Harrison County childcare centers come in sizes, costs, and programs to fit all budgets and preferences. We know that parents are busy but that selecting the right daycare center or preschool is crucial. So we’ve gathered basic information for 5 child care centers in Harrison County into a single location so that you are only a click away from basic information such as address, size, and licensing information that can help you refine your search. You can narrow down your search even further by selecting a zip code or a city from the list below. Need more assistance? Simply contact the child care referral agency or the licensing agency listed on the right!
If your ZIP code is not in the dropdown list, use this link to see all ZIP Codes in Harrison County
We don’t serve “clients” and we don’t manage “cases.” We serve people and support their efforts to create the kind of lives they want to live. Our person-centered planning process promotes independence and gives people choice and control over resources ...
Our mission is to partnership with parents and community to enable all students to achieve and demonstrate academic excellence and become confident, responsible, productive citizens in a competitive global society by utilizing highly trained and qualified staff ...
JEWETT/SCIO LEARNING CENTER is a Licensed Child Care Center in JEWETT OH, with a maximum capacity of 24 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Pre-Schooler (24), Pre-Schooler, Pre-Schooler, Pre-Schooler, Pre-Schooler, Pre-Schooler. ...
HARRISON CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL is a Ohio Department of Education Licensed School Age Childcare (SACC) in CADIZ OH. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.
LAKELAND ACADEMY COMMUNITY SCHOOL is a Ohio Department of Education Licensed Preschool in FREEPORT OH. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.
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Email: ece@coadinc.org
For more information, visit http://www.coadinc.org
Call (330) 364-8882 or Toll Free
(800) 577-2276 (For In-State Use Only)
Email: ece@coadinc.org
For more information, visit http://www.coadinc.org