Imagination Station Llc - Platteville WI Licensed Group Child Care

52 Means Dr 106 , Platteville WI 53818
(608) 348-6369
2 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Imagination Station Llc is a Licensed Group Child Care in Platteville WI, with a maximum capacity of 27 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 Week(s) - 13 Year(s), 7 Month(s). The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Open Jan - Dec. 3 stars.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 2000938
  • Capacity: 27
  • Age Range: 6 Week(s) - 13 Year(s), 7 Month(s)
  • YoungStar Rating: 3
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: Wisconsin Dept of Children and Families (DCF)- Child Care Regulation and Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 608-266-9314 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Violation Date Rule Number Rule Summary
2019-10-21 Licensing Warning Letter
2019-10-15 251.04(6)(a)6m. Child Record - Immunization History
Description: A child who has been enrolled since February 2018 was missing documentation of immunization history.
2019-10-15 251.08(4)(c)1. Driver Record - Obtain & Review
Description: The licensee did not obtain an annual driving record for the bus driver when the most recent driving record was conducted in July 2018.
2019-10-15 251.06(4)(d) Exits & Passageways - Unobstructed, Minimum Width
Description: Exits did not have a minimum clear width of 3 feet when an exit door in the infant room only opens 1.5 feet when a diapering table inside the room prevents the door opening wider.
2019-10-15 251.07(5)(a)5.b. Menus - Plan
Description: The 4 most recent weekly menus that were posted were not dated.
2019-10-15 251.06(2)(a) Potential Source Of Harm On Premises
Description: The outdoor premises were not free of hazards when there were over 20 spiky thistle plants growing in various locations inside the fenced outdoor play space, and when the bottom exterior of the bus door is covered in rust and has multiple sharp edges, including a sharp edge that protrudes outward.
2019-06-17 Licensing Warning Letter
2019-06-04 251.05(1)(g)2. Assistant Child Care Teacher - Qualifications
Description: Staff B, who has been employed longer than 6 months, was missing documentation of qualifications for the position.
2019-06-04 251.06(5)(a) Condition Of Premises
Description: The premises were not in good repair when a wooden windowsill in the infant/toddler room has water, mold and mildew damage and is coming apart. A metal carpet strap in the infant/toddler room is not properly anchored to the floor and is bending upward. One of the doors to the infant/toddler room is difficult to open because it scrapes across the floor.
2019-06-04 251.07(6)(f)6. Current Authorizations For Medications On Premises
Description: A medication intended for use by a child in the care of the center was kept in the infant/toddler room without a current medication administration authorization from the parent.
2019-06-04 251.07(6)(k)2. Health Examination - Children Over Age 2
Description: Child 2, who has been enrolled at the center longer than 3 months, was missing documentation of an initial health examination.
2019-06-04 251.07(6)(L) Immunization Documentation
Description: Child 2, who has been enrolled at the center longer than 6 weeks, was missing an immunization record.
2019-06-04 251.09(2)(k) Infant & Toddler - Adult-Size Chairs
Description: An adult-size rocking chair or other adult-size chair was not provided for each child care worker for the purpose of holding and rocking children in the infant/toddler room when there was only 1 chair and 2 child care workers.
2019-06-04 251.09(1)(e) Infant & Toddler - Provider Training
Description: Staff B, who has been working with infants and toddlers longer than 6 months, was missing documentation of having completed a minimum of 10 hours of training in infant and toddler care.
2019-06-04 251.09(4)(a)5. Infant & Toddler - Soiled Diapers Disposal
Description: Disposable soiled diapers are not placed in a plastic-lined, hands-free container when a staff person used her hand to open the lid to dispose of a dirty diaper. The container was not lined with plastic when a small plastic bag, too small for the container, had fallen down to the bottom. Another staff person reached her hand and arm inside the container to place a dirty diaper in the plastic bag.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Alyssa Miles 2020-04-10 22:47:30
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

Both my daughter and my step-daughter go to Imagination Station, LLC. My step-daughter comes every so often and I let them know in advance and they are very accommodating. Every time I come to pick them up they don't want to leave. The daycare is their second home, I wouldn't take my kids anywhere else! Every day they do hands-on learning activities, always have a smile on there face and making friends. They go on field trips regularly in the summertime and even not in the summer when the weather permits. When we come my step-daughter is telling myself and her father what she learned and did. Imagination Station is a great family atmosphere!

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Santana Wilson 2015-09-01 17:48:00
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

My son had been going here for about 2 months. The owners Cayla and Mary were great at first. Very polite and nice, calm and gentle with the kids. I didnt like the helper in the baby room Donna because she wasnt as nice and gentle with the kids, she was just....there. After many times of my son coming home with his diaper full, nose running, clothes dirty or backwards, pacifier and sock lost, me and my fiance brought the issues to Cayla's attention KINDLY and RESPECTFUL!! When we left, Mary called me and DISRESPECTFULLY and UNPROFESSIONALLY told me that if we didnt like the daycare we could go somewhere else and that we were just making up things because we were late on our bill. Before we complained we had paid $100 on our bill and NEVER once tried to dodge our bill. Our concerns had NOTHING to do with our bill. We simply wants our child picked up looking the same way he did wen we dropped him off. We didnt trip the first few times because we understand things happen. But when it began happening A LOT we spoke up and instead of fixing the problems that THEY created they basically told us to go somewhere else if we didnt like it. I couldnt believe how unprofessional Ms Mary was being (in front of the kids especially) a woman i once really liked. Long story short I grabbed my son and the rest of his things before i had to snap on somebody in front of SEVERAL kids.

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