Tiny Stars Learning Center, Inc. - Clifton NJ Regular Child Care Center

303 Maplewood Avenue , Clifton NJ 07013
(973) 562-0065
1 Review

About the Provider


Tiny Stars Learning Center follows the highest standards of education, safety, cleanliness, and loving care. Our center is a local neighborhood place where parents know our teachers and staff - and each other. Offering quality Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Childcare at affordable prices is what we offer to our customers. Visit our website to learn more about our Center. Better yet, call for a tour. We would love to show you around!

We have an amazing summer camp program for your grammar school child as well.  We are state licensed up to the age of 13.   Drop in care for your child's winter breaks, as well as spring recess can be provided.



Additional Information:

The foundations that your child will gain from enrollment in our school will last a lifetime! Whether you are here seeking a loving, healthy child care provider or are already a part of the Tiny Stars family, we invite you to learn more about our center, meet our team, visit our classrooms or contact us!

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 16WEE0001
  • Capacity: 88
  • Age Range: 0 - 13 years
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations State Licensed, CPR/FIRST AID/ AED trained, state of the art video monitoring system, STEM Program
  • Rate Range Vary depending on program.
  • State Rating: 1
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Languages Supported: English, English and Polish
  • Type of Care: Before and After School, Daytime, Drop-in Care, Full-Time, Part-Time
  • Schools Served: Passaic County, Essex County
  • Current License Expiration Date: 2026-02-03
  • District Office: New Jersey Dept of Children and Families - Office of Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 1-877-667-9845 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Amanda Persaud ([email protected])

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Cited Date Abated Regulation Number
2022-12-12 2023-01-13 3A:52-4.10(b)(1)
When the center applies for a new or renewal license or Certificate of Life/Safety Approval, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall submit to the Department the completed CARI consent forms for all staff members who are or will be working at the center on a regularly scheduled basis. Within two weeks after a new staff member begins working at the center, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall submit to the Department a completed CARI consent form for the new staff member.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all staff submit a CARI background check upon renewal. Missing renewal CARI background checks for 7 staff.
2022-12-12 2023-01-13 3A:52-4.11(a)(1)
As a condition of securing a license or Certificate of Life/Safety Approval, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall ensure that a Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) fingerprint background check is completed for himself or herself, and for all staff members at least 18 years of age who are or will be working at the center on a regularly- scheduled basis, to determine whether any such person has been convicted of a crime, as specified in P.L. 2000, c. 77 (N.J.S.A. 30:5B-6.10 to 6.17). The sponsor or sponsor representative and each staff member shall complete the electronic fingerprinting process through the vendor authorized by the State to conduct CHRI background checks through the Division of State Police in the Department of Law and Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all staff, the sponsor and/or the sponsor representative complete a CHRI background check as required. Missing CHRI background check for 1 new staff.
2022-12-12 2022-12-12 3A:52-5.2(a)(5)
The center shall be permitted to obtain a valid fire safety inspection certificate issued by the municipality in which it is located, based on a fire inspection conducted within the preceding 12 months, and submit a copy of the certificate to the Office of Licensing in lieu of a CO or CCO, if the center serves only children 2 ½ years of age or older and is located in a public school building that is used as a public school.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all exits and egress areas are unobstructed and that the emergency exit doors are easily operable. Remove the blue small children's tables from the egress located on the first floor. The tables were removed during the inspection.
2022-12-12 2023-01-13 3A:52-5.3(a)(2)
Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: floors, carpeting, walls, window coverings, ceilings, and other surfaces shall be kept clean and in good repair.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all ceiling tiles are kept clean and in good repair. Repair / replace the stained ceiling tiles in the foyer outside of the gym.
2022-12-12 2023-01-13 3A:52-5.3(b)(3)(i)
the building structure shall be maintained to prevent water from entering.

Violation Observed: Maintain the building structure to prevent water from causing the stained ceiling tiles.
2022-12-12 2023-01-13 3A:52-5.3(a)(15)
Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: ventilation outlets shall be clean and free from obstructions, and filters shall be replaced when saturated.

Violation Observed: Maintain all mechanical ventilation in a clean and operating condition pertaining to the vent in the first floor bathroom in the last stall.
2022-01-25 2022-01-27 3A:52-4.11(a)(1)
As a condition of securing a license or Certificate of Life/Safety Approval, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall ensure that a Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) fingerprint background check is completed for himself or herself, and for all staff members at least 18 years of age who are or will be working at the center on a regularly- scheduled basis, to determine whether any such person has been convicted of a crime, as specified in P.L. 2000, c. 77 (N.J.S.A. 30:5B-6.10 to 6.17). The sponsor or sponsor representative and each staff member shall complete the electronic fingerprinting process through the vendor authorized by the State to conduct CHRI background checks through the Division of State Police in the Department of Law and Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all staff, the sponsor and/or the sponsor representative complete a CHRI background check as required. Missing 1 CHRI background check.
2022-01-25 2022-01-26 3A:52-4.6(c)(3)
For early childhood programs, the following shall apply: the group teacher shall meet the requirements for experience and education

Violation Observed: Ensure that the group teacher meets the required qualifications as specified in the manual.
2020-01-14 2020-02-21 3A:52-7.10(b)(2)
The director, sponsor, or sponsor representative shall report the following occurrences to the Office of Licensing by the next working day after the center learns of the occurrence and shall submit documentation to the Office of Licensing within one week of the occurrence of the incident, the occurrence of an injury or illness while under the center’s supervision that results in a child’s admittance to the hospital.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the center notifies the office of licensing when an occurrence of an illness while under the center's supervision that results in 911 being called and the child being admitted to the hospital. Retrain all of the staff regarding when to notify the Office of Licensing regarding injury / illness while under the center's care. Submit documentation to the Office of Licensing.
2020-01-14 2020-02-21 3A:52-7.10(b)(2)
The director, sponsor, or sponsor representative shall report the following occurrences to the Office of Licensing by the next working day after the center learns of the occurrence and shall submit documentation to the Office of Licensing within one week of the occurrence of the incident, the occurrence of an injury or illness while under the center’s supervision that results in a child’s admittance to the hospital.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the center notifies the office of licensing when an occurrence of an illness while under the center's supervision that results in 911 being called and the child being admitted to the hospital. Retrain all of the staff regarding when to notify the Office of Licensing regarding injury / illness while under the center's care. Submit documentation to the Office of Licensing.
2019-12-11 2020-02-21 3A:52-7.6(a)(2)
The center shall take immediate necessary action to protect the child from further harm and shall immediately notify the child's parent(s) when a child sustains a head or facial injury, including when a child bumps his or her head.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the accident report indicates the time that the parents were notified of the injury. The time was not documented on several reports.
2019-12-11 2020-01-14 3A:52-7.7(e)(1)(iii)
For early childhood programs, the following shall apply: in addition to the items specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-7.7(a)3, the following equipment items or surfaces shall be washed and disinfected after each use, diapering surfaces.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the staff in classroom 5 wash and disinfect following the 2 step method after each diaper change. The staff was observed only using 1 step.
2019-12-11 2020-02-21 3A:52-7.8(d)(1)(ii)(2)
For early childhood programs, the following shall apply: diapering requirements for centers serving children who are not toilet trained are as follows, diapering area and surface requirements are as follows, the diapering area shall be within 15 feet of a sink that is not used for food preparation.

Violation Observed: Cease storing food containers in the sink attached to the diaper changing table in classroom 2.
2019-12-11 2020-01-14 3A:52-7.8(d)(1)(ii)(3)
For early childhood programs, the following shall apply: diapering requirements for centers serving children who are not toilet trained are as follows, diapering area and surface requirements are as follows, the diapering surface shall be flat, smooth, clean, dry, non-absorbent, and in good repair.

Violation Observed: Remove the plastic covering from the diaper mat in classroom 4.
2019-12-11 2020-01-14 3A:52-4.6(a)
The center shall maintain on file a Staff Records Checklist designated by the Office of Licensing, as specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-4.1(b), indicating that the center has obtained documentation of the applicable staff education and experience, as specified in 3A:52-4.6(b) through (d).

Violation Observed: Maintain the staff records to include all of the required components of the staff records checklist.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Dayna 2024-05-29 01:02:27
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

What an amazing center. My baby was 8 weeks old when she started there. Being a first time mom I was super nervous and felt so at ease with all the updates and sone pictures. When I came to pick my little one up, the teachers took the time to fill me in on how my babies day was. I highly recommend this center. It is excellent and the staff, Director and assistant director are all top notch!!!!

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Providers in ZIP Code 07013