RGEC @ Collet Park Elementary School - Albuquerque NM School Age Program

2100 Morris Street NE , Albuquerque NM 87120
(505) 873-6035

About the Provider

Description: Our VISION at the Rio Grande Educational Collaborative (RGEC) is to dedicate our organization to preparing children, family and community for life-long success. The MISSION of RGEC is to leverage resources and opportunities to create a continuum of services to support the social and academic dreams of children, their families and their communities. We provide pathways to success through the development, application and management of services – primarily before and after school programs- to children from all walks of life.

Additional Information: Quality Rating: 2-STAR Basic Licensure; Environment: No Swimming Pool; Non Faith-based; Outdoor play area fenced; Special Needs: Program has strong commitment to inclusion;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 155707
  • Capacity: 82
  • Age Range: 5, 6-12 years old
  • Quality Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Languages Supported: English, Spanish; Bilingual
  • Type of Care: Part-Time, School Year
  • Transportation: Walking Distance to School; Transportation Not Provided
  • Schools Served: Collet Park Elem. - Albuquerque
  • District Office: Child Care Licensing - Central Region
  • District Office Phone: (505) 841‐4825 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


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