Description: SnoopeelandChildDevelopmentCenterwas founded in 1972 as an outreach ministry of Sunset Park Community Church. For nearly 40 years the center has served the local community, as literally thousands of children have passed through our doors.
Our aim is to provide a warm, safe place for children where they can grow socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We believe that a child’s self worth develops as they learn to be responsible for their actions and are shown respect and love.
Our trained and experienced staff helps your child learn by providing opportunities that encourage creativity and growth. They are here because they love children!
Snoopeeland is NOT a baby-sitting service, nor are we a substitute for the family home. Rather, we want to support and come alongside the families we serve to provide a safe, wholesome environment away from home.
In order to provide a well-rounded education, Snoopeeland features Bible stories in weekly chapel services as part of the learning experience. No reference is made to specific doctrines.
Our purpose and vision is centered around Snoopeeland’s ministry to the community. We are a Christian center, and while our staff is not required to profess a Christian stand, we expect them to follow the moral and ethical teachings of Jesus. Staff is selected with attention to qualifications, training, abilities, and moral and ethical standards.
As Snoopeeland is a ministry of Sunset Park Community Church, all the resources of the church are open to center families, including classes, activities, pastoral services, etc. For more information, contact Donna in the church office at 503-397-0535 or ask at the Snoopeeland office.
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Former employee: As a employee you work hard to help these children grow and interact. The company it self care's less of there employees. Many times I did not get my lunch or my ten minute breaks. Sometimes late because at first the didn't have scheduled made up till Monday, and I had Friday's off. Schedule was different every day. After taking car of different group of children and I loved that. But aid's are only paid 12 hr. Most teacher's 15 hr. Yet as a aid when teacher were talking to each other and not watching kids. I had to be on top of the kids not getting hurt. We're ever the wanted me I was there. Hard to get people to work there. So, we all are wore out. Some of the kids need more help then give. I had left for a better position, and was told DeAnn would give me a reference. Not knowing it would be negative. For all the hard work I gave them, and the children I love caring. I always was positive. They gave me a negative reference. I will not talk about what goes on between closed door's. But I am sadden by remarks given. Blessings to all the children there.