The Owls Nest Daycare And Preschool Llc - Woodbury PA Child Care Center

(814) 766-4515

About the Provider

Description: THE OWLS NEST DAYCARE AND PRESCHOOL LLC is a Child Care Center in WOODBURY PA, with a maximum capacity of 51 children. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CER-00182244
  • Capacity: 51
  • State Rating: 1
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Schools Served: Northern Bedford County - Serviced by school bus
  • District Office: Early Learning Resource Center for Region 6
  • District Office Phone: (814) 623-9129 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Date Reason Description Status
2020-08-31 Renewal 3270.163(a)(3) - Fruit/vegetable Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: On 8/31/20 the lunch prepared for toddlers lacked at least one fruit or vegetable.

Correction Required: A lunch or dinner prepared at the facility for children of toddler age or older shall include at least one fruit or vegetable.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Menu's are provided for staff on a weekly basis and followed to ensure all food groups are given at each meal provided at the center. If the staff have run out of an item the director will be notified and the items will be bought. Staff were informally trained on food groups.
2020-08-31 Renewal 3270.32(a)/3270.192(4) - Comply with CPSL/CPSL information Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff #1 lacked a Pennsylvania State Police (PSP), Pennsylvania Child Abuse, and DHS FBI clearance updated every 60 months, current clearances were observed on file. Staff #2 was employed incorrectly as a provisional hire and lacked documentation showing a Pennsylvania Child Abuse clearance was ordered prior to employment in a child care position. No current clearance was observed on file. Staff #3 was employed incorrectly as a provisional hire and lacked documentation showing submission of applications for a Pennsylvania Child Abuse clearance and National Sex Offender Registry Certificate (NSOR) prior to employment in a child care position. No current Child Abuse clearance or NSOR clearance was observed on file. Staff #4 was employed incorrectly as a provisional hire and lacked documentation showing submission of applications for a PSP, Pennsylvania Child Abuse, DHS FBI, and NSOR prior to employment in a child care position. Staff #4 brought all current clearances to the facility on the day of inspection.

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). A facility person's record shall include a copy of requests for the criminal history record and child abuse registry clearance information, a copy of the disclosure statement and a copy of the completed clearance information required under the CPSL. Staff person #2 and #3 may not work in a child care position at the facility until all current clearances obtained.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Owner/director will use disclosure statement correctly, and all clearances will be obtained and/or applied for before working on site with children. Staff #1 clearances lapsed and was corrected immediately upon find. Staff will be given renewal dates of clearances and/or physicals and be tracked effectively by director.
2020-08-31 Renewal 3270.34(a)(6) - Staff evaluations Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff #5 lacked a written evaluation at minimum of one evaluation every 12 months. Evaluations on file were dated 9/27/18 and 2/4/20.

Correction Required: A director is responsible for written evaluation of staff persons on a regular basis, a minimum of one evaluation every 12 months.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Owner bought the center on 2/14/19. All employees were given. All employees were given a written eval at the 1 year mark of employment. Staff will continue to receive written evals at least once a year. Al evals will be retained in personal files.
2019-10-29 Unannounced Monitoring 3270.119 - Infant sleep position Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: On 10/29/19 at 10:50 an infant was observed sleeping in a swing, which is not a sleeping position recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Correction Required: Infants shall be placed in the sleeping position recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics unless there is a medical reason an infant should not sleep in this position. The medical reason shall be documented in a statement signed by a physician, physician's assistant or CRNP and placed in the child's record at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Infant was removed from the infant swing. All infants will sleep in the position recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
2019-10-29 Unannounced Monitoring 3270.151(c)(3) - Exam communicable disease Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: 2nd citation, previously cited at renewal inspection on 8/13/19, staff #1 lacked an adult health assessment which included an examination for communicable diseases and the results of that examination.

Correction Required: An adult health assessment must include an examination for communicable diseases and the results of that examination.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Staff #1 obtained a new health assessment with an examination for communicable diseases and the results of that examination. All staff will have this statement on their health assessment.
2019-10-29 Unannounced Monitoring 3270.37(c) - Aides supervised all times Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff #1 who is qualified as an aide was observed supervising 1 older toddler and 11 preschoolers alone in the preschool room.

Correction Required: An aide or a combination of aides shall be supervised at all times by a staff person qualified at minimum as an assistant group supervisor.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At 11:15am an AGS resumed care in the preschool child care space. Files were reviewed and staff were informed of their qualifications for supervising children. No one under an assistant group supervisor will supervise children alone.
2019-10-29 Unannounced Monitoring 3270.52 - Mixed Age Level Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: At 10:50 on 10/29/19, 1 staff was observed supervising 1 older toddler and 11 preschool children on the 1st floor preschool child care space.

Correction Required: When children are grouped in mixed age levels, the age of the youngest child in the group determines the staff:child ratio and maximum group size in accordance with the requirements in 3270.51 (relating to similar age level).

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
At 11:15 an AGS and aide resumed care to meet ratio requirement's. The facility will be in ratio at all times.
2019-08-13 Renewal 3270.104(a) - Clean, good repair, proper size Non Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The upstairs preschool child care space was observed having a children's dress up station which lacked anchoring to the wall creating a possible tipping hazard.

Correction Required: Furniture must be durable, safe, easily cleaned and appropriate for the child's size, age and special needs.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
When furniture is initially moved and/or moved in the center, all will be anchored immediately upon placement.
2019-08-13 Renewal 3270.123(a)(3) - Services proceeded Non Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Children #2 and #3 lacked the Department's approved form (Child Service Report) to provide information to the family about the child's growth and development in the context of the services being provided.

Correction Required: The services to be provided to the family and the child, including the Department's approved form to provide information to the family about the child's growth and development in the context of the services being provided. The operator shall complete and update the form and provide a copy to the family in accordance with the updates regarding emergency contact information in 3270.124(f) (relating to emergency contact information).

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Child Service Reports were completed for children #2 and #3. Child service reports will be completed on a schedule in January and June of every year. Child service reports will be completed on a schedule in January and June of every year.
2019-08-13 Renewal 3270.124(f)/3270.181(c) - Updated every 6 months/Emergency info/agreement updated 6 mos Non Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Children #1, #2, and #3 lacked parental review and update to the emergency contact information and the financial agreement at least once in a 6-month period in the previous year. Current dates were observed on file for all children.

Correction Required: The parent shall update in writing emergency contact information once in a 6-month period or as soon as there is a change in the information. A parent is required to review and update the emergency contact information and the financial agreement at least once in a 6-month period or as soon as there is a change in the information.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
A sign-off sheet will be fixed to every child's file where parents will sign off every January and June on our center's emergency contact info and agreement.
2019-08-13 Renewal 3270.131(a)(4) - Initial health report for school age; accordance with school attendance Non Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Child #1 lacked an initial health report as a school-age child.

Correction Required: The initial health report for a school-age child must be dated in accordance with the requirements for medical examinations for school attendance in 28 Pa. Code 23.2 (relating to medical examinations).

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
All school-age children will have initial health report as a school-age child in file. Child will not be permitted in center unless parents have obtained an initial school-age physical.
2019-08-13 Renewal 3270.151(a) - 12 months prior to service and every 24 months thereafter Non Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff #3 was observed having a previous health assessment dated 10/15/15 and a current health assessment dated 10/8/18, exceeding 24 months between assessments.

Correction Required: A facility person providing direct care who comes into contact with the children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment conducted within 12 months prior to providing initial service in a child care setting and every 24 months thereafter. A health assessment is valid for 24 months following the date of signature, if the person does not contract a communicable disease or develop a medical problem.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
All staff will have a current health report at initial hire. Chart will be made to track staff physicals so that they are completed every 24 months as per 3270 regulations. Staff will be given standard physical off of DHS website under child care forms.
2019-08-13 Renewal 3270.151(c)(3)/3270.151(c)(4) - Exam communicable disease/Information re: medical problems Non Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The current health assessments for staff #1 and #3 lacked statements which included an examination for communicable diseases and the results of that examination and information on medical problems that might threaten the health of the children or prohibit a staff person from providing adequate care to children.

Correction Required: An adult health assessment must include an examination for communicable diseases and the results of that examination. An adult health assessment must include information on medical problems that might threaten the health of the children or prohibit a staff person from providing adequate care to children.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Staff will obtain the standard physical listed on DHS website under child care forms as to have all information required as per 3270 regulation.
2019-08-13 Renewal 3270.21 - General Health and Safety Non Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The infant room was observed having a cord hanging from the radio accessible to children and the downstairs child care space was observed having infant swings with cords accessible to children.

Correction Required: Conditions at the facility may not pose a threat to the health or safety of the children.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Noise maker and attached cord were moved to a location non-accessible to children. All cords for swings were taped to floor and up the wall, making no cords accessible to children.
2019-08-13 Renewal 3270.27(c) - Training regarding plan Non Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff #1 and #2 lacked training regarding the emergency plan at the time of initial employment. Current training was observed on file for both staff.

Correction Required: The operator shall assure that each facility person receives training regarding the emergency plan at the time of initial employment, on an annual basis and at the time of each plan update. The operator shall document the date of each training and the names of all facility persons who received the training and kept on file at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Upon being hired, new employees will understand and complete all new-hire paperwork trainings. They will sign required paperwork, including our emergency plan.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

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