Description: Childtime Learning Center is a Licensed Center in Avon IN, with a maximum capacity of 160 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant; Toddler; Two-Twelve. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.
Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.
Inspection Type/Date | Action needed to correct issue | Date Resolved |
Licensing 2024-04-25 |
Subject to section 3.3 of this chapter, the applicant must, at no expense to the state, do the following: Require an employee or volunteer of the applicant who may be present on the premises of the child care center during operating hours of the child care center to submit fingerprints for a national criminal history background check by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. | |
Type of correction needed:
IC 12-17.2-4-3(e)(1) One staff present has expired fingerprints on file with the division (C.R. expired on 1/8/24). |
Licensing 2024-03-21 |
In addition to first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), universal precautions, and life saving certification, all directors and persons counted in child/staff ratios shall have, on an annual basis, a minimum of twelve (12) clock hours of in-service training as follows: Caregivers shall receive training in each of the following categories: Positive classroom management and discipline | 2024-03-22 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-35(a)(2)(a) SELF-REPORT: At time of incident on 3/18/24, caregiver did not utilize appropriate classroom management and disciple management. Caregivers will need to re-take training. |
Licensing 2024-03-21 |
Inappropriate discipline | 2024-03-22 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-55 SELF-REPORT: Director states on 3/18/24 Inappropriate Discipline was used by a caregiver to a 2.5-year-old child male, by pulling on the child’s arm and yanking the child’s arm. |
Licensing 2023-11-20 |
Building maintenance | 2023-11-26 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-99 Follow-up inspection: In the Infant 1 room the cabinet under the sink has water damage following leak. Send documentation to consultant. |
Licensing 2023-11-16 |
The center shall use an antiscald valve approved by ISDH to maintain water temperature between one hundred (100) degrees Fahrenheit and one hundred twenty (120) degrees Fahrenheit on all hot water supplied to sinks, bathing, and washing facilities used by children. | 2023-12-30 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-114(d) In the Two’s/Infant room the water temperature was 71 degrees which is below the 100-120 degree requirement. |
Licensing 2023-11-16 |
The center must store cleaning equipment, cleaning agents, aerosol cans, and any other item that states keep out of the reach of children in a place that is inaccessible to children | 2023-11-16 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-100(e) In Early Preschool there are two hand lotions labeled "keep out of reah of children" in a cabinet drawer accessible to children which is unsafe. |
Licensing 2023-11-16 |
All items in the restroom must be sanitizable | 2023-11-16 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-113(n) In the Toddlers 1, Toddlers 2, Preschool 1, Preschool 2 bathrooms all had items considered sanitizable (brooms, mops, dust pans, and vacuum). Bathrooms cannot be used for storage. |
Licensing 2023-11-16 |
Building maintenance | 2023-12-30 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-99 In Two’s 1 there is peeling paint through-out the room. In PreK room one of the lights is out. |
Licensing 2022-09-13 |
Poisons, chemicals, and hazardous items | 2022-09-13 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-100 at time of inspection, the Junior K has two spray bottles (glass cleaner and peroxide) accessible to children on the lower shelf of the cubby area labeled keep out of reach of children. |
Licensing 2022-05-16 |
Bathrooms | |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-113 In the Junior K bathroom, toilet paper was not dispensed in sanitary manner. Clothes were not in a closed container, making it unsanitary. Plunger was stored in bathroom. |
Licensing 2022-04-14 |
Poisons, chemicals, and hazardous items | 2022-04-14 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-100 (f) The center must store any items that might beharmful to children in a place inaccessible to children. The two's classroom has a bag/purse and a coat on sink. |
Licensing 2022-04-14 |
All items in the restroom must be sanitizable | 2022-04-14 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-113(n) Junior K classroom has a mop stored in bathroom-bathrooms cannot be used for storage of other items unrelated to toileting. Plungers, toilet bowl brushes and brooms should not be stored in children’s bathrooms. |
Licensing 2022-03-09 |
Staff, substitutes, and volunteer records | 2022-03-09 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-41 One staff not working with children but has access to children does not have a consent. |
Licensing 2021-11-23 |
Child/staff ratios and supervision | 2021-11-24 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-48 2 staff were not qualified due to back ground checks which puts two classrooms out of ratio. |
Licensing 2021-11-23 |
Infant Room Furnishing | 2021-11-23 |
Type of correction needed:
470 IAC 3-4.7-129 infant room 1 and 2 tears in changing table pads. |
If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.
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