Goddard Riverside Community Ctr. Beacon - New York NY School-Age Child Care

154 West 93rd Street , New York NY 10025
(212) 799-9400

About the Provider

Description: Goddard Riverside’s After School Programs for young people emphasize leadership, community service, academic excellence, physical fitness, and cultural arts programming. The After School Programs operate from September to May (Beacon operates from September to June). Monday through Friday.

Additional Information: This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only; Initial License Date: 2/11/2009;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 388170
  • Capacity: 100
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Manhattan 3 School District
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2009-02-11
  • Current License Issue Date: 2019-02-11
  • District Office: New York City Dept. of Health - Regional Office
  • District Office Phone: (646) 632-6305 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2019-04-10 Violation 414.15(b)(11)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: must notify the Office immediately in writing when there is any change in director;
2019-04-10 Violation 414.15(b)(12)(iv) Corrected
Brief Description: immediately upon learning of any other change that would place the school age child care program out of compliance with applicable regulations.
2019-04-10 Violation 414.15(b)(23) Corrected
Brief Description: Upon termination or resignation of the director, an acting director must be immediately named by the registrant. The appointment of the acting director must be shared with the Office by the next day of business. A permanent director must be on-site within ninety days.
2019-02-14 Violation 414.2(e) Corrected
Brief Description: Renewal. Applicants for renewal of a registration must submit to the Office at least 60 days in advance of the expiration date of the registration the following:
2019-02-14 Violation 414.2(e)(5) Corrected
Brief Description: documentation showing compliance with the training requirements of section 414.14 of this Part;
2019-02-14 Violation 414.2(f) Corrected
Brief Description: Applicants for renewal of a registration may not be issued a registration until an inspection of the program has been conducted showing compliance with the requirements of this Part and the relevant provisions of the Social Services Law.
2019-02-14 Violation 414.3(b) Corrected
Brief Description: Areas that will be used by the children must be well-lighted and well-ventilated. Heating, ventilation and lighting equipment must be adequate for the protection of the health of the children.
2019-02-14 Violation 414.3(g) Corrected
Brief Description: Peeling or damaged paint or plaster must be repaired.
2019-02-14 Violation 414.13(b)(4) Corrected
Brief Description: the information necessary to determine whether the applicant is the subject of an indicated report of child abuse and maltreatment as required by section 414.10(b)(i) of this Part.
2018-12-06 Violation 414.3(b) Corrected
Brief Description: Areas that will be used by the children must be well-lighted and well-ventilated. Heating, ventilation and lighting equipment must be adequate for the protection of the health of the children.
2018-12-06 Violation 414.3(g) Corrected
Brief Description: Peeling or damaged paint or plaster must be repaired.
2018-12-06 Violation 414.11(b)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: Staff and volunteers must each submit a medical statement on forms furnished by the Office or an approved equivalent from a health care provider:
2018-12-06 Violation 414.11(b)(1)(ii) Corrected
Brief Description: before such person has any involvement in child care work.
2018-12-06 Violation 414.11(b)(6) Corrected
Brief Description: The initial medical statement for staff and volunteers must include the results of a Mantoux tuberculin test or other federally approved tuberculin test performed within the 12 months preceding the date of the application.
2018-12-06 Violation 414.13(b)(2) Corrected
Brief Description: the names, addresses and day time telephone numbers of at least three acceptable references, other than relatives, at least one of whom can verify employment history, work record and qualifications, and at least one of whom can attest to the applicant's character, habits and personal qualifications to be a school-age child care program staff member;

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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ChildcareCenter.us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

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