Happyland Child Care Center Inc. - Arkadelphia AR Child Care Center

(870) 246-4050

About the Provider

Description: Happyland is proud to announce that we have been approved by the Arkansas Department of Education as a quality approved center for the ABC program. Our programs are designed to help small bodies and minds grow through fun activities that enhance the physical, mental, social, and emotional development of every child.

Additional Information: ABC Facility; Images/1star.png Stars Better Beginnings;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 12407
  • Capacity: 117
  • Age Range: Infant/Toddler; Preschool; School Age;
  • Rate Range Infant 0 to 18 Months-$17.50 per Day (Night Care) Infant 0 to 18 Months-$19.50 per Day (Weekend Care) Infant 0 to 18 Months-$17.00 per Day (7 Hours or More) Infant 0 to 18 Months-$7.50 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) Preschool 30 to 72 Months-$17.00 per Day (Night Care) Preschool 30 to 72 Months-$8.50 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) Preschool 30 to 72 Months-$19.50 per Day (Weekend Care) Preschool 30 to 72 Months-$17.00 per Day (7 Hours or More) School Age 60 to 156 Months-$19.50 per Day (Weekend Care) School Age 60 to 156 Months-$15.00 per Day (7 Hours or More) School Age 60 to 156 Months-$8.50 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) Toddler 18 to 36 Months-$17.50 per Day (Night Care) Toddler 18 to 36 Months-$19.50 per Day (Weekend Care) Toddler 18 to 36 Months-$17.00 per Day (7 Hours or More) Toddler 18 to 36 Months-$9.00 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) Toddler 18 to 36 Months-$17.50 per Day (7 Hours or More)
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Infant / Toddler , Preschool
  • District Office: 602 S 10th St, Arkadelphia 71923
  • District Office Phone: - (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Ariel Hillard ([email protected])

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Visit/Complaint Date Type Details
2023-06-02 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2023-05-16 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2023-03-22 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2023-02-23 Facility Visit The following persons shall apply to the Identification Bureau of the Arkansas State Police for a nationwide criminal record check, to be conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which shall include a fingerprint check: (The individual is responsible for the cost of a nationwide check. Each request must be accompanied by a check or money order made out to the Arkansas State Police.) Fingerprints submitted will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI. Individuals with results showing a prohibited offense shall be advised to contact the Licensing Unit for procedures to obtain the results and for procedures to update or make corrections to the record of their individual history.Each applicant to own or operate a child care facility At initial application and every five (5) years thereafter
2023-01-26 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2022-12-16 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2022-07-26 Facility Complaint 500.501.2 - Physical punishment shall not be administered to children.
2022-07-25 Facility Complaint 300.303.6 - Staff shall not engage in behavior that could be viewed as sexual, dangerous, exploitative, or physically harmful to children. A caregiver shall not use profanity or speak in an abusive manner when children are present.
2022-05-27 Facility Complaint 400.401.13.a - Staff shall not release a child to anyone who is not immediately recognized as the child’s parent or as someone on the authorized pick-up list unless:The individual can provide an official picture identification (ID); and
2021-10-08 Facility Visit 300.306.4.01.All new staff, including volunteers who are counted in the ratios, shall receive the following orientation within three (3) months of employment (and every three (3) years thereafter) and shall not be left alone with children until this is completed.Introduction (eight (8) clock hours) a. Proper supervision of children; b. Behavioral guidance practices; c. Safe sleep practices for infants; d. Shaken baby syndrome; which includes prevention (Carters Law, Act 1208); e. Appropriately responding to a crying or fussy infant or child; f. Emergency procedures in the event of severe weather, or fire, including evacuation procedures and routes, and location and use of fire extinguishers; g. Mandated reporter training; h. Administering medication; i. Caring for children with special needs or care plans; j. Transportation and car seat safety; k. Policies regarding release of children to authorized individuals; l. Prevention and control of infectious diseases; m. Building and physical premises safety, including the identification of, and protection from, hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic; n. Nutrition and physical activities; o. Prevention and response to food sensitivities and allergic reactions; p. Basic child development; and q. The handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio contaminants. See Division website for a list of courses, that the Division maintains contracts for, which meet the above requirements.
300.306.5.a.The Director, Assistant Director or Site Supervisor, and fifty percent (50%) of the facility staff that are on site at any given time shall have a certificate of successful completion of first aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) from an approved organization. If the facility serves infants and toddlers, this training shall include infant and child CPR. (Infant and child CPR may be included in the basic course or in a separate course.)The curriculum shall conform to current American Heart Association or American Red Cross guidelines;
2021-08-10 Facility Visit 1000.1003.2.Infants and toddlers shall be placed in age appropriate cribs, cots, or mats meeting Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards, for when they fall asleep. (Note: Also, any items used in the crib must be used according to manufacturer guidelines, regardless if the child is sleeping or not, in accordance with 1001.1.)
1000.1003.7.Bibs, necklaces, and garments with ties or hoods shall be removed from infants prior to rest and naptime to reduce the risk of entanglement and strangulation while the child is sleeping.
1100.1101.17.Garbage and soiled diapers shall be kept in closed containers. Garbage and trash shall be removed from the center daily and from the grounds at least once a week.
1100.1102.4.Caregivers and childrens hands shall be washed with soap before meals and snacks, after toileting, after each diaper change, and as needed. The use of hand sanitizer shall not be a replacement for soap and running water.
1200.1202.2.Pacifiers, if used, shall not be secured around the neck by a cord or any other means that could represent a strangulation hazard.
300.301.12.During naptime for children two and one-half (2 ) years of age and above, a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the staff shall remain with the children, with a total of seventy-five percent (75%) of the staff remaining in the building.
300.301.4.Infants and toddlers shall not be mixed with preschool children, except as listed in the following requirement.
700.702.2.Feedings for all children up to twelve (12) months of age shall be documented by the caregiver and available for review by the parent. This documentation shall continue for all children older than twelve (12) months of age who are still being given bottles.
700.702.3.Infant bottles and food shall be prepared and heated in an area separate from the diaper changing area.
2021-08-04 Facility Visit 700.702.9.Bottles shall not be propped. Infants under six (6) months of age shall be held while being bottle-fed.
2021-05-25 Facility Visit 1000.1003.7.Bibs, necklaces, and garments with ties or hoods shall be removed from infants prior to rest and naptime to reduce the risk of entanglement and strangulation while the child is sleeping.
1200.1202.2.Pacifiers, if used, shall not be secured around the neck by a cord or any other means that could represent a strangulation hazard.
700.702.2.Feedings for all children up to twelve (12) months of age shall be documented by the caregiver and available for review by the parent. This documentation shall continue for all children older than twelve (12) months of age who are still being given bottles.
2021-04-15 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2021-04-08 Facility Complaint 1100.1101.7 - Children with special health care needs (ex. asthma, seizures, diabetes, etc.) who require scheduled daily medications or medications to be given on an emergent basis (Benadryl, EpiPen, rescue asthma medication, etc.) shall have a care plan. Care plans shall have clearly stated parameters, directions, and symptoms for giving the medications. Care plans shall be updated as needed, but at least yearly.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Providers in ZIP Code 71923