Leaps N Bounds South Pad - Sapulpa OK Child Care Center

1520 S. Main , Sapulpa OK 74066
(918) 512-6955
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Leaps N Bounds Childcare, LLC provides a safe, nurturing, loving and developmentally appropriate program; which fosters active learning, support for the whole child and a friendly enviroment.

Additional Information: Rated 2 Stars.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: K830024864
  • Capacity: 45
  • Age Range: 0 - 11 Months, 12 - 23 Months, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years, 5 Years, 6 Years and Older
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Daytime Hours, Weekend Hours
  • Transportation: Children's Schools, Field Trips
  • District Office: Oklahoma Dept of Human Services - Child Care Services
  • District Office Phone: (405) 343-9980 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Lisa Scheuer

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type/Purpose Corrections
2021-05-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2021-05-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. Will take out the trash in the bathroom which contains the diaper. Will ensure all diapers are disposed of in trash can with lid.
Correction Date: 2021-05-28
Description: 340:110-3-304(h)(1)(A) - containing soiled diapers or disposable training pants or food waste, are leak-proof, non-absorbent, and covered with tight-fitting lids when not in continuous use;

Diaper in trashcan in the bathroom without a lid.

2021-03-26 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. Will ask all parents for updated shot record. Will have parents complete new compliance file notification forms. Will ensure that compliance file notification forms are completed annually.
Correction Date: 2021-03-30
Description: 340:110-3-281.4(b) - Child records. The child record requirements listed in (1) through (16) of this subsection are met.

Missing one immunization record for child in care. Compliance file notification forms have not been updated this year.

2020-10-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. Will be making other staff at the center effective immediately. Will send all required paperwork to licensing worker at all times.
Correction Date: 2020-10-30
Description: 340:110-3-284.1(b) - Director. The program employs an individual who meets these position specific requirements.

Director has an expired Director's credential as of 9/4/20.

2020-10-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. Will complete courses and have staff complete courses and submit to CECPD. Will ensure that all staff have current OPDL at all times.
Correction Date: 2020-12-11
Description: 340:110-3-284(b)(3) - Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder. Prior to or within 12 months of employment, teaching personnel obtain and maintain a current Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder (OPDL) certificate, per OAC 340 Appendix FF Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder.

Two staff with expired OPDL.

2020-10-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. Corrected at time of visit. Hand washing procedures were posted at time of visit. Will ensure all classrooms have hand washing procedure posted.
Correction Date: 2020-10-28
Description: 340:110-3-281.1(g) - Post near sinks hand washing procedures. The program posts DHS Publication No. 14-02 Hand Washing Procedures Using Paper Towels or DHS Publication No. 14-03 Hand Washing Procedures Using Mechanical Hand Dryers, where individuals can read the publication while washing their hands. However, the program may modify the publication or develop a document, provided the procedures remain the same or are exceeded.

Two classrooms with no hand washing procedures posted.

2020-10-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. Corrected at time of visit. Diaper changing procedures were posted at time of visit. Will ensure that all classrooms that do diaper changing will have procedures posted at all times.
Correction Date: 2020-10-28
Description: 340:110-3-281.1(h) - Post in diaper changing areas - procedures. The program posts DHS Publication No. 14-04 - Diaper Changing Procedures, where individuals can read the publication while changing diapers. However, the program may modify the publication or develop a document, provided procedures remain the same or are exceeded. Item is paper only.

Two classrooms with no diaper changing procedures posted.

2020-10-19 Complaint
Partial Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2019-12-19 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. Wheelbarrow will be throw away this day. Will ensure that playground toys are in good repair at all times
Correction Date: 2019-12-19
Description: 340:110-3-302(a)(2)(C) - maintained in a safe condition that prevents hazards, such as splinters, loose parts, protrusions, and sharp edges;

Play wheelbarrow on the playground with hole and sharp edges.

2019-10-17 Complaint
Partial Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2019-10-08 340:110-3-281.2(c)(8)(A)
Substantiated Complaints
Plan: Typed for director. Will log injuries on Poison and Injury log every day before the end of the day to ensure that all injuries are documented. Will write first and last names of children on the injury and poison exposure log.
Description: Additional Non-Compliance Found During the Investigation. Program Records and documentation: Injury and Poison Exposure log incomplete due to no full name and 3 injuries not logged.
2019-08-20 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. One teacher has submitted as of 7/22/19. Will have meeting with other teacher that has expired OPDL as this was noncompliance at last monitoring visit. Will have teacher provide verification of training or will have teacher take required training and submit to CECPD. Will ensure all teachers have current OPDL at all times.
Correction Date: 2019-10-08
Description: 340:110-3-284(b)(3) - Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder. Prior to or within 12 months of employment, teaching personnel obtain and maintain a current Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder (OPDL) certificate, per OAC 340 Appendix FF Oklahoma Professional Development Ladder.

Two teachers do not have current OPDL.

2019-08-20 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. Director has informed maintenance of the hole. Will inform HR of the noncompliance's documented and work order will be written. Facility will be kept in good repair at all times.
Correction Date: 2019-08-24
Description: 340:110-3-300(z)(2) - walls and ceilings are free from holes and peeling paper and paint; and

Hole in wall accessible to children in 1 year and old classroom.

2019-08-20 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. Will have meeting with teacher. Will have teacher completed within the week. Will ensure that all teachers complete ELCCT within 90 days.
Correction Date: 2019-08-23
Description: 340:110-3-284(d)(5) - Entry Level Child Care Training (ELCCT) or equivalent. Prior to, or within 90 calendar days of employment, teaching personnel hired after August 1, 2003, complete an approved entry-level training listed on the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR) website, such as ELCCT. However, this training is not required when previously received, unless the individual has not been employed at a licensed program within the last five years.

One teacher has not completed ELCCT within 90 days.

2019-06-19 Complaint
Partial Inspection
Plan: Typed for director. All documentation was submitted to CECPD. Ms. Knight states that she resubmitted some training. Ms. Knight will ensure her Director's credential is current at all times.
Correction Date: 2019-07-01
Description: 340:110-3-284.1(b)(2) - Position specific responsibilities. The director is:

The director has an expired Director's credential as of 6/15/19.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Anonymous 2017-10-24 14:48:58
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

Very poor daycare. Not very professional. Dirty, always stinks when you walk in the door. They talk behind your back. They do not respect parents wished. Things gets lost. A lot of miscommunication between teachers and parents. Twist parent words around. If they don't want to watch your child they will make up excuses for you to come and get them. They will give your child another child's bottle, nipple, binky. When you say something to them about it they act like you are the one who is wrong. Kids always has runny noses to the point that it is going into their mouth, when I would say something about that they act like it is going to be a big deal to get a tissue and wipe their noses. They have employees who has children that go to the daycare and they will let them be in the daycare sick and contaminate all the other children. Please do not take your child to this daycare. They don't care about you or your kids. They are just there for a paycheck

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