Rising Generations Early Learning Center Largo - Largo MD Licensed Child Care Center

9700 Prince Place , Largo MD 20774
(301) 333-5343
3 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Welcome to Rising Generations - where we help your child make big strides in learning! Our goal is to provide your child with quality care and a strong educational foundation. Our website is filled with all the information you need to learn about Rising Generations and the difference we make in the hearts and minds of our children.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 122304
  • Capacity: 146
  • Age Range: 6 weeks through 17 months, 18 months through 23 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 15 years
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Phyllis E. Williams Elementary
  • District Office: Region 4 - Prince George's County
  • District Office Phone: (301) 333-6940 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.03.06A(1) Corrected
Findings: No evidence of several staff needing to be notified to OCC: Notarized Release of Information, Fingerprints, Medical reports and staff Orientation along with all qualifying information.
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.05.08A Corrected
Findings: Observed the infant room diapering pad having rips and torn.
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.05.12E Corrected
Findings: Observed large tree roots scattered throughout the playground needing mulch.
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.06.02 Corrected
Findings: Observed several staff files missing the staff orientation form.
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.06.04A(1) Corrected
Findings: Observed several new employee's files needing medical forms completed by their physicians.
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.06.04A(4) Corrected
Findings: Observed several staff members files needing a new updated medical.
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.06.09C Corrected
Findings: Observed 2 Preschool teacher missing their 12 hours of continued training.
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.06.12B(1) Corrected
Findings: Observed several aides missing 6 hours of continued training.
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.06.12B(3) Corrected
Findings: Observed several aides missing health and safety training for 2021-2022 year.
2022-03-30 Full 13A.16.09.03B(1) Corrected
Findings: Observed in room 7 access to a big plastic bag of stuffed animals needing to be removed.
2021-03-25 Mandatory Review
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2020-05-06 Other
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2020-03-04 Full 13A.16.03.05B Corrected
Findings: During a full inspection, LS observed staffing patterns that were not updated.
2019-08-19 Complaint 13A.16.08.01A(2)(a) Corrected
Findings: A complaint investigation was conducted on this date. The owner of the center reported to the office of childcare that a child sustained a gash on the right side of his forehead after falling on a stationary fire truck on the playground. The center provided the office of childcare the child's incident report, teacher statement and medical documentation.
2019-08-19 Complaint 13A.16.03.06A(2) Corrected
Findings: A complaint investigation was conducted on this date. The owner of the center reported to the office of childcare that a child sustained a gash on the right side of his forehead after falling on a stationary fire truck on the playground. The center provided the office of childcare the child's incident report, teacher statement and medical documentation. During the inspection LS reviewed associated parties list with administrator. There were employee's that no longer worked for the center still listed and the office was not notified of their departure.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Mommy 2014-10-03 14:11:14

My child began attending in 2013. The place is nice, clean and most of the administrative staff is professional. The kids wear uniforms and the meal plans they have aren't bad, and most teachers seem to genuinely care about the children. However, a lot of the teachers are very young and inexperienced and when I would drop my child off in the mornings, I didn't appreciate the type of conversations I would overhear or how a lot of them talked to the kids. Most of the teachers, because they lack the experience, can't handle a child that's not mild mannered. My child would come home repeating stuff, and when confronted they would deny it. Whenever you question anything that you don't like, they seem to get very defensive and show attitudes any time after that encounter. I had a problem with my child's teacher not being able to keep them busy and wasn't learning anything new. I requested that they be given extra work but it wasn't done. Instead, they said my child was disruptive and proceeded to dismiss/expel them from the center with no warnings or courtesy. When I arrived, the director wouldn't even come out her office to explain or come up with something to help the situation. It's a nice, safe place, but if your child is active and needs to be challenged, this isn't the right place. The teachings aren't individualized so if they're more advanced than the majority of their classmates and aren't learning anything new, you're out of luck.

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MissM. 2012-09-16 14:01:32

This is an awesome environment for children to learn and grow. From what I know, through experience, this daycare program is very well planned out and very beneficial for children. They provide meals for the children and a fun, loving environment. GOD Bless That Place.

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EziBaby 2011-12-11 18:25:43

This place is beautiful physically so it attracted me.  (1.)The curriculum isn't individualized. Meaning my kid knew her abcs, sounds of each letter in alphabeth, shapes and colors and 1-10numbers. So every week she goes home with coloring or count to 3 or color a shape kinds of homework. She wasn't learning anything new. (2.)Also they are not sanitary. They don't wipe the seats EVERYTIME between each kid usage. I know cuz I had several occasions were it wasn't there (confirmed by one of the teachers). (4.)Also they don't do a good job communicating. For example, staff said my kid was coughing yesterday so i should turn back cuz they noticed YESTERDAY that she was coughing. I was pissed cuz noone called me yesterday when they noticed it. So they waited until I got there in the morning and mess up my plans. (4.)When I picked up  My kid one day, he  had scratches all over his face  and the staff had no clue how it got there. No one was watching my kid. No first aid care, no calls when it happened. (5.)They gave my kid junks like high sodium an high sugar foods like vanilla wafers and koolaid, hotdogs, candies [harvest time] (no juice or low sugar snack). I complained all these but the director just defended the staff at all time. Nothing was changed or apologies given. This is an unsafe place and I want my kid out! This's plain ghetto. 

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