Swcap Head Start Platteville - Platteville WI Licensed Group Child Care

110 W Adams , PLATTEVILLE WI 53818
(608) 553-1553

About the Provider

Description: SWCAP Head Start, in collaboration with community service agencies, provides expectant parents and families with children ages birth through five, opportunities for:
child development education
health and nutrition services
parent and program partnerships
family support, resource and referral

Additional Information: Open SEP - MAY Initial License Date: 11/1/1999.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 1003391
  • Capacity: 36
  • Age Range: 0 Week(s) - 6 Year(s)
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations Head Start Performance Standards
  • YoungStar Rating: 5
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: Wisconsin Dept of Children and Families (DCF)- Child Care Regulation and Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 608-266-9314 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Violation Date Rule Number Rule Summary
2020-02-20 251.05(4)(a) Staff Orientation - Develop, Implement, Document
Description: Staff B was missing documentation of a complete orientation program during the first week at the center.
2019-12-10 Licensing Warning Letter
2019-12-03 251.07(2)(e) Child Guidance - Prohibited Actions
Description: A teacher in the Head Start room engaged in prohibited actions multiple times during the licensing visit. During circle time she threatened a child with having to sit in the quiet area and forcefully picked up the child and sat him down roughly at another location on the circle. The teacher threatened to tell one child's parents about his behavior, and she forcefully grabbed and moved several other children during the licensing visit.
2019-12-03 251.04(2)(h)8. Policy Submitted & Implemented - Child Guidance
Description: The center did not follow its written policies on child guidance when a teacher in the Head Start room did not model positive ways of giving directions multiple times during the licensing visit. The teacher spoke harshly and yelled at children in the classroom and in the bathroom.
2019-12-03 251.07(2)(e)5. Prohibited Actions - Cruel, Aversive, Frightening, Humiliating Actions
Description: A Head Start teacher engaged in actions that are aversive or frightening to a child when she loudly slapped her hands together in the bathroom while yelling at children to be quiet. The teacher engaged in actions humiliating to a child when she criticized the entire group of children for having to use the bathroom after lunch.
2019-07-30 251.05(1)(f)3. Child Care Teacher - Entry-Level Experience
Description: Staff A, who is working as a child care teacher, had no documentation of having worked at least 80 full days or 120 half days of experience as an assistant child care teacher in a licensed child care center or other approved early childhood setting.
2019-07-30 251.05(1)(f)4. Child Care Teacher - Entry-Level Training
Description: Staff A has no documentation of being qualified for the position in which she works.
2019-01-03 251.07(2)(e) Child Guidance - Prohibited Actions
Description: A teacher in the infant/toddler room engaged in prohibited actions on December 20, 2018 when she yelled at a 2-year-old child, picked him up, set him down roughly on a cot and the child started crying.
2019-01-03 251.04(6)(b) Current, Accurate Daily Attendance Record
Description: Attendance was not current and accurate in the infant/toddler room when 2 children who were present were not signed in. This was corrected immediately.
2019-01-03 251.06(9)(d)2.a. Food Storage - Dry Food
Description: Two boxes of cereal in the infant/toddler room were not stored in bags with zip-type closures or metal, glass or food-grade plastic containers with tight-fitting covers when the opened inner bags were left open inside the original cardboard boxes.
2019-01-03 251.06(5)(e)2. Potty Chairs
Description: A potty chair in the infant/toddler room bathroom was not cleaned and disinfected after every use when it had what appeared to be dried and caked-on urine at the bottom of the receptacle, which was accessible to chilldren.
2018-02-07 251.04(5)(a)8. Staff File - Days & Hours Worked
Description: The licensee did not maintain documentation of specific hours that each employee worked when they were included in the staff-to-child ratio.
2017-10-05 251.11(4)(b) Continuation License - Application Materials Submission
Description: At least 30 days before the continuation review date of the license, an applicant for license renewal shall submit to the department the following materials: 1. A completed license continuation application. 2. The license renewal fee and any forfeiture due and owing. 3. Any changes to center policies.
2017-03-16 251.06(9)(g)1.b. Food Service Staff - Clothing, Hair Restraints
Description: Two staff preparing lunch were not wearing hair nets or caps.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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