Craftsbury Common, VT Child Care Centers

There are no child development centers in Craftsbury Common, VT. Below are some preschools and child care centers nearby. Simply click on the links below to learn more about childcare centers near Craftsbury Common that are dedicated to providing families with safe, quality childcare. You can also read reviews about various childcare providers to learn more about which is the right choice for your family. We always welcome comments and corrections, to better the browsing experience on our site.

Craftsbury Town School Preschool

Craftsbury Town School Preschool

Craftsbury, VT 05826 | (802) 586-9671 | 1.3 miles away

Craftsbury Town School Preschool is a Center Based Child Care and Preschool Program - Licensed Provider in Craftsbury VT. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Young, Donna

Young, Donna

Craftsbury, VT 05826 | (802) 586-2861 | 1.7 miles away

Young, Donna is a Registered Home in Craftsbury VT. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Craftsbury Saplings

Craftsbury Saplings

Craftsbury, VT 05826 | (802) 586-2875 | 2.2 miles away

Our program is Montessori- inspired and provides ample time for open-ended choice activities. We are nature based and operate under guiding principles that foster social justice. Children will spend time outdoors every day and explore the community o ...

Otis, Chelsea

Otis, Chelsea

Wolcott, VT 05680 | (802) 473-2006 | 4.4 miles away

7:00 - 8:00 Arrival (wash hands) Quiet Activities / Free Play (Drawing, puzzles, stencils, table toys, manipulatives, books) 8:00 - 8:30 Breakfast 8:30 - 8:40 Read Aloud 8:40 - 8:50 Get Ready to Go Outside 8:50 - 9:50 Outside Time 9:50 - 10:00 Get Re ...

Albany Early Childhood Collaborative Program

Albany Early Childhood Collaborative Program

Albany, VT 05822 | (802) 755-6811 | 5.8 miles away

Head Start is the national commitment to give every vulnerable child an opportunity to succeed. Our learning environments provide many opportunities for individual growth and development. The daily schedule and routine is predictable and provides a b ...

Smith, Tiffany

Smith, Tiffany

Hardwick, VT 05843 | (317) 642-6770 | 8.1 miles away

Typical Day 6:30-8:00 Children are dropped off and able to do some free play while others arrive 8:00-8:30 Breakfast is prepared, served and cleaned with the children helping to clean their areas as they finish. 8:30-8:45 Wash hands and bathroom brea ...

Round Hill Kids LLC

Round Hill Kids LLC

Hyde Park, VT 05655 | (802) 793-6868 | 9.3 miles away

Round Hill Kids believes that children learn best through play and carefully planned activities. We use materials that allow children to explore and discover at their own pace through activities such as dramatic play, music, movement, books, manipula ...

Four Seasons of Early Learning

Four Seasons of Early Learning

Greensboro, VT 05842 | (802) 533-2261 | 9.5 miles away

GELC offers Infant & Toddler care, a Preschool Program and an Afterschool and Summer Program. Our knowlegeable, comforting, nurturing staff create a safe, caring environment for babies and young children in the infant and toddler room. Hands on activ ...

Eden Central Preschool Program

Eden Central Preschool Program

Eden, VT 05652 | (802) 635-6630 | 9.6 miles away

It is our goal to nurture the social, emotional, creative, physical and academic development of each child by providing an enriching, engaging and developmentally appropriate environment. Each child is a unique person, worthy of respect.

Friedrich, Chelsea

Friedrich, Chelsea

Eden, VT 05652 | (802) 730-5493 | 9.6 miles away

Arrival 7:30 Open explore/free play 8:00 Hand wash Snack/Breakfast 8:30-9:00 Circle 9:00-9:15 Activity 9:30-10:00 Outside explore 10:00-11:00 Story 11:15 Hand wash Lunch 11:30/12:00 Quiet Time 12:15-2:45 Snack 3:00 Outdoor play 3:00-4:00 Free play/Pi ...

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Vermont Child Care Licensing Agency

Vermont Agency of Human Services
Department for Children and Families
Child Development Division
Child Care Licensing Unit, , 3 NORTH
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05671-2901
Phone: 802-241-3110
Toll Free: 800-649-2642 (within state)
Web Site: