Kohl's Corp Child Development Ctr - Menomonee Falls WI Licensed Group Child Care

N56 W17000 Ridgewood Dr , MENOMONEE FALLS WI 53051
(262) 703-7300
3 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Kohl's Corp Child Development Ctr is a Licensed Group Child Care in MENOMONEE FALLS WI, with a maximum capacity of 236 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 Week(s) - 6 Year(s). The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: 3 stars. Initial License Date: 3/7/1999. Open Jan - Dec.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 1000522
  • Capacity: 236
  • Age Range: 6 Week(s) - 6 Year(s)
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: Wisconsin Dept of Children and Families (DCF)- Child Care Regulation and Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 608-266-9314 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Violation Date Rule Number Rule Summary
2020-12-17 Licensing Direct Forfeiture: $200
2020-11-12 251.04(2)(m) Health, Safety & Welfare Of Children
Description: On 11/11/2020, a 2yo child was given dairy milk to drink. Child is allergic to dairy milk and is to receive a dairy substitute per physician documentation.
2020-02-18 Licensing Orders Letter
2020-01-23 251.07(3)(a)5. Indoor Equipment - Intended Use
Description: On January 22, 2020 a child fell off a changing table. The changing table is manufactured so the head of the child is placed on the enclosed top end of it. The child had been placed opposite where the child's head was near the open end of the table, in which the child was able to push themselves off with their feet resulting in sliding off the table and landing on the floor.
2020-01-23 251.04(4)(a)2.c. Parent Notification - Injury, Consumption Of Allergen, Incorrect Medication
Description: On January 22, 2020 when a child slid off the changing table and hit their head on the floor the parent was not contacted immediately, the staff member first picked up the child finished diapering then parents were contacted.
2020-01-23 251.055(1)(a) Supervision Of Children
Description: On January 22, 2020, two children were not closely supervised to guide behavior and activities, to prevent harm, and ensure safety for approximately 5 minutes when they were able to walk out of the outdoor play-space and enter the parking lot area. Rule included on Direct Forfeiture dated 7/19/18.
2019-06-20 251.05(3)(c) Close Supervision Of Children
Description: Staff did not provide adequate supervision guide the children's behavior and activities, prevent harm and assure safety, when a child climbed up the slide with a piece of wood then slid the wood down the slide, striking a child playing at the bottom of the slide, in the mouth.
2019-02-07 251.05(3)(f) Child Tracking Procedure
Description: The center did not follow their policy on child tracking. Each classroom tracks the name, number and whereabouts of children by using their attendance sheet. In one classroom 8 children were present however only 6 children were signed in. In another classroom 10 children were present however only 9 children were marked in on the sheet.
2019-02-07 251.04(6)(b) Current, Accurate Daily Attendance Record
Description: In two separate classrooms the attendance was not current an accurate. In one classroom 8 children were present however only 6 children were signed in on the attendance sheet. In another classroom 10 children were present however only 9 children were signed in on the attendance sheet.
2018-09-12 251.09(4)(a)3. Infant & Toddler - Diaper Changing Surface Disinfection
Description: A changing pad in Infant Room 1 has a small amount of exposed foam, therefore it is not a cleanable surface.
2018-07-19 Licensing Direct Forfeiture: $100
2018-06-27 251.06(2)(d) Access To Materials Potentially Harmful To Children
Description: Laundry detergent, Tide Pods and large bottles of Dawn dish soap are located on a shelf in the laundry room which is accessible to children.
2018-06-27 251.05(3)(c) Close Supervision Of Children
Description: A child who put a Tide Pod in his mouth was not closely supervised as the teacher was not able to guide his behavior to prevent harm and assure safety.
2017-08-01 251.07(2)(e)3. Prohibited Actions - Physical Restraint, Restriction, Enclosure
Description: A child care teacher restrained a three year old child by tying a blanket around the child's waist to a chair. The child's hands and feet were free however the child was not able to move from the chair.
2017-03-07 251.04(5)(a)3. Staff File - Caregiver Background Check Results
Description: Three out of nine files reviewed did not list aliases when running the caregiver background check.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Grandparent Feb 01, 2017
I have toured this provider's facility, but have not used its services

To Clarify, This pertains to one room only:

> The 2016/2017 4K2 Site 1 "classroom" (4k2@kohls.com) RATES ONLY ONE STAR for unimaginative activities and lack of worker interest in providing appropriate learning.

> The other "classrooms" rate all of 5 STARs.

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Tara2 Jan 25, 2016
I am an employee

I have worked at the Kohls CDC for over a year and have been very disappointed as an employee who had heard such great things. This center has no understanding of a work/life balance and makes zero efforts to partner with it's employees. My main issue has been the complete lack of flexibility. When you work with children you are going to get sick, it's just part of the job. All of my previous centers have accepted doctors notes and this one does not. You are also only allowed 3 sick days before you build up occurances which can keep you from getting promoted for at least a year or get you fired. I got a really bad inner ear infection that made me so dizzy I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs let alone chase after children and got occurances for missing work despite both common sense and and doctor saying there was no way I could be at work. Even if you have an illness that the center itself will not allow you to come to work with you will still get penalized for not being in your classroom. If they really cared about their teachers they would understand that keeping us healthy helps keep the children safe and healthy as well.

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A parent Dec 04, 2015
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

The glowing portion of our experience with the Kohl's CDC includes: clean environment, activities offered are fun and interesting, food choices are healthy and differ day to day and a few of the teachers I've encountered are wonderful and pleasant to communicate with. Those select teachers and special instructors, I feel, truly care about children.

The downsides: a few teachers and "leads" do not encourage a true partnership with parents or guardians, disrespectful behavior coming from a few teachers and "leads", children are not valued as unique individuals, and you truly feel like your paycheck is all that matters here. The CDC does not take a kind, considerate, progressive approach to child care. Teachers talk about children in front of other children. Teachers nitpick every little thing that may 'go wrong' during the day; yet when something truly alarming happens, it's not that big a deal. Although some of the activities are great, that doesn't matter if basic child care is not there. We knew that our child was not cared about because when our child left the center, it was like any other day: 'see ya.' Overall, all things considered - both the bad and the great - I could not in good conscience refer anyone to this child care center. I'd read reviews prior to us sending our child here but what I saw the first day enchanted me. I was wrong to dismiss the reviews. The disturbing unfortunately outweighs everything else.

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ChildcareCenter.us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

Providers in ZIP Code 53051