Description: Little Learners Educational Center is committed to providing an environment of trust and respect between the Little Learners family and your family. We take pride in the highest quality curriculum that enhances the emotional, physical, social, and cognitive development for each
The focus of Little Learners Educational Center is to develop a nurturing environment and challenging curriculum that promotes development and focuses on early childhood learning. Many studies suggest that high-quality early learning programs improve the likelihood of
success throughout a person’s life. Here at Little Learners children will receive an excellent educational foundation that will serve as a stepping-stone for their formal education.
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I'm very disappointed with this center! My son is in the 2 year old room and my wife and I are currently looking for a nanny. My son has been through 4 teachers in the past two months. There is no consistency at this day care. I can understand staff comes and goes but 4 in 2 months is insanity! Obviously there is a problem with the owners if they can not keep staff. However, that is not the only issue, the classrooms are all over crowded and there are usually over 10 children per teacher which is unsafe. Thumbs down!!