Lil Britches Child Care Center - Lewisburg WV Regular Child Care Center

340 Fair St , Lewisburg WV 24901
(304) 793-5437
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Lil Britches Child Care Center is a Regular Child Care Center in Lewisburg WV, with a maximum capacity of 33 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 0 Years 1 Months - 13 Years 0 Months. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • Capacity: 33
  • Age Range: 0 Years 1 Months - 13 Years 0 Months
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Current License Expiration Date: 2024-09-30
  • District Office: West Virginia Dept of Health & Human Resources - Division of Early Care and Education
  • District Office Phone: (304) 558-1885 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: TAMMY FRAZER

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Corrective Action Plan Start Corrective Action Plan End Outcome Code Issue Completed Date
2022-08-31 Pending
Non Compliance Code: 12.1. Center does not exceed licensed capacity
2022-08-31 Pending
Non Compliance Code: 13.5.h.2. Use zones extend and meet specifics described in rule
2022-08-31 Pending
Non Compliance Code: 19.7.a. Center has a plan for evacuating center in emergency posted
2022-08-31 2023-06-29 Achieved 2023-06-29
Non Compliance Code: 12.1. Center does not exceed licensed capacity
2022-08-31 2023-06-29 Achieved 2023-06-29
Non Compliance Code: 19.7.a. Center has a plan for evacuating center in emergency posted
2022-08-31 2023-06-29 Achieved 2023-06-23
Non Compliance Code: 13.5.h.2. Use zones extend and meet specifics described in rule
2021-06-02 2021-12-16 Achieved 2021-12-16
Non Compliance Code: 13.5.h.2. Use zones extend and meet specifics described in rule
2021-06-02 2021-12-16 Achieved 2021-12-16
Non Compliance Code: 19.4.b. Periodically, staff checks roster to ensure children are present
2021-06-02 2021-12-16 Achieved 2021-12-16
Non Compliance Code: 19.10.a. Equipped with band aids, a non mercury thermometer, gauze, and pencil and paper
2021-06-02 2021-12-16 Achieved 2021-12-16
Non Compliance Code: 20.4.b.2. Surface of play area in an equipment use zone is composed of:
2019-02-21 2019-05-01 Achieved 2019-05-01
Non Compliance Code: 10.5.c.1.A. During nap time for children up to 12 months of age
2019-02-21 2019-05-01 Achieved 2019-05-01
Non Compliance Code: 10.5.b.1. Staff/child ratio and single age group size are maintained
2019-02-21 2019-05-01 Achieved 2019-05-01
Non Compliance Code: 10.5.c.1.B. During nap time for children over 12 months of age
2019-02-21 2019-05-01 Achieved 2019-05-01
Non Compliance Code: 10.3.c. Groups of children are assigned a qualified staff member
2019-02-21 2019-05-01 Achieved 2019-05-01
Non Compliance Code: 10.5.b.2. Staff/child ratio and mixed age group size are maintained

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


CJ Cole 2019-09-11 17:50:10

I have always been told that you should make sure you are calm before you react. So with that being said after taking a breather calming down and thinking about how to handle this situation I have decided to give a review. Today my 4 year old child was to report to lil Britches daycare after school. By way of the Public school transportation system. My wife had visited the facility three different occasion's doing paper work meeting the staff and introducing my child to the faculty. She even went a step further than what I believe needed to be done in letting the daycare know that her bus would be there at 3:05 pm the evening prior (Someone is required to meet the bus and pick up the students) And on top of that the school lets them know as well as lets the parents know by way of letter and bus boarding pass attached to the childs book bag. At 3:27 I get a phone call telling me that I need to come to the Pre K and pick up my child because the bus returned her there do to no one being at the stop to get her. Now to some this may seem minor but to parents who were already upset about her being in a new place, riding a bus for the first time, going to a different day care then she was used to, this is a very big deal. So I go pick her up and my wife called the day care. She was told that the reason that know one was there was because they had other children at the bus stop with them and it started raining so they had to take them to the building. No apologies issued or anything. My wife told them that they would not receive the payment for that days services. end of Conversation. SO I call and want to speak to the person in charge. I have a conversation with Mrs. Bowling. I explained who I was and that I was upset about the situation. Her reply was that it was the Bus Systems fault because they had been told that the time for drop off was 3:30 3:45 and she told me a few other times as well that I dont remember. Im sorry I dont accept that excuse. When I know that a staff member at that facility was told not only by my wife once but several times. And Im sure that the school told them as well. But I can only speak for my family no one else. I explained that I wanted to know why there was noone there to pick up not only my child but the oher three children as well he response was there was only 3 not 4 children. I dont care if there was only 1 why was there not an adult there to get them??? and when I told her that the first person told my wife that the reason that no one was there was due to weather she agreed that that was true. Never offered an apology or anything and when I told her that my child would not be attending the facility her response was that is fine we dont advertise for after school programs its usually only for siblings.(SOMETHING THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID WHEN WE SIGNED UP) With that all said my child is the most important thing to me beside God and my Wife. When you are paying and trusting others to provide care for her and they fail at that job before it even gets started. That is a clear sign to me that they dont need to care for my child. I am sure that the people who own and work here are good people I dont question that. you would have to be to care for children it takes special people to do that job. I am just disappointed that this is how this situation ended. When it comes to kids especially in the way the world is today You cant afford for little things like this to happen. All it takes is one small slip up and they are either gone, hurt, or worse.

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Providers in ZIP Code 24901