North Side School - Jamaica NY Child Care - Pre School

(718) 298-6161

About the Provider

Description: North Side School is an independent, non-profit charter school specializing in education and early childhood development. Here at North Side we understand that the early years are vital to the establishment of skills that will enhance the learning process for the rest of the child’s life. However, we are also aware of the various needs and learning styles of each child, and are able to implement the educational process to meet the needs of each child. We recognize that every child’s individuality must be respected and nourished.

Our highly trained staff of NY state certified teachers and assistants instill a thirst for knowledge which provides each child with a solid foundation, preparing them for their futures. We take pride in seeing and meeting the student’s personality and intellectual needs, rather than viewing them as part of the classroom process. It is our goal to instill a desire to learn and provide the surroundings to feed that desire.

We offer a Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program to those children that are turning four years of age, as well as after school programs for those who are interested.

If you would like to enroll your child in North Side School, or would like more information as to our curriculum and services, feel free to navigate this website. We will be sure to provide you with any additional information you may need.

Additional Information: Years in Operation: 2

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 51784
  • Capacity: 85
  • Age Range: 2 YEARS - 5 YEARS
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: New York City Department of Health
  • District Office Phone: 311 or (212) NEW-YOR (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2020-03-06 Violations requiring correction within two weeks (Critical Violations) 47.49(a) CORRECTED
Brief Description: At time of inspection child care service facility observed Not maintained or in disrepair. Dry sweeping observed in areas occupied by children.
2019-10-23 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.41(j) CORRECTED
Brief Description: At time of inspection floors/walls ceilings were observed Not maintained; in disrepair or covered in a toxic finish.
2019-09-05 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.37(b)(1) CORRECTED
Brief Description: At time of inspection it was determined that child care service failed to ensure staff received required training within time frames and/or failed to maintain training records.
2018-11-20 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.25(a)(1) CORRECTED
Brief Description: At time of inspection child care service unable to document that all children enrolled have had an age appropriate medical evaluation.
2018-11-20 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.33(c) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Staff failed to obtain proof of immunization; Except for exempt staff, required staff immunizations were not submitted to child care service; records not confidential.
2018-10-18 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.41(j) CORRECTED
Brief Description: At time of inspection floors/walls ceilings were observed Not maintained; in disrepair or covered in a toxic finish.
2018-09-13 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.25(a)(1) CORRECTED
Brief Description: At time of inspection child care service unable to document that all children enrolled have had an age appropriate medical evaluation.
2018-09-13 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.41(j) CORRECTED
Brief Description: At time of inspection floors/walls ceilings were observed Not maintained; in disrepair or covered in a toxic finish.
2018-09-13 Minor violations (General Violations) 81.17(e)(2) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Walls and ceilings doors windows and interior components of food storage food preparation and utensil-washing areas are smooth and Non-absorbent constructed of hard light colored material easily cleanable and in good repair
2017-07-14 47.33 (b) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Violations requiring correction within two weeks (Critical Violations)<br/> At time of inspection it was determined that child care service allows staff to perform their duties that are not healthy or are incapable of carrying out their duties. Staff medical clearances are not maintained by child care service.
2017-07-14 47.33 (c) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Minor violations (General Violations)<br/> Staff failed to obtain proof of immunization; Except for exempt staff, required staff immunizations were not submitted to child care service; records not confidential.
2017-07-14 47.37 (a)(1) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Violations requiring correction within two weeks (Critical Violations)<br/> At time of inspection it was determined that child care service failed to ensure staff received required training within time frames and/or failed to maintain training records.
2017-05-03 47.41 (j) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Minor violations (General Violations)<br/> At time of inspection floors/walls ceilings were observed not maintained; in disrepair or covered in a toxic finish.
2017-02-02 47.37 (b)(1) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Minor violations (General Violations)<br/> At time of inspection it was determined that child care service failed to ensure staff received required training within time frames and/or failed to maintain training records.
2017-02-02 47.37 (b)(2) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Minor violations (General Violations)<br/> All teachers have not received training in infectious disease control and reporting.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

Providers in ZIP Code 11432