Siuc Marion Head Start - Carbondale IL Day Care Center

(618) 997-4255

About the Provider

Description: SIU Head Start is a program operated by Southern Illinois University Carbondale on a federal grant. The program is designed to serve children three to five years of age from families qualifying for Head Start throughout Jackson and Williamson Counties.

Head Start helps all children succeed by providing a comprehensive program that provides children with activities that help them grow mentally, socially, emotionally and physically.

Head Start recognizes that, as parents, you are the first and most important teachers of your children. We encourage you to participate in our program. We offer opportunities for you to become involved in classroom activities, in developing center programs, and direct involvement in the decision making of program planning and operation. We are hopeful that your experiences in Head Start will enhance your parenting skills and ability to make decisions.

Additional Information: Provider First Licensed on 09/15/11.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 351183
  • Capacity: 77
  • Age Range: 3Y TO 6Y
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Current License Issue Date: 2014-09-15
  • District Office: Department of Children & Family Services
  • District Office Phone: (877) 746-0829 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


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