Niagara Falls Boys and Girls Club, Inc. - Girard - Niagara Falls NY School-Age Child Care

6431 Girard Avenue Cataract Elementary School, Niagara Falls NY 14304
(716) 278-7181
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Our Mission... Through health, social, educational, cultural, character and leadership development activities, the Niagara Falls Boys & Girls Club assists youth to develop and achieve maximum potential as a human being. Through safe, structured and enjoyable individual, small group and large group programming, boys and girls grow in self-esteem and are instilled with a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and understanding the power of influence

Additional Information: This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only; Initial License Date: 9/4/2007;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 315370
  • Capacity: 40
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Niagara Falls School District
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2007-09-04
  • Current License Issue Date: 2019-09-04
  • District Office: Community Child Care Clearinghouse of Niagara
  • District Office Phone: (716) 285-8572 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2022-04-26 Violation 414.11(c)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: The registrant must prepare a health care plan on forms furnished by the Office. Such plan must protect and promote the health of children. The health care plan must be on site, followed by all staff and available upon demand by a parent or the Office. In those instances in which the program will administer medications, the health care plan must also be approved by the program's health care consultant unless the only medications to be administered are:
2022-03-09 Violation 414.4(a) Corrected
Brief Description: Suitable precautions must be taken to eliminate all conditions which may contribute to or create a fire hazard.
2022-03-09 Violation 414.4(b)(4) Corrected
Brief Description: The program must maintain on file a record of each evacuation drill conducted, using forms furnished by the Office or approved equivalents.
2022-03-09 Violation 414.8(l)(4) Corrected
Brief Description: When a school-age child care program cares for children in groups including children both over and under 10 years of age, the teacher/child ratio used must be that ratio applicable to the youngest child in the group.
2022-03-09 Violation 414.11(c)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: The registrant must prepare a health care plan on forms furnished by the Office. Such plan must protect and promote the health of children. The health care plan must be on site, followed by all staff and available upon demand by a parent or the Office. In those instances in which the program will administer medications, the health care plan must also be approved by the program's health care consultant unless the only medications to be administered are:
2021-10-27 Violation 413.3(g)(3)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: The Office shall require the child day care program to immediately post upon receipt, in a prominent place at the program that is visible to parents, a copy of the most recent compliance history report issued to the program by the Office.
2021-10-27 Violation 414.11(a)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: The program must obtain an individual health plan for any child identified as a child with special health care needs, prior to the child being in attendance at the program.
2021-10-27 Violation 414.11(c)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: The registrant must prepare a health care plan on forms furnished by the Office. Such plan must protect and promote the health of children. The health care plan must be on site, followed by all staff and available upon demand by a parent or the Office. In those instances in which the program will administer medications, the health care plan must also be approved by the program's health care consultant unless the only medications to be administered are:
2021-10-27 Violation 414.14(k) Corrected
Brief Description: All child care programs must have at least one staff person who holds a valid certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid on the premises of the program during the program's operating hours.
2021-10-27 Violation 413.3(g)(3)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: The Office shall require the child day care program to immediately post upon receipt, in a prominent place at the program that is visible to parents, a copy of the most recent compliance history report issued to the program by the Office.
2021-10-27 Violation 414.11(a)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: The program must obtain an individual health plan for any child identified as a child with special health care needs, prior to the child being in attendance at the program.
2021-10-27 Violation 414.11(c)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: The registrant must prepare a health care plan on forms furnished by the Office. Such plan must protect and promote the health of children. The health care plan must be on site, followed by all staff and available upon demand by a parent or the Office. In those instances in which the program will administer medications, the health care plan must also be approved by the program's health care consultant unless the only medications to be administered are:
2021-10-27 Violation 414.14(k) Corrected
Brief Description: All child care programs must have at least one staff person who holds a valid certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid on the premises of the program during the program's operating hours.
2020-02-20 Violation 414.5(a)(1)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: The program must take suitable precautions to prevent the following: serious injury of a child while in care at the program or being transported by the program;
2020-02-20 Violation 414.11(h)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: The program must immediately call 911 for children who require emergency medical care and also must:

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Anthony Salvo 2016-06-05 06:19:39
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

I will like to meet somebody my own age
The person can meet you

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