Lee Road Baptist Child Development Center - Taylors SC Child Care Center

1503 E. Lee Road , Taylors SC 29687
(864) 292-3947
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Lee Road Baptist CDC offers the best solution for the childcare needs of parents:

A wonderful, Christ-centered preschool program
Full day, year-round child care
Christian based curriculum
Weekly chapel time
After school program

We accept children from six weeks old to four years of age for our preschool program and children K5 through 5th grade for our after school program. We also offer a full day camp in the summer as part of the after school program.

Our center is open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. In addition to employee screenings our facility security requires a code for entrance into the CDC building. Tours of the facility can be scheduled by contacting Dawn Allnatt, CDC Director.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 21443
  • Capacity: 113
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Current License Issue Date: 2022-02-11
  • District Office: South Carolina Dept. of Social Services - Division of Child Care Services
  • District Office Phone: Moore, Teausha (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: (864) 250-5568

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Type Date Deficiency Type Severity Resolved
Complaint 2023-12-07 Center Definitions High Yes
Review Follow Up 2023-08-24 Feeding, Eating, and Drinking High On Site
Review Follow Up 2023-08-24 Rest Equipment High On Site
Complaint 2023-05-25 Ratios High On Site
Complaint 2023-05-25 Center Definitions High On Site
Complaint 2023-04-18 63-13-40 Background checks for employment High Pending
Complaint 2023-04-18 Sleeping High Pending
Complaint 2023-04-18 Outdoor Space Medium Pending
Complaint 2023-04-18 Ratios High Pending
Complaint 2023-04-18 Center Definitions High Pending
Complaint 2023-04-18 Center Definitions High Yes
Complaint 2023-04-18 Ratios High Yes
Complaint 2023-04-18 Outdoor Space Medium Yes
Complaint 2023-04-18 Sleeping High Yes
Complaint 2023-04-18 63-13-40 Background checks for employment High Yes

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Shaun 2016-06-02 20:25:59

I would never use this daycare facility. State law says they are suppose to have 1 teacher per no more than 17 students. This place sometimes has over 25 to 30 students per one teacher. With that many you will need two to a room. They have a lot of people that call out sick. The staff is not trained in cpr or resuscitation as they should be. They also employed a teacher for a good while who slapped kids two years old pushed their faces against fences. The director Dawn Alnott allowed this to go on. She is suppose to run this place, however you will always find her off during business hours doing anything but work. Going to get her car washed etc. She also pays atleast two employees under the table in cash so they can avoid taxes. They also continuously have employees payroll checks bounce. Dawn also takes out taxes on employees but for some reason doesn't show up on the disabilbilty if an employee applies for short term. So where does this money go that she takes out on them. She also fired an employee for being pregnant told her once she starts showing she has to go because this employee is not married. Then fired this employee two weeks later and said they were over staffed. So she lied cause she knew she could be sued. Well if this place is so over staffed how come they don't have enough employees to cover the kids by state law. So the director lied even though her sister works there and father as the cook. Her sister lived with an employee who worked there but the rules are no living together out of wed lock. But dawn let that slide. Her father sexually harasses the staff there. Nothing is done. So this woman is a liar who runs this day care. I would not send my child there now that I know this. Dawn Alnott husband is on numerous dating sites looking for woman under an alias. But suppose to be as happy as they can be. Social services is investigating this place as we speak so is the IRS. they are bout to have a lawsuit filed against them. my kid wouldn't be caught dead at this place knowing what I know about their director. She is horrible person claims to be a Christian.

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