Description: Providing Early Care and Education in a safe, nurturing environment
Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.
Inspection Date | Reason | Description | Status |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.106(a) - Clean, age appropriate | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The cribs in Room 4 (infant room) were not labeled with the name of the child who was to use each crib. Correction Required: Individual, clean, age-appropriate rest equipment shall be provided for preschool, toddler and infant children as agreed between the child's parent and the operator. The rest equipment shall be labeled for the use of a specific child and used only by the specified child. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The cribs name labels came off the cribs when they were cleaned. The names were replaced on the cribs on the day of inspection. In the future if any crib tag falls off it will be immediately replaced by a staff member. Academy management will also check that all cribs have labels during the daily walk through. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.123(a)(1) - Amount of fee | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The agreement on file for Child #2 does not include the amount to be paid by the parent. Correction Required: An agreement shall specify the amount of the fee to be charged per day or per week. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The agreement was updated with the amount paid by the parent. In the future academy staff will be sure to double check that parents put the actual weekly payment amount on the agreement form and not just copay. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.123(a)(3) - Services proceeded | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The file for Child #3, who has been enrolled since 2/5/18, and for #4, who has been enrolled since 8/21/18, does not include any child service reports since admission. Correction Required: The services to be provided to the family and the child, including the Department's approved form to provide information to the family about the child's growth and development in the context of the services being provided. The operator shall complete and update the form and provide a copy to the family in accordance with the updates regarding emergency contact information in 3270.124(f) (relating to emergency contact information). |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child # 3 is no longer enrolled. Child #4 had his 36 month Ounce completed, signed, and a copy given to the parent. The staff member has been reminded that all children in care need to have documentation about the child's growth and development and it needs to be shared with parents. He will complete the approved Ounce assessments for all children in his care. This will be checked by the assistant academy director who is in charge of anything pertaining to child files for licensing. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.124(b)(3) - Parent home/work address, phone | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The emergency contact form on file for Child #1 does not include the address and telephone number for the enrolling parent's place of employment. Correction Required: Emergency contact information must include the home and work addresses and telephone numbers of the enrolling parent. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Parent of Child#1 is not working at time of updating the emergency contact form due to COVID-19. It has been noted on the application that it is not applicable. The emergency contact will be updated when she either returns to work or acquires a new position. When enrolling new families or updating emergency contact forms parents will be reminded that they need to fill out the work information on the form. If not currently working, it also needs to be noted. All forms will then be double checked by academy mangement during the monthly file review. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.124(b)(7) - Name/address/phone release person | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The emergency contact form on file for Child #3 does not include a complete address for all listed release persons. Correction Required: Emergency contact information must include the name, address and telephone number of the individual designated by the parent to whom the child may be released. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child #3 is no longer enrolled at the center therefore correcting the citation. In the future, the academy staff will make sure that the full address for people designated by the parent to whom the child may be released is on the emergency contact. Academy management will make sure that the full addresses are present on the emergency contact form and if they are not will get the information to update the form from the parent. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.124(c) - Each child care space | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: There were 2 children in Room 11 (older toddler) who did not have their emergency contact form in the room where they were receiving care. Correction Required: When children are in the facility, emergency contact information shall be present in a child care space for children receiving care in the space. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The older toddler room was given every emergency contact form of the children enrolled in the center. By doing this it ensured that any child entering the class will have an emergency contact form any child that happen to be in the room receiving care. In the future, that staff will make sure that any child in their care has an emergency contact form in that specific room. If they do not have the form they will ask the academy director or assistant academy director for a copy of the form. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.124(e) - Written emergency plan posted | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The child medical emergency transportation plan was not posted in Room 6 or in Room 8. Correction Required: A written plan identifying the means of transporting a child to emergency care and staffing provisions in the event of an emergency shall be displayed conspicuously in every child care space and shall accompany a staff person who leaves on an excursion with children. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The child emergency plans were replaced on day of inspection. Staff members will be reminded to make sure all the necessary signage is hung in each classroom. If they need new signage they will be reminded to ask academy management. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.131(b)(2) - Toddler/preschool: updated health report every 12 months | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The most recent health assessment on file for Child #5, a preschool age child, dated 12/2/19, more than 12 months after the previous health assessment, dated 7/5/18. Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent to provide an updated health report at least every 12 months for an older toddler or preschool child. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child #5 has a current physical on file as of 12/2/19. In the future, Academy management will check files monthly and give parents at least 2 months notice of needed upcoming physicals. Staff will follow up with parents to make sure they have an appointment before 12 months have passed from the current physical on file. If parents do not turn in an updated physical form they will be told that they can not return until we have an current physical on file. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.131(e)(1) - Exemption documentation from parent/guardian | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The most recent influenza vaccination on record on file Child #4 , is dated 2/13/19, more than 12 months ago; as per recommendation by the ACIP, the influenza vaccination should be updated annually. Correction Required: The facility shall require the parent to provide updated written verification from a physician, physician's assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department of ongoing vaccines administered to an infant, toddler or preschool child in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The parent was notified that per recommendation by the ACIP children need an annual influenza vaccination. If they were choosing to opt out of receiving the influenza vaccination or any of the recommended vaccinations it would need to be done in writing so that it can be placed in the child's file stating the reason for not receiving the vaccination. In the future, the Assistant Academy Director will remind parents of children with upcoming immunization needs. These immunization needs will be noted and given to the parents when doing the monthly child file review. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.151(a)/3270.192(3) - 12 months prior to service and every 24 months thereafter/Health assessment, TB test | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The most recent health assessment on file for Staff person #1, dated 5/2/19, is dated more than 24 months after the previous health assessment, dated 4/10/17. The most recent health assessment on file for Staff person #2, dated 5/3/19, is dated more than 24 months after the previous health assessment, dated 6/21/16. Correction Required: A facility person providing direct care who comes into contact with the children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment conducted within 12 months prior to providing initial service in a child care setting and every 24 months thereafter. A health assessment is valid for 24 months following the date of signature, if the person does not contract a communicable disease or develop a medical problem.A facility person's record shall include a written report of initial and subsequent health assessments, including the results of initial and subsequent tuberculin skin tests, x-rays or other medical documentation necessary to confirm freedom from communicable tuberculosis. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) All staff members health assessments are up to date as of the date of inspection on 8.14.20. The Academy Director will remind staff two months prior to their health assessment expiration that they need to have an updated health assessment on file. The Academy Director will then follow up a few days after to see if they scheduled the doctor appointment for the health assessment. The appointment will be noted on the Director's calendar and the staff member will be reminded of the appointment. The staff member will be given a health assessment form to take the appointment to be filled out by a medical professional. The completed updated staff assessment form will then be placed in the staff file. By following the above action plan Brightside Academy Squirrel Hill will be in compliance with the pa code. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.31(e)(4)(ii)/3270.192(2)(iii) - Fire safety - 1 yr./Exp, educ., training at facility | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The file for Staff person #3, with a hire date of 9/4/18, includes verification of fire safety training dated 9/23/19, more than 1 year after hire. Correction Required: Staff persons shall participate, at least annually, in firesafety training conducted by a fire protection professional. Staff persons and volunteers shall receive training in maintenance of smoke detectors, the duties of facility persons during a fire drill and during a fire and the use of the facility's fire extinguishers, not including discharge of the fire suppressant agent.A facility person's record shall include verification of child care experience, education and training following the outset of service at the facility. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The staff member was brought into compliance once she obtained her fire safety training on 9/23/19. All staff members are required to have fire safety training within the first year of hire and maintained yearly. The academy director will be responsible for keeping track of new hires and making sure they receive fire safety training before they have been employeed for 1 year. This will be done by making sure an updated copy of the child care staff data sheet is on hand to reference . |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.32(a)/3270.192(4) - Comply with CPSL/CPSL information | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The file for Staff person #1, who resided in Ohio in the previous 5 years, does not include a child abuse clearance, and sex offender clearance from Ohio, which were to be obtained by 7/1/20, as per CPSL. The file for Staff person #4, whose hire date is 7/27/20 and who resided in California in the previous 5 years, does not include a criminal history clearance, child abuse clearance, and sex offender clearance from California, which was to be obtained at hire, as per as per CPSL. Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). Facility Person #1 and #4 may not work in a child care position at the facility. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Staff person #1 was suspended until clearances were procured. His clearances were printed in placed in his file. Staff person #4 was also taken out of a child care position until her out of state clearance issue could be resolved. Any newly hired people that have not resided in Pennsylvania for 5 years will have to have the clearances from their prior state of residence as well as all clearances from Pennsylvania to work in a child care position. The Academy Director reached out the the Human Resources department to make sure, in the future, that they are following this state regulation when hiring new employees. The Academy management will also make a point to double check to make sure that the HR department has procured the appropriate documents from the new employee before they can start in their child care position. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.65 - Protective Outlet Covers 5 yrs. or less | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: There was a missing outlet cover in Room 5 at the counter and in Room 6 in the kitchen/dramatic play area. Correction Required: Protective receptacle covers shall be placed in electrical outlets accessible to children 5 years of age or younger. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The electrical outlets in Room 5 and Room 6 were covered with a protective cover on the day of inspection. Staff will be reminded to make sure that all electrical outlets are checked and covered daily! The academy management will also check outlets during the daily walk through. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.74 - Emergency Numbers Posted | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: None of the classrooms had emergency telephone numbers posted. Correction Required: The telephone number of the nearest hospital, police department, fire department, ambulance and poison control center shall be posted by each telephone in the facility. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Emergency phone numbers were moved from parent information boards and placed with the phones. If the room did not have any list a new list was posted with the phone. The phones are recent additions in a few of our classrooms. Not all classrooms have them. Staff will be reminded to replace lists should they fall down off the walls. Academy Management will check during the academy walk-through for missing emergency phone number lists. |
2020-06-26 | Renewal | 3270.75(b) - Inaccessible to children | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: There was a backpack containing a first aid kit laying on the floor, accessible to children, in Room 5 and in Room 10. Correction Required: A first-aid kit must be inaccessible to children. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The first aid kits were placed in areas that were inaccessible to children. Staff members will be reminded that all first aid kits are to be placed in a designated area and kept out of the reach of children. Academy management will remind staff of this and check that the first aid kits are out of reach on the daily academy walk through. |
If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.
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