Kindercare Learning Centers - Waunakee WI Licensed Group Child Care

1100 Connery Cv , Waunakee WI 53597
(608) 850-7298

About the Provider

Description: Kindercare Learning Centers is a Licensed Group Child Care in Waunakee WI, with a maximum capacity of 154 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 Week(s) - 12 Year(s). The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 2003952
  • Capacity: 154
  • Age Range: 6 Week(s) - 12 Year(s)
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: Wisconsin Dept of Children and Families (DCF)- Child Care Regulation and Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 608-266-9314 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Violation Date Rule Number Rule Summary
2021-06-30 251.055(2)(b) Staff-To-Child Ratios - Minimum
Description: On 4-12-21 the infant 1 classroom was over ratio with 8 children to 1 teacher from 1:07pm to 3:15pm. On 4-14-21 the infant 1 classroom was over ratio with 5 children to 1 teacher from 2:48pm to 4:25pm.
2021-05-11 251.11(4)(b) Continuation License - Application Materials Submission
Description: At least 30 days before the continuation review date of the license, an applicant for license renewal shall submit to the department the following materials: 1. A completed license continuation application. 2. The license renewal fee and any forfeiture due and owing. 3. Any changes to center policies.
2019-05-03 251.06(10)(f) Bathroom Supplies
Description: The bathroom in the Preschool classroom did not have toilet paper by one of the toilets.
2019-05-03 251.06(7)(a) Indoor Space - Square Footage Per Child
Description: The Infant 1 classroom exceeded the number of children that can be in the classroom based on space in the room on May 3, 2019, when the square footage is for a maximum of 10 children and 15 children were in the classroom.
2019-05-03 251.09(1)(c) Infant & Toddler - Documenting Changes In Development
Description: Child care workers in the Infant Classroom had not updated the information on a child's development and routines within the last three months.
2019-05-03 251.05(4)(g) Mixed Age Group With Children Under Age 2 - Group Size
Description: During the monitoring visit, the center exceeded maximum group size for a mixed age group of children which includes children under the age of 2 years old in the Infant 1 Classroom, when the classroom had 15 children in the room.
2018-11-23 Licensing Second Probationary License Due To Noncompliance
2018-11-13 251.05(3)(f) Child Tracking Procedure
Description: The center closed the 2 year old classroom and moved these children to other classrooms. The center's tracking procedure did not identify where and when these children were moved.
2018-11-13 251.05(4)(f) Mixed-Age Group - Staff-To-Child Ratio
Description: The center was not able to show the licensing specialist the electronic documented records of the daily attendance records to review for October 29, 2018 to November 12, 2018 for mixed age groups when the 2 year old classroom closed and those children were moved to other classrooms.
2018-11-13 251.04(3)(b) Report - Damage To Premises
Description: The sink in Infant 1 classroom had a leak, this damage to the premise was not reported to the department in writing within 24 hours of finding the leak. The children were moved to Infant 2 classroom.
2018-11-13 251.04(5)(a)8. Staff File - Days & Hours Worked
Description: In reviewing the center's attendance records, documentation of staff days and hours worked when counted in staff-to-child ratios were not accurate, when staff were not documenting their arrival and departure times from a classroom.
2018-11-13 251.05(4)(b) Staff-To-Child Ratios - Minimum
Description: During the monitoring visit on November 13, 2018, the Toddler 2 classroom did not meet staff-to child ratios when one staff was providing care for 8 awake children under the age of 2 years old.
2018-11-13 251.05(3)(a) Supervision - Teacher Per Group Of Children
Description: During the visit on November 13, 2018, the infant 2 classroom had 4 awake children with one staff. This staff was not qualified as a child care teacher.
2018-09-06 251.07(6)(f)6. Current Authorizations For Medications On Premises
Description: A medication at the center intended for use by a child was past its expiration date and had not been returned to the parent or discarded in a safe manner.
2018-09-06 251.06(3)(c) Emergencies - Record Of Fire / Tornado Drills
Description: The center did not have a written record showing the dates and times when a tornado drill was practiced with the children for the month of July and August 2018.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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