Treehouse Learning Center Ii - Knoxville TN Centers Care for 13 or more children

(865) 688-5634
4 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: TREEHOUSE LEARNING CENTER II is a Centers Care for 13 or more children in KNOXVILLE TN, with a maximum capacity of 58 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 WK to 12 YR. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Sibling Discount Available; Wheelchair Accessible; Provider First Licensed on: 08/15/2005; 3 Star Child Care Center;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 50293
  • Capacity: 58
  • Age Range: 6 WK to 12 YR
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Transportation: NO
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2005-08-15
  • Current License Issue Date: 2014-12-01
  • District Office: Tennessee Child Care Licensing
  • District Office Phone: (865)594-9174 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Kimberly Bradbury

Location Map


Anonymous 2019-07-19 16:17:25
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

Zero stars. Do not leave your babies with these awful people. If you catch a teacher being rough with your child, the owner will tell you "the lord believes in second chances" I witnessed a teacher kick a 2 year old so he would sit down!!!!

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Gina 2017-01-25 18:39:26
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

This place is horrible . The teachers are rude and hateful . My toddler was enrolled there for three weeks . He was not potty trained . After telling the staff he was not to be given apple juice because it did not agree with his stomach . They gave him apple juice and apples the same day . It tore his stomach up and he had a bad diaper . They scolded him to the point he was laughed at by other kids . He was force fed broccoli to the point of making him puke . He hated going there . He was so excited about going . After one week he cried when I took him and when I picked him up . Stay away from this place !!!!!! I got there to get him one day and he was laying on a nap mat in his own feces . Terrible facility!!!!!!!!!

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Matt 2013-11-18 19:05:56

My infant daughter was in the care of treehouse for a little over a month. From the first day when my wife picked her up with an overflowing dirty diaper, to the final day causing us to scramble for other means of daycare, we saw multiple questionable childcare tactics. The price range compares to the top notch daycares of the area, and I have found the product to be well below that price point. I will say the morning crew at the time seemed to be great with the kids and very polite to me. However, all our problems are due to the late morning/afternoon crew, and we can't just have her there in the mornings. If you love your child, as I'm sure you do, I would urge you to find another daycare.

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robin 2013-11-14 12:12:32

i think that it is unfair to fire someone due to lack of transportation even though they find a way to get there. i know she was a hard worker and worked longer hours than she was paid for. she also never missed a day no matter what obstacle tried to stop her. i think she was done wrong by you and i also think she should file a complaint against you

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