The Methodist Preschool - Westborough MA Large Group and School Age Child Care (Group Child Care)

(508) 366-0520
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: It is the philosophy of The Methodist Preschool that early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploration and discovery. The staff encourages creativity and individuality through our developmentally appropriate curriculum. The preschool's purpose is to provide an atmosphere which encourages social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth and development of the child, while maintaining Christian values.

Additional Information: Provider First Licensed on: 08/24/1988Financial Assistance Accepted:|Sibling Discount||Other|.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 6072
  • Capacity: 24
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations NAEYC-National Association for the Education of Young Children in process
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Languages Supported: English, English
  • Type of Care: Part-Time; Before School; After School;
  • Initial License Issue Date: 1988-08-24
  • Current License Issue Date: 2021-03-27
  • District Office: 324-R Clark Street Worcester 01606
  • District Office Phone: 508-798-5180 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Tammie Smiley

Location Map


Lisa R 2020-12-28 21:00:32
I have toured this provider's facility, but have not used its services

Do not enroll your child here unless you want to lose your money. I enrolled my son last June and paid $1,300 for the fall. The Preschool unexpectedly delayed the start twice (once to beginning of October and then to the end of October) due to construction. I am a working parent and needed to get my son in school so asked for a refund (minus the deposit) and they told me no. So then I agreed to allow them to use half of the money for donation/support for a child in need. They attached this letter on October 14 and I AM STILL WAITING ON MY REFUND. I have emailed them several times and I have not gotten a response. There are plenty of great preschools in the area but I would not recommend going to this one.

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