Little Duck Day School - Florham Park NJ Regular Child Care Center

(973) 822-8100

About the Provider

Description: Our goal at Little Duck Day School is a simple one we strive to provide the same quality of care that your child would receive at home. While in our day school, your child’s welfare and development is our primary mission.

The staff at Little Duck Day School have taken deliberate steps to encourage each student to experience their personal potential. Our attentive staff makes every effort to stimulate and engage every child and to promote learning in a fun way in which each student can reach their age-appropriate academic aptitude. Little Duck Day School encourages the academic, emotional, physical and social development of your child in a safe, stable, happy, respectful and healthy environment.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 14LIT0015
  • Capacity: 87
  • Age Range: 0 - 6 years
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Current License Expiration Date: 2024-09-22
  • District Office: New Jersey Dept of Children and Families - Office of Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 1-877-667-9845 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Cited Date Abated Regulation Number
2023-04-20 2023-04-20 3A:52-5.3(r)
The center shall take any steps required by the Office of Licensing to correct conditions in the building or center that may endanger the health, safety, and well-being of the children served.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all staff purses are out of reach of children throughout the center. Technical assistance was given.
2023-04-20 2023-05-23 3A:52-6.3(b)(3)(iv)(1)
For early childhood programs, the following shall apply, feeding requirements for centers serving children less than 18 months of age are as follows: for bottles, each child's bottle(s) shall be labeled with the child's name and dated.

Violation Observed: Ensure that each child's bottle is labeled with the date in the infant room.
2023-04-20 2023-04-20 3A:52-6.4(g)(2)
When sheets, blankets and other coverings are not stored with sleeping equipment, each of these items shall be stored separately for each child.

Violation Observed: Ensure that nothing is stored on top of cots throughout the center. Technical assistance was given.
2023-04-20 2023-05-23 3A:52-4.8(a)(1)
Topics of orientation training shall include supervising and tracking all children, as specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-4.3(a).

Violation Observed: Ensure that all staff are retrained in not leaving their purses accessible to children and storing items on top of children's cots throughout the center. Submit to OOL all retraining documents with staff signatures.
2023-04-20 2023-06-20 3A:52-5.3(a)(19)
Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: the center shall test for the presence of radon gas in each classroom on the lowest floor level used by children at least once every five years and shall post the test results in a prominent location in all buildings at the center, as specified in N.J.S.A. 30:5B-5.2.

Violation Observed: Complete radon testing in every room on the lowest floor used by children and post the results in a prominent location.
2023-04-20 2023-05-23 3A:52-5.2(c)
If the center prepares meals, the center shall obtain a satisfactory Sanitary Inspection Certificate, as specified in N.J.A.C. 8:24, indicating that the kitchen is in compliance with the applicable requirements of the State Sanitary Code. The center shall maintain on file the Sanitary Inspection Certificate.

Violation Observed: Provide a current health certificate as required.
2023-04-20 2023-05-23 3A:52-3.4(a)
The sponsor or sponsor representative shall secure comprehensive general liability insurance coverage for the center and shall maintain on file a copy of the insurance policy or documentation of current insurance coverage.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the center has a current comprehensive general liability insurance policy and maintains the documentation on file.
2023-04-20 2023-05-23 3A:52-4.6(a)
The center shall maintain on file a Staff Records Checklist designated by the Office of Licensing, as specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-4.1(b), indicating that the center has obtained documentation of the applicable staff education and experience, as specified in 3A:52-4.6(b) through (d).

Violation Observed: Ensure that the center completes and maintains on file a Staff Records Checklist designated by OOL.
2023-04-20 2023-05-23 3A:52-4.10(a)(1)
The sponsor or sponsor representative, and each staff member shall complete a signed consent form provided by the Department that indicates the identifying information necessary to conduct a CARI background check, including the person’s name, address, date of birth, sex, race, and Social Security number. Pursuant to the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579), the Department shall advise each such person that the disclosure of his or her Social Security number is voluntary, and that the Social Security number will only be used for the purpose of conducting a CARI background check.

Violation Observed: Ensure that CARI background checks are completed as required for all staff within two weeks of hire.
2023-04-20 2023-05-23 3A:52-4.11(a)(1)
As a condition of securing a license or Certificate of Life/Safety Approval, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall ensure that a Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) fingerprint background check is completed for himself or herself, and for all staff members at least 18 years of age who are or will be working at the center on a regularly- scheduled basis, to determine whether any such person has been convicted of a crime, as specified in P.L. 2000, c. 77 (N.J.S.A. 30:5B-6.10 to 6.17). The sponsor or sponsor representative and each staff member shall complete the electronic fingerprinting process through the vendor authorized by the State to conduct CHRI background checks through the Division of State Police in the Department of Law and Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all staff, the sponsor and/or the sponsor representative complete a CHRI background check as required.
2023-04-20 2023-05-23 3A:52-5.3(a)(17)
Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: all televisions and computers shall be secured on a stable surface and shelving shall be secured and not be overloaded.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the microwave is secured to a stable surface in room 2 (toddler room).
2023-04-20 2023-04-20 3A:52-4.5(c)(2)(i)
The director or his or her designee(s) shall be on the premises at all times when the center is operating and the designee shall not have full-time classroom responsibilities during the times when the director is not present at the center.

Violation Observed: Designate a director designee for whenever the director is not present at the center and ensure that the director designee does not have full-time classroom responsibilities during the times the director is not at the center.
2022-11-10 2023-05-23 3A:52-4.6(a)
The center shall maintain on file a Staff Records Checklist designated by the Office of Licensing, as specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-4.1(b), indicating that the center has obtained documentation of the applicable staff education and experience, as specified in 3A:52-4.6(b) through (d).

Violation Observed: Ensure that the center completes and maintains on file a Staff Records Checklist designated by OOL.
2022-11-10 2023-01-09 3A:52-4.10(a)(1)
The sponsor or sponsor representative, and each staff member shall complete a signed consent form provided by the Department that indicates the identifying information necessary to conduct a CARI background check, including the person’s name, address, date of birth, sex, race, and Social Security number. Pursuant to the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579), the Department shall advise each such person that the disclosure of his or her Social Security number is voluntary, and that the Social Security number will only be used for the purpose of conducting a CARI background check.

Violation Observed: Ensure that CARI background checks are completed as required for all staff within two weeks of hire. The center shall ensure 6 CARI clearances completed.
2021-10-14 2022-01-25 3A:52-4.10(b)(2)
When the center applies for a new or renewal license or Certificate of Life/Safety Approval, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall submit to the Department the completed CARI consent forms for all staff members who are or will be working at the center on a regularly scheduled basis. Until the results of the CARI background check for a new staff member have been received from the Department, the center shall ensure oversight of the new staff member by another staff member, and ensure that person is not left alone to supervise a child or group of children.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all staff who do not have a completed CARI background check are directly supervised by another staff member. The soccer coach on the playground was left alone with the children.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Providers in ZIP Code 07932