
600.603.1.b.Staff records may be maintained off site, unless otherwise noted, and shall contain the following:Education, training and experience, including a copy of the General Education Diploma (GED) or high school diploma (If these documents are no longer available, proof of reasonable effort to obtain the documentation is acceptable) Clarification: Training hours will be counted on a calendar year basis or by the facilitys operating schedule if they do not operate year- round;
600.603.1.j.Staff records may be maintained off site, unless otherwise noted, and shall contain the following:Documentation of new employee evaluations.
700.702.10.Bottles and sippy cups shall be labeled with the childs name and shall be refrigerated.
900.902.9.Equipment shall not have protrusion hazards. (A protrusion is a projection which, when tested, is found to be a hazard having the potential to cause bodily injury to a user who impacts it.)
2021-03-18 Facility Visit 300.301.11.Additional staff provisions shall be made for enrollment of children with disabilities who require individual attention.
300.301.3.Children ages thirty (30) to thirty-six (36) months may be placed in the group most suited to their social, emotional, and developmental maturity.
300.301.8.At no time shall children be left unsupervised or unattended. The child care center shall provide additional staff for any temporary absence of primary child caring staff for activities such as breaks, meal preparation, transportation, etc.
2021-03-04 Facility Complaint 300.302.1.1 - Subparts 1 and 2An EIDT must appropriately supervise all beneficiaries based on each beneficiary’s needs.
2021-01-26 Facility Visit 1100.1101.4.Any child who is injured shall have immediate attention. Parents shall be notified of all injuries. Injuries that require the attention of medical personnel shall be reported to the parent immediately and to the Licensing Unit within one business day.
1300.1301.11.Rosters listing the date, the names and the ages/dates of birth of all children being transported as well as the name of the driver and any other staff member on the vehicle shall be maintained. These rosters shall be used to check children on and off the vehicle when they are picked up and dropped off at home, school, etc. and when they arrive at and leave the facility. Transportation rosters shall be kept by the facility and available for review for one year.
900.902.1.The area shall be free of hazards or potentially hazardous objects.
2020-03-27 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2020-02-13 Facility Visit No Violations Cited

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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