Sunshine Face Academy - Abington MA Child Care Center

1200 Bedford Street , Abington MA 02351
(781) 347-3903
20 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Sunshine Face Academy is a safe place where your child can learn and grow. Our center is bright, clean, secure and offers bilingual classes and some of the most advanced learning experiences that child care can offer. We are now accepting enrollment for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years.

Program and Licensing Details

  • Capacity: 50
  • Age Range: 6 weeks - 5 yrs
  • Rate Range tbd
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Languages Supported: English, Spanish
  • Type of Care: Before and After School, Daytime, Drop-in Care, Full-Time, Kindergarten, Part-Time
  • Transportation: Field Trips

Location Map


SAM. M 2024-03-19 23:17:52
I am an employee

I have been working for sunshine face academy for 6 years now and probably should of left a review a long time ago, but I don't usually leave reviews until I was told from a parent I referred stating my job didn't have good reviews so I checked and was shocked. WOW are these reviews for the same place! This is very unfortunate I work here and don't have the same feeling as others. I don't feel like I don't get paid, I get paid for my work as well paid for speaking another language to support the center's curriculum. I have never heard a parent state they didn't like the place. In my time here I have never heard of a parent make statements that the director is rude or upset all the time. She may look serious for business, but rude or upset that's a reach. She loves these kids and fight for children and families all the time. When a child loses their voucher she makes sure to fight for the families to keep their voucher. Mistreatment of kids again I'm not sure where this is coming from, she is always hugging and playing with the children. In my honest opinion I don't think a lot of people respects her culture and what she bring to this community. I have read review discussing her look. What does that have to do with teaching children?? Why are you concern with her clothes? She dress professional and appropriate for work. The children are not playing on route 18! Seriously, people will say anything for shock value and unfortunately some people will believe it. I like my job! I love Ms. Angel, I love the staff I work with old & new. We all get along great. I get paid for the work I do and get bonuses as well which the director is great at acknowledging. Some of these teachers claiming they worked here I never worked with them here at sunshine face academy in the 6 years I have been here. I got paid during covid-19 without having to go to unemployment. Ms. Angel made sure I was ok and spoke to me daily. I lost my grandmother to covid in 2020 and Ms. Angel sent my family money to help with the funeral, not just me a few staff who lost someone she provide support, so I don't know what program, staff or director/owner they are talking about. I love my kids past and present who come back to visit or come for the summer because they miss us. The center is doing great, families are healthy. I do want to speak regarding a parent stating he came to the center to get info, I was there when he came. What he is stating didn't happen, he tried to open the door to come in and it was locked he started looking through the window and hitting the glass. We told Ms. Angel and she went to speak to him and his wife. She stated we have a door bell he didn't have to hit the windows because it scared the kids and we have to be careful of strangers we don't know their intentions. He got upset and thought she was saying he was a stranger and she stated he was a stranger to the children and we have to protect them even if you were not here to cause harm. I don't think he liked her making those statements. The world we live in today you have to look at anyone coming to a childcare hitting and peeking into the windows as a potential threat. She was protecting the staff and kids. He decided to leave a review speaking about her clothes and false statement about what really happened. I'm seeing this is a problem with these reviews. This all seem very personal especially parents who never enrolled or staff who may of worked here not sure never saw you and making false statements to make the center look bad. I wish there were better reviews of all the families that have nothing but great things to say. That's the problem people only review when they are mad not happy. I guess I'm guilty for that. I just don't have time for reviews, but I did want to leave this one. I love this place and I'm glad the family I referred also decide to join us after meeting Ms. Angel and staff this week.

Go Sunshine Face Academy!

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sarah collins 2021-12-07 03:55:50
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

The owner, Angel, is a piece of work! She doesn't do what is in the best interest of children. She is mean, vindictive, and only wants money and power. She loves to be passive aggressive, and verbally abusive to parents. This business is likely a front for illegal business. Run far far away from this center.

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disgusted parent 2021-10-14 05:54:54
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

The director is unlike anyone I have ever dealt with. She is so brash and rude. The center doesn't open until bombs into the parking lot at 7:55 to open the building. She takes her sweet time (she is so passive aggressive) checking kids in. You have to line up and wait outside in the parking lot. Parents can not go inside. So while she stands at the door taking temperatures and collecting the daily covid paperwork the children, some as young as toddlers and infants, get sent into the building UNSUPERVISED! She is the only staff there that early. At pickup time it's the same craziness. They take forever to bring your child out. This director is crazy. She drives two very expensive cars, has spent tens of thousands on a brazilian butt lift that looks comical, and the building is falling apart. A man was there one day trying to get her to pay him for services he completed there. He said she had been dodging his calls and avoiding paying the bill. I suspect this "business" is a front of some sort. Most of the families using the center are there with vouchers. I can't imagine any paying parent would tolerate her nonsense. I pulled my child out very quickly. There are many options for other centers in the need to subject yourself to Angel's games. The way she treats parents I cringe to think how she treats the children behind closed doors. I have to say I never witnessed her do/say anything wrong to a child in my presence but someone as unstable as she is can not possibly work well with children. Be sure to Google her'll be horrified that this woman is a director (owner) of a child care center.

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Kate 2021-09-05 02:25:39
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

I’ve only been to sunshine face Academy twice. I was dropping off and picking up my niece. I was absolutely horrified at the center. Not only is the building about 12 feet away from the main highway but the children have to walk through the front parking lot to go to the playground. The playground doesn’t even have a real fence around it but rather the lattice fence that you use for decoration. Luckily my sister-in-law Pulled her daughter before any thing terrible happened. I was driving past the center this week and they had bouncy houses out front with about 30 Children in them. I don’t understand how it’s legal to have children that close to a main road.

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Jeanny-stephaine 2021-03-07 16:37:54
I am an employee

I currently worked for Sunshine Face Academy for 6 months and worked for the director at another job in Boston, Ms. Angel has always supported staff, families and children. It's unfortunate that Covid-19 happened, because Ms. Angel had to limit staffing due to the states protocol staff/children number to support social distance. Some staff had to let go and due to that some staff were upset thinking she chooses who she wanted, so those teachers are on a campaign to ruin her business by claiming lies and using fake names to file fake reviews, which is defamation to any business. It bothers me that anyone would state untruthful information about the center. If this is true why didn't they say any thing!! You let children and yourself be abused!! Come on! Look at the months of the reviews all recent since Covid-19, they are claiming to be parent's as well. I actually work there and never ever saw this stuff, I won't work for someone who mistreats me or my child. That's crazy! This women paid every employee during Covid-19 and never charged me as a parent during 4 month closure. I have read some comments and wonder if they have the right person and center. I understand people have a right to their opinion, but as a parent who has a child that attends this center and I'm an employee it's disheartening to see people writing stuff that isn't true! I have to work here and people will think I mistreat children. I have never felt mistreated or my child. A lot of time when staff are inappropriate or violating procedures she doesn't allow that or keep staff that mistreat family or children. That's what's so shocking about the statement she mistreats children, far from the truth. That goes for families as well she doesn't allow parents to disrespect staff. Those kids love Ms. Angel, they cry for her, if she's not there they want to know why. It's Ms. Angel, Ms. Angel from infants-School-age.. I even read someone state she mistreated staff with disabilities. WE HAVE NO STAFF WITH DISABILITIES. This is wrong to say about anyone. Some people are bitter for no reason and trying to smear this business and the director. That's why I'm writing this long review. I worked with her long enough to know this stuff is messy and nasty. If you knew her or this center you wouldn't believe it either. She's loved by the families and especially the kids. That's the true test to any parent if kids enjoy the school and those around them. Staff are going to be upset and write a review if they are terminated or let go. Nobody ever states what she they did! Review your behavior! Some parents make statements of children being mistreated but kept their child there and call it terrible. Come on, somethings wrong here! This women may not be everyone's cup of tea, she has high expectations for the center and runs it that way. As a parent I can appreciate that, I don't want my son with a program that didn't care and hire whoever because you need staff. She doesn't do that, she will work in a classroom if she wanted to find the right fit teacher. As much as I hear parents discussing their love for the center and Ms. Angel I'm little surprised of the lack of positive reviews, because I hear them how much they love the center. To be honest I made a mistake she will meet with me and I have gotten a written notice. Nothing serious but it was my responsibility as a teacher to follow the rules. It's called growth! That's what I want. I'm growing in this business and need reminders and support and I feel I received. I followed her to Sunshine Face Academy from Boston as soon as I moved I called her for a job and child care, because I liked how she supervised and taught the children. She's a no nonsense kind of supervisor and sometimes it can rub people wrong. You have to have tough skin for this business and not be so sensitive because you don't like how someone responds to you. There some reviews on here I know are not being honest. If your at the playground on your cellphone and not watching the children, why be upset because you got written up or terminated because you were warned. It's a safety issue our jobs are the children! Whoever reads this I want the truth to be said from a employee and parent point or view. I'm treated like a parent and a teacher. Come visit the center, look at the staff, and children. If they don't look engaged or children happy then that's your answer. Schedule different days and times to tour. Zebras don't change their stripes! Talk to actual families that attend! If there's mistreated it would be seen. All the classrooms have cameras for families to view their children!

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Ann F. 2021-02-10 16:15:40
I am an employee

This is the worst place to work! The director is fake. Acts nice and friendly towards the parents when kids are dropped off and as soon as they leave she has an attitude. You never know what mood she will be in. I have been yelled at in front of parents. I have witnessed the director yell and get in arguments with parents over the phone in front of all the kids. She is very rude qnd unprofessional. She will make a huge deal over the littlest things. Trys to pay you as little as possible. Will not pay for overtime even though it is stated in the employee welcome packet that you get paid time and a half for overtime. She is extremely petty. She gets annoyed when a child crys and will yell at them for it. She thinks the children are robots and chooses when we can take the kids to the bathroom. A toddler that was in potty training peed in his pull-up because she wouldnt let him go to the bathroom then yelled at him for peeing in his pull-up. This is not a good childcare center at all. Do not bring your kids here or apply to work here.

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Naomy M. 2020-11-18 03:56:26

I was at this place for almost 3 years. At first, it seemed like it was good place and that the director was really nice. After a month of being there, there was a big staff turnover rate. I noticed the directors attitude would change, everyday or not every other day she would come in upset about who knows what and you'll make a little mistake or you'll do something wrong that she didn't like how you did it, you will get attitude, get yelled at and a eye roll. Working there is like being at a high school I swear the director LIVES for the drama. A simple miscommunication between staff will turn into a HUGE argument (in front of the children) the minute she gets involves. We are grown adults and know when to tell another staff member that we/they messed up and boom the problem can be easily fixed. You will get blamed for things that you had no idea on what was going on, just to avoid a big issue/argument respond "okay" because you will get talked over. Your constantly getting mistreated in front of family and children, and hardly appreciated, doesn't realize how hard you work, you tell her that you feel overworked she will have an argument with you about it and makes you feel like you have to leave the place. Once in a while you'll get a Thank You. ALOT of favoritism (You'll notice) and pettiness. BIG hypocrite and will lie on half of the things she tells you and does to you and to other people, you wont realize right away but in a couple weeks you'll start to realize that it was a lie. The Family/Children are amazing! They just deserve better. If you like to be mistreated, disrespected, being lied to, overworked and with all of that you'll get an attitude feel free to work there. I promise you. Also, if you have school make sure its consistent because she will go back and forth with you on why and get mad if you need to change your school schedule and will get called a liar. There are better places out there.

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Murphy 2019-06-05 17:01:53
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

This daycare is far from what they claim to be! The director is so unprofessional & rude to parents. They send the kids home with parents a disgusting mess, even though we provide backup clothes. You never know what mood the director will be in from day to day, and she yells at her staff right in front of parents and the children! She also hands out personal resignation letters to the parents when staff are leaving the daycare! Totally unprofessional!

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Kate 2019-05-31 19:02:10
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

I have been at Sunshine Face Academy for two years and I now have other family and friends I referred and now attend. We all love the center and agree more families should be rating this center. Beware of some comments on here. As staffing she sets high expectation for the quality of care for children and I can see some being concerned, however I have witness the director letting staff go and explaining why and it's all to do with quality of care for the children. Nothing personal She is honest to a fault! She involves families in every aspect of the center. I feel comfortable with the way of the center is ran. Take some of what I say as well as others and judge for yourself. Some of these comments on here I have NEVER seen.That's way they have camera's. The places is full of happy children, another friend tried to enroll and they have a waiting list. If there was all this going on I would of seen it or heard it from teachers and families in the center. I did see the negative responses and I can say for my family this please is safe #1 and they care about your children. Ms. Angel is very serous about the health and well-being of the children, she makes sure children are not sick and passing it on to other children, which I appreciate. I have to WORK! I love the price it's affordable but it has great quality and many activities for the children not to mention the number of field trips the children go on throughout the year. They have great visitors like doctors, dentist,etc. Puppet shows, movie nights. ALL FREE! My oldest is graduating this year but my baby will still her at the center. I wanted to take the time to review this center because I never get a chance to thank them enough for doing a great job with my children and caring about me as a mother. My mother's day breakfast they gave was the best Mother's day ever!!!! Ms. Angel greeted me with flowers and the children made these great poems and girts for us. I can go on and on. I love this place!

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xxxx 2019-01-30 19:59:58
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

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User 2019-01-30 19:58:09
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

DO NOT apppy to work here!! DO NOT bring your kids here!!!!!!

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User 2019-01-02 14:15:37
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

Sickening to see this center even get one star. NOT at all what the advertising is. Please be aware. 

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user 2018-10-03 12:50:33

I give this program 5 star of worse experience in my life do not take you child over there believe me its the meaning of worst daycare I ever seen

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Monica L 2018-06-15 22:17:40
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

Place is very cleanly and in order. I was treated very well by staff and owner as well. We had nowhere to put my son and they squeezed us in no questions asked. My kid has been over all better behaved since staying at sunshine face academy.

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one hit wonder 2017-02-07 17:23:27
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

Absolutely love this place. Everyone there is top notch. The Director Angel is a sweetheart and truly knows how to run a professional business. The daycare has a real family feel to it and the kids always seem so happy to be there. One of the teachers there Carmen is great our son had a real hard time staying there at first with some separation anxiety, but has now build a bond with her that is truly unbelievable. The perk to be able to watch on your phone with the camera system and monitor the kids at any time is phenomenal. Thank you Sunshine face and I would recommend this daycare to any parent and if we have any more kids they are absolutely going here.

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Jordan A 2016-12-08 12:48:10

Do not send your children here do not apply to work here.
Angel Simmons Santiago was the director at the daycare in Brookline in 2008 who was threaten with a bomb because of the way she is to the parents and teachers once you are no longer employed by her she will not send your check and will speak to you even more rudely then she was when you were an employee she pays good so that people can come work for her but the pay is not good because she will always find some way not to pay you all your money she will have you cleaning and not clock out till after 6 almost 6:30 and you will never see it before you send your children here or work here please read all the reviews and look up her name as spelled save yourself the nightmare

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Mary R 2016-06-10 06:14:15

I called this place a few times and had left a msg with the employees for the director to call me back cause I wanted to go for a tour. A few wks later the director called me and we scheduled a tour. When I got there the director wasn't there and the teacher didn't know how to answer some of the questions. To begin with I didn't really get a good feeling after attempting a few phone calls and no answer until a few wks later. The place was ok, the classrooms are too small divided with a baby gates, didn't like that! A month later she called me back saying that she had an opening. First of all she never called me back to answer the questions that I had, and after reading all the bad reviews about this place I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my child there. To me it showed no professionalism!

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JackNtheBox 2016-05-25 19:08:12
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

Brought my 5 and a half year old here for 1 month. This place is the epitome of awful. My son told me he is mistreated by the staff and other children. When you drop your loved one off at a facility that promotes a positive learning experience and delivers the complete opposite it's only shows me these people are in it for a payday and not for the children. Parents beware.

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rubberduckies7 2015-11-20 01:13:04
I am an employee

Although the comment above is exactly what the owner makes it seem like, it's not true. their staff is not properly trained and ten yelled at for not doing something "right." the owner is very disrespectful to anyone who is not of color. The staff AND THE KIDS! she's so fake and puts on a show in front of the parents but when the parents are not there, she's extremely rude and yelling at the kids. she sets the teachers up to fail which ultimately is hurting the kids.

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Excited Parent 2015-07-14 15:58:11

Sunshine Face Academy center is beautiful with a lot of great activities for the children. Hands down was far better than the other center we visited.They location is perfect. What I really like about the center is the video monitoring that I can see my children while I'm at work or anywhere. Its hard as a parent to trust the place your sending your child. Having this extra security helps my husband and I greatly appreciate watching our child during her learning. They have a great food program with nutritional meals and snacks. The hours of operation are perfect for our work schedules. This classrooms were so bright and colorful with learning materials I would like to explore. I can say they never had a center like that when I was growing up. The director was energetic and friendly and has a clear understanding of education and what parents would like to see in their child's education. I can't wait for them to open up soon! They also have a waiting list for parents who are interested,

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